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My First Experience With a Black Man

Posted by: Author: Age: 39 Posted on: 3 comments
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I still can't believe I did this.
I'm married to a great guy, we have no children and we live in Cairns Australia. Quite often US Navy ships visit Cairns and they advertise on the local radio station for people interested in inviting a sailor to their home for a family meal. Well, one sunday we thought that might be a real nice thing and we responded. The ship in Cairns was the USS Blueridge, we had no idea that most of the crew were black, but we picked up our guy and headed home. He had a great afternoon swimming and playing pool with my husband. We had a great dinner that evening and Joel (our sailor guest) said he did not have to be back on board until Monday at 11:00am. So we suggested he stay the night, and as I was not working the Monday I could drop him back to his ship. The next morning I awoke about 7:00am and my husband had already left for his work. I started to get breakfast ready and thought I had better wake Joel. I knocked on his door and called out but there was no response so I opened the door and looked in. He was lying asleep on top of the bed totaly naked and I saw he had the most gigantic penis I have ever imagined. I quietly closed the door and went back to the kitchen. I found I was shaking and very excited. I remember discovering that I was rubbing myself between my legs. I went back to the bedroom door (it took a little while to work up the courage) and again knocked and called him, again no response so again I opended the door. He had not moved but his penis was now much larger and almost fully erect. I really started to get excited and started to rub myself, I then noticed his eyes had opened and he was watching me. He smiled and beckoned me towards him. I have never been unfaithful to my husband but I went straight to Joel and held his huge penis, it took both hands to encircle it. His hands went under my panties and his finger went into my very moist vagina. I almost came instantly. He rolled me onto the bed and removed my panties, he put my hand back on his penis and inserted two fingers into my wet vagina. By this time I was starting to go wild (definately not like me). I started pulling his shaft up and down and his fingers were pumping into me as I had the wildest climax that I can ever remember. I kept pulling him and then he groaned and shot a huge load of sperm onto me just as I climaxed for the second time. I know if we had the time he would have somehow made love to me. I felt very guilty for some days afterwards, and didn't tell my husband what had happened. I did however tell a very close friend about my guilt and he explaned to me that I had nothing to feel guilty about as I had only really masturbated with him and did not have intercourse. This is a great opportunity to tell people about this really exciting event and I think I would do it again.



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