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My Favorite Way to Masterbate.

Posted by: Age: 23 Posted on: 7 comments
13 likes 21972 views Category: Masturbation Female Techniques Tags: masturbating, stuffed animal, watching myself.
I've been masturbating different ways for many years, but my favorite ...

I've been masturbating since I was a young girl, but as I got older, I tried different ways to make it feel better. It always felt good, but I knew that there had to be something that would make it amazing. I couldn't get toys for fear my parents would find them. I was a teenager when I found this technique worked for me, and I'm 23 and I'm still doing it. I take off all my clothes, and I stand in front of a full length mirror. I watch myself as I lightly run my fingers over my tits, then pinching my nipples because I get very aroused when they're touched. I love it when they're sucked, but all I can do is pinch them, and play with them. When I run my hands down my body, I look at my reflection, and I get even more turned on. My long hair always feels good on my bare back, and I always get a flushed, exciting look on my face. I get on my knees, and spread my legs out far enough that would impress most guys ... and I touch my belly with my left hand. I love to press my hand over it, hard. It feels so good, especially if I have a full bladder. I keep my hand there, while I take my right hand and tease my pussy. I gently tickle it until I'm wet, throbbing, and desperate to orgasm. Before I learned this little trick, I usually gave in to that feeling, and although it felt good, great even ... it wasn't earth shattering. So I slow down for a minute, and I reach for my stuffed dog, that has a long nose, and a very hard plastic part on the end of his nose. He's been my stuffed dog since I was younger. Only when I was younger, he was just for decoration in my room. Now his purpose is slightly better. I lie on my back, making sure I can still see myself in the mirror, and I take my stuffed dog's nose and run it across my clean shaven pussy. I used to get a bikini wax ... but a few months ago, I had them wax it all off, and it's the best feeling in the world. I also have a pretty pussy that doesn't need to be covered in hair. So Doggies nose gets inserted in my pussy, and I move it in and out until my hips are thrashing around, and I'm so wet I'm dripping. I take my other hand, and play with my clit. The combination of the two ... my finger and the stuffed doggies nose ... brings me to the earth shattering orgasm that I need. It's even more intense when I watch myself in the middle of the orgasm. It turns me on even more. I have been using my stuffed dogs nose so much this week since I've found this site. Now, from talking about it, I feel it's time to do it again. My panties are soaked, and it's dripping down my leg. My nipples are hard and need to be touched. I'm not sure Doggies nose will have to do much tonight. I'm already close to an orgasm ... this should feel amazing.



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