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Masturbating On The School Bus

Posted by: Age: 14 then Posted on: 20 comments
44 likes 46 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Female, solo, masturbation, masturbating on school bus

I masturbated on the school bus to combat the long, boring ride home.

When I started high school, I hated how my school bus route was planned.  I was the FIRST stop on the way to school, but the LAST stop coming home.  During my freshman year, my friends all got off the bus way ahead of my stop.  To escape boredom, I would sometimes read, close my eyes, or just stare blankly out of the window to the free world.



The route was filled with random bumps and rumbles.  One day, I had my eyes closed, and it must have just been how I was sitting.  The bouncing and vibrations at one particular spot hit between my legs just right.  I opened my eyes, getting aroused.  As usual, there were only a few people left on the bus, all in the first several rows.  We had assigned seats, and I sat near the halfway point.  I was wearing jeans, and the tightness of the denim near my crotch was rubbing me with every little imperfection in the road.  My senses were heightened.





It felt so good, and I wanted to take care of the things, but I was scared of getting caught.  I put my backpack on my lap and undid the button on my jeans.  I slipped a hand down my bikini-cut undies.  I was plenty wet, and I spread the wetness to my clit.  Carefully rubbing away, I kept my eyes on the driver and the oblivious people in the seats ahead of me.  I couldn't get all the way to orgasm by the time my stop came around.  Luckily, at home, I was able to go up to my room to finish what I started.





Masturbation became a regular option to fight my boredom on the bus.  Every session had the same outcome: undo my pants, shove a hand down, button up, go home, and finish.  I stopped putting my backpack on my lap since I found nobody could see or was paying any attention.





A good weather day eventually turned up, and I was excited to put on a skirt.  It was an innocent clothing choice for the day.  I just liked to wear skirts and dresses and summer shoes.  It wasn't until I sat down on the bus on the way to school that I realized how wearing a skirt might have an added bonus.





Finally, the end of the school day came, and I was on the bus home.  I was getting all worked up with anticipation.  Before long, the last of the people behind me got off the bus, and I could now get down to business.  I took my flip-flops off and positioned myself kind of in the corner between the seat and window.  I hiked my skirt up around my waist and slid my undies off, placing them inside my backpack.  My bare bum was now on that leathery vinyl seat.  I spread my legs and began rubbing my eager, sopping wet pussy.





I glanced occasionally toward the front of the bus to ensure nobody was wise on what I was doing.  Everyone looked just as apathetic as always.  My motions gradually quickened, and I was now rubbing my boobs from under my shirt with my other hand.  My nipples were pointy and pressing through my bra.  The sexual pressure was building to that out-of-control moment, and I could tell today would be the day that I would finish on the bus.  Just then, the orgasm came on quickly.  I shut my eyes, clenched my knees together, and fought so hard not to scream.  I contained my screams to a whimper, but if anybody were looking, they would have seen that look of beautiful agony on my face.





I was in my own little utopia without anybody realizing what I did.  As my stop approached, I slid over and pulled my skirt down, leaving my undies in the backpack.  There was a noticeable wet spot on the seat from where my pussy inevitably make contact with it.  I used my hand to spread it out in an effort to make it less obvious, which seemed like a good idea.  I hurried down the aisle and said, "Bye," to the driver, knowing that my face was blushing.





For the rest of the school year, I continued to masturbate on the bus.  My first orgasm is the strongest and still my favorite memory from those times.









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