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Late Night Nursing

Posted by: Age: 67 Posted on: 5 comments
7 likes 12 views Category: Masturbation General Tags: nurse

Recuperating in hospital after shoulder replacement

I was in the hospital recovering from shoulder surgery earlier that day. Around 2 in the morning the attendant, a small Filipino lady comes in and says you need to make pee now. She has a bed urinal and hands it to me but it takes two hands to use one because you know ...shoulder surgery. So she flips up my gown holds the bed urinal in one hand and holds my cock in the other sticks my dick in the urinal and says make pee now. So I try and nothing. She repeats make pee now. So I try and try and try and nothing. So she takes my dick and wiggles it a bit. I am starting to have some response and it's not to make pee. She gives me a little side eye and says you need to make pee. I try and try and nothing. She says ok we have to do Foley catheter.


She leaves and comes back pushing a trolley with a variety of stuff on top. She pulls my gown up and starts wiping down my cock, balls and groin with alcohol. Feels great and I am enjoying all the cock handling by  a little  Filipino lady. The catheter is a flexible tube with a stiff rod down the middle. She starts preparing it squirting a thick lube all over it out of a tube. She has my attention. She's holding my cock again and pushes the catheter into the tip of my cock and through to my bladder. Then pulls the rod out and attaches it to a bag. No pee. She rubs my belly a bit and wiggles my cock a bit with her lubed hands. No pee but cock is responding a bit with all the holding and handling and little Filipino lady. She gives me a bit of a dirty look and says you stop beeing bad boy won't work if you get excited. Still no pee. She says the catheter is coiled and says push push push as she again holds my cock while pulling the tube out, which is not an unpleasant sensation. She says must try again.



So it's more alcohol rub down, cock holding and handling, pushing rods and tubes down my cock and still no pee. Cock is now about halfway to erect. She says you are bad sexy boy stop being bad, you have to make pee. So she pulls it out again and leaves. By now I am completely in love with her.



She comes back and it's her , two other Filipino attendants, and a Filipino nurse who is certainly annoyed that she is needed here. So now this is a teaching opportunity. I am lying there on my back with my half-hard cock out, the nurse is between my legs, and the others are crowding around so they can get a good look. Another alcohol rub down, more cock shaking and wiggling, more holding and handling, more tube and rod being pushed into my cock. No pee. The original attendant is saying you see it's coiling. The head nurse says just wait it is not coiling; that clearly means shut up. So they're all crowding around looking expectantly at my half-hard cock with a hose coming out of it. Some more belly rubbing and cock wiggling...and pee is jetting into the bag. Everybody is happy and smiling, relieved. So teaching moment over and everybody leaves and I am left lying there to drain. The lubricant was going into the hose blocking the pee until the pressure of the pee dissolved the plug.



So half an hour later original lady comes in to check on me, and is very happy to see the nearly full bag. I feel that her and I have a deep relationship having shared so much cock holding and wiggling, belly rubbing, alcohol rub-downs. Pushing rods into my dick, but she is just going about her job. She disconnects the bag, I know what is coming and getting a little stiff again she is saying push push push, holding my cock and pulling the tube out. She pulls my gown into place and is getiing everything in order on her cart. She's about to leave and she comes to the side of my bed and slips her hand under my gown. She squeezes the head of my cock and strokes the shaft a few times as she smiles at me. Then bends over and I feel her lips on my ear and she says you have big cock sexy bad boy then turns and leaves pushing the cart out of the room. I am like wtf? WTF?




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