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My First

Posted by: Age: 13 then Posted on: 4 comments
7 likes 17 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags: cum, alone, boy, backstage, naked, undress, humping

The earliest of my masturbation highlights. The moment I learned that every alone time could or should be a naughty time.

I learned how to masturbate when I was 13. In between dry orgasms, I was slowly developing into a more experienced masturbator, although with not that much frequency. I didn't feel the need to jerk off that much back in the day, but when I did, it was really intense. And most of those times, alone in my house, in the safety of my bedroom or shower. All that slowly started to change in this story I'd like to share, where the calculated risk means more excitement.


At the end of my 8th grade, there was always a two-day theater festival that happened in my school. My play was on the second day, a Sunday, but one of my teachers asked me if I could be a background extra during a couple scenes on Saturday and I agreed. I lived quite near the school and went there on my bike in the late afternoon since that play was the first, around 7pm.



Arriving there, I had no idea what to do. The teacher just handed me my costume which was some sort of medieval peasant with a large shirt with flared cuffs and a loose brown pair of pants. I remember the backstage being a mess with parts of each scenario mixing with ones from other plays. Shout out to the teachers and staff for putting it all together.



After some excruciating 30 minutes of standing up and barely moving around in between scenes with my only lines consisting in hailing the king along with all the other extras, the play finally ended. I had no interest in staying to watch the other plays since I still had to read my actual lines for tomorrow at home in a last minute effort to memorized parts I was struggling. As I was leaving, I had no idea in where to return my costume since that backstage was a mess and I didn't want to disturb anyone with a dumb question like this.



My junior high school had this great auditorium in a place annexed to the main building. I grabbed my bag with my own stuff and left to the actual school, as I wanted to leave the costume in my own locker and retrieve it on Monday only. As I was venturing through the depths of that place, all dark and silent since everyone was at the auditorium, I stumbled upon the right place to return my costume. It was a meeting room transformed into some sort of warehouse, containing the clothes and parts of the scenario for the next day.



They had ropes tied on the ceiling along with spotlights plugged in to be tested and the floor absolutely covered in layers of puffs and pillows for whatever they were going to use the next day. I lighted a single spotlight to guide me and started undressing, leaving that awkward shirt on a hanger. As I was untying my pants, I really noticed the rope on the ceiling and thought to myself "why not have some fun". I closed the door to avoid being seeing (by who I don't know) tried climbing the rope. As I felt it was safe enough, I started swinging and remember having a great time.



As I thought to myself "alright enough, let's go" I climbed myself to the top, swung and let go, falling to the ground and onto the giant pile of pillows and puffs. Some of them were sort of heavy and I found myself buried in them. When I tried leaving, my pants were getting pulled and eventually I let go, staying only with my underwear on.



That was enough for me to start getting hard and it was really fast. I had my penis fully erect in an instant, already pressing on my underwear. Damn I felt like a machine getting really turned on because all of a sudden I had this unexpected horniness filling my whole body. The problem was that I had this idea that jerking off anywhere else but home was "forbidden", but as I mentioned in my introduction, I was growing more experienced. I had situations in the past that I could have masturbated in random places but I didn't, following this stupid rule I made in my mind.



This time I really wanted to let myself go, the first "Fuck it" moment of my life. At that time, I didn't really care much for taking my time and making everything more enjoyable so I just stripped my underwear off and started masturbating. In a completely new environment, I didn't know where to sit or lay down to make it more comfortable. I just crawled myself in between those puffs and pillows, occasionally humping my dick on them. What I remember finding absolutely exciting was closing in my foreskin and having the humping act expose the tip of my penis again. I did that repeatedly until I knew I had to go faster.



I found a place right beneath the spotlight, comfortable enough so I pressed my butt onto a puff and carved it down, so my back was sorta arching, while not laying down completely. Having the light directed right onto my penis got me so damn excited that I remember wasting no time and knew I had to jerk off to completion. I grabbed the tip of my penis and went up and down vigorously with my whole body tingling, then I felt the spasms growing until I finally let go. Small droplets of cum squirted everywhere and some even hit the pillows around. I honestly didn't care and, remember, I was 13 years old. I wiped my penis off on some random pillow, grabbed my bag, got dressed and rushed off.



Nowadays I understand more the risk of those actions. As I was in an early cum phase, they didn't stain but even if they did, at that time I wasn't concerned. I also didn't think in advance that they would find my costume there and possibly link whatever mess I made there to me and that would get me in serious trouble. In my mind, cum and that "jerking off smell" would go away, like at home.



The next day I played my regular part, with my parents watching. Teacher congratulated me and nothing more really happened. I don't know if they ever found out what happened in that room but if for whatever reason you are a teacher or staff and recognize these events, please let me know.



From that age on, most of my completely alone moments turned out to be great masturbatory sessions.




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