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Masturbating Watching TV

Posted by: Age: 63 Posted on: 11 comments
14 likes 33 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: solo masturbating

Masturbating in front of my wife - again

It has been about 4 years since my only other story.  If you read my prior story you will know that I am in a zero-sex relationship with my wife of over 40 years.  We have not had sex in 6 years!  Oh my.  She had cut back our sexual activity to once every ten days down to once a month, to zero.  As I grew bolder, I just started masturbating more and more, whether she was in the room or out of the house.


I masturbate at least once a day - sometimes twice a day - like now, as I type with one hand and stroke with the other.  



Anyway, a little background, or set up as it were.



When I was a kid I would somehow slip off my boxers in my sleep.  I don't know how, but this would happen a couple of times a week.  As I got older, I just went with it and started masturbating when I woke up.  Fast forward to marriage and the little "lost underwear" problem occurred with even more regularity, my wife got a kick out of it actually.  I used this little quirk to my advantage and would sometimes do it just to get naked in bed.  Over time, I would also stroke my cock as she slept beside me.  One particular evening I was stroking my cock, thinking my wife was beside me in bed asleep - but no, she had gotten up to pee and when she returned to the bed, she could not help but notice what I was doing.  The next morning she confronted me with masturbating in my sleep - so I had a new trick at my disposal.  I quickly acknowledged that often I would masturbate in my sleep and sometimes woke up stroking away.  I worked this story for several years, deliberately masturbating in "my sleep."



Over the years I have arranged several jack-off fantasies and for the most part they have all worked out well for me and if I may say so, for her as well.  My wife is happy for me to masturbate as long a I don't ask her to join in or even touch her.  One fantasy I have had over the years is to masturbate in the TV room, which in our house is in the front.  We never close our shades so anything we do is wide open to the public.  Sadly other than possibly seeing me masturbate when my wife is out at the gym or shopping, there is NOTHING to see!



So last night, after years of set-up, losing my boxers while sleeping, masturbating while sleeping, I decided to execute my plan.  Usually I go to bed long before my wife, I have to get up at 5:00 AM to be at my job by 6:00 AM.  But occasionally I will stay up if we are watching a movie or one of the YouTube channels we like.  At any rate, last night I went to the back and stripped down to my boxers, brushed my teeth and returned to the front room to say goodnight.  I pretended interest in the chick flick she was watching, but of course I didn't care, it was just an excuse to sit in the chair and slowly doze off.  



After 20 minutes or so, I slowly started stroking myself through my boxers.  My erection got stronger and even produced a little precum, which is great fun.  Later, I raised my ass off the seat and removed my boxers and my erection was there for any and all to see.  My wife was sitting at the breakfast nook so she would have to get up to actually see fully what I was doing.  Unless she was using stealth technology she didn't get up for the next hour, so I continued to slowly stroke myself.  By this time it was about 1:00 AM and she got up to do her dishes, which is when she noticed for the first time what I was doing.  



She called out my name and said what the heck are you doing.  I "woke" with a start and tried to cover up but there was nothing to grab hold of.  I was about to explode so as I seemingly gathered my senses about me I said Oops, I guess I was masturbating in my sleep - AGAIN!  I stood up and finished myself off, but surprisingly it took me another 8 to 10 minutes before I actually came.  Sadly there were no late night neighbors coming home so no one actually saw my little show.



As stated before my wife is happy for me to masturbate and this was no different.  We had a good laugh and I trundled off to bed, still naked.   



This morning I was so excited about my performance that I produced another load which I deposited on the sheets.  That is another little "trick" I do.  When she makes up the bed later, my side of the sheets are glued together, so she knows I masturbated in the morning.




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