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My First Orgasm

Posted by: Age: Teen Posted on: 45 comments
46 likes 26 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: masturbation, sex, orgasm, clit, vagina

I was visiting with a friend the other day and during the course of the conversation she told me that she couldn't remember the first time she actually masturbated and gave herself her first orgasm. How could that be?? I would never forget that! 

It was world changing for me! 

This is that story.

If you've read my previous submissions then you already know how my parents handled conversations about sex and anatomy. These conversations usually had a tone of being educational without being formally clinical and relative without being overly sexualized. Most of these conversations were very casual and a matter of fact but there were a couple of times that my mom and dad sat me down on the sofa and had a more formal conversation. It was these times that my mom brought out two books. An old health and anatomy curriculum book that I can't recall the name of and the ever so famous first edition Joy of Sex with its glorious illustrations. 

As a young teenage girl going through puberty, I was miserable. I was one of those girls that the very second I was aroused I would drench the gusset of my panties! That warm and fuzzy tingle between my legs and the insatiable itch of my clit could wake me from a dead sleep and compel me to rub furiously until it subsided without the relief of an orgasm. 

I was in a special kind of hell.  

It was one summer morning that I had one of these episodes. My mother and I were going to go shopping that morning but I was still in bed locked in a battle of wills between me and this monster between my legs. My mother, wondering if I had gone back to sleep, came to check on me and when she opened the door caught me laying on my back in bed with the covers down to my ankles and my hand buried in my pajama bottoms! Of course she was initially shocked but then her facial expression relaxed...

"When you're done, get dressed and ready to go, okay sweetie?" and then she shut the door behind her. 

I was soooooo embarrassed.

When I sheepishly did emerge from my room, my mom greeted me at the front door with a smile and out the door we went. The shopping trip went about as normal as any other outing with my mom but things felt a little different. 

Later that evening my mother sat next to me on the couch with two books I didn't recognize. The previously mention books. My father followed and sat in his favorite chair. Uh oh.... here it comes.

"Nicole, I know you know this stuff", my mother started... "but we feel like we need to explain some things so that you can make good choices." Oh... God! I knew what was going on. A sex talk! 

It seems silly now but I seriously thought that my parents were going to call me out for masturbating earlier!

My mother held up the first book that showed the male and female genitals with labels and explanations. I knew all this from health class but I guess my mother felt a need for review. 

"Our bodies and genitals are nothing to be ashamed of..." my dad interjected. My mother then grabbed the other book... and proceeded to do a head spinning deep dive into what I like to call... the mechanics of sex. Holding the Joy of Sex wide open in her lap she covered everything from male arousal and erections to penetration and ejaculation. 

It was all I could do to keep my teenage brain from exploding.

"Sex feels good... blah blah blah... and then there's masturbation". Now that stopped me in my tracks!

My dad went on to explain the basics how when boys masturbate they are typically aroused through visual stimulation and then stroke there erections until they orgasm and ejaculate. Wow!

My mother then set the Joy of Sex down and grabbed the other book still open on the illustrations of the male and female anatomy. one full page dedicated to each. Mom held the book open with one hand and with the other began circling and rubbing the clitoris as if masturbating it and explaining the female arousal and how the vagina self lubricates. It kinda made sense.

Then she turned the page to show a side view, cut-out displaying the reproductive organs, anus and rectum. She pointed to the vaginal wall and explained that there was... "a spot right about here that can be massaged during masturbation or penetrative sex that will make you orgasm." The G-Spot.

Mind... blown.

After a short Q 'n A, the conversation fizzled out. What didn't fizzle out was my arousal from the conversation and the tingling between my legs that ensued. I don't think I fooled either one of my parents when I excused myself from the living room and headed to my bedroom determined to do battle once again with the monster in my pursuit of my first orgasmic relief!

Shutting my bedroom door behind me, I quickly dropped my skirt and gusset-soaked panties to the floor and climbed into bed. I worked my fingers against my clit, fiercely determined to reach that pinnacle that had so frustratingly eluded me! Jolts of electricity took the breath right out of my lungs as I maneuvered my finger around my button. 

My vaginal opening was slick with my own lube and I easily penetrated myself. I searched my inner vaginal wall, eagerly worming and curling my finger up and down and then in and out hunting for my elusive g-spot. Then it happened.

I found it! 

I don't know that I was really doing anything that I hadnt done a hundred times before but for some reason, this time it worked.

My brain caught fire and my vision narrowed as if in a tunnel. I panted heavily and tried as hard as I could to resist the urge to cry out! I don't think my teenage brain could process all the new and intense sensations because for a few moments I felt like I was going to pass out! Waves of near orgasms washed over me until I felt one so powerful swell up from my pelvis to the back of my head that I cried out uncontrollably as the orgasm hit! I contorted and twisted myself into a pretzel and damn near fell off the bed.

I don't know how long I laid there but eventually I had this undeniable urge to pee. I steadied myself and walked into the hall and toward the bathroom. Passing by my parents open bedroom I glanced in to see my mother sitting at her vanity where she gave me a passing look and smile as I continued on. She knew. 

I had slayed the monster.



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