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Matches Fetish Part Two

Posted by: Age: 45 Posted on: 0 comments
1 likes 2155 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: matches, aroused, smell, jerking
Using matches to make me cum

One day when I was 16 This girl friend of mine who knew I had a matches fetish came over to play and spend time with me. She came over and had a back pack with her. She came into my room and we just sat on my bed and talked for a while. Then she smiled at me and said you know that I know you have a matches fetish sexually. I was embarrassed but smiled and said yes how did you know about that because I had never told anyone especially not her.

She said well your sister told me about it. She told me that she had caught you masturbating with them. I became nervous and a little scared but I said yes I do have a matches fetish. She then asked me if I would like to experiment a little as she had brought in her back pack a bunch of different types and sizes of matches. She said let me try it with you I want to see if and how it works and what kinds of matches make you cum.

Again I shook a little and my voice was shaky at best. She said come on I won't hurt you it will be fun. I agreed to try. She asked me to get naked and lay on the bed. She opened her back pack and started taking out brand new matches. She had large book matches, large fire place matches, and large kitchen matches. She selected the kitchen matches and began striking them near my penis. OMG I got hard almost instantly. It tickled so much. She said well that works pretty good. She lit 5 more then started to grab the box of fire place matches. She struck them hard making them pop on the long box. I could smell the strong sulphur smell she blew the match out the smoke passing my cock making me throb hard. She lit five of these.

Then she grabbed a large book of matches and struck the matches hard making them pop on the match book. The smell of all of the matches was very intense and I began to feel my cock wanting to spurt my cum. She leaned over and said well which matches made me tickle the most I told her they all did but the kitchen matches actually made me tickle the best. She grabbed the box and began to strike them one after the other. Faster, harder, she lit them hard so they popped on the match box then blowing them out towards my nose.

She grabbed my cock in her hand and started rubbing and jerking it she told me you better cum soon. I said or what she just smiled and said you will see! I started rubbing my cock as she continued striking matches I could feel the tickles building hotter and hotter like an endless high voltage then all of a sudden I shot a whole load of my sticky white cum everywhere. She smiled at me and said wow it really does work. She said that was cool. She said can we do this again some time? I said he'll yes. She said maybe next time she could bring a couple more of her girl friends to help strike the matches. Just the thought of that made me arroused again



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