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I Love To Show Him To Others

Posted by: Author: Age: 38 Posted on: 7 comments
10 likes 13467 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: thick cock, friend, watching, suck, "my children"

For years now my man gets nude as soon as he's home. I must admit I love the sight of his cock swaying back and forth, he is 5 inches long when soft, which isn't too often and 7+ inches when erect, the usual state. It's special attraction, for me, is the girth. At the base he is nearly 7 inches and the beautiful head is 6 and a half. He's uncut so I just love to see the foreskin drawn back to expose the big head. I can't keep my eyes off it, nor my hands. John and I were lying in bed once, with my hand drawn, like a magnet, stroking him and feeling the weight of his cock and balls combined. I suddenly realised why he was hard all the time, with that weight swinging between his legs, it was bound to happen. God I'd like to experience that. Anyway, that's enough background for now. Obviously, over the years, quite a few women have seen him naked and erect. John is not at all shy and doesn't cover up, just carries on as if it were just the two of us. It's usually the women who are embarrassed, though they can't seem to stop staring. My best friend, Sarah, wondered how I felt about this. We don't have too many secrets between us. I told her that I am totally cool with this. In fact I find I like it, I am always turned on by it, and we have had some wonderful sessions afterwards. I know that Sarah sometimes calls around just to see his beautiful cock, not me. She told me. Now with him being hard so often, he has to jerk off every day. I love to watch him, especially when he is about to orgasm, his face shows pure ecstasy and he shoots so much cum, it makes me wet just picturing it. I was talking to Sarah about this, girls do this guys and she said she'd seen him hard often enough, it was a shame she'd never called at the right time. That night, in bed, I mentioned this to John, and he said if she wanted to watch, she could. I had somehow always assumed that he would be embarrassed by this. Now I look back, there was no logic in this, it was just an assumption. To be fair to John, he just isn't phased by being naked in front of anyone and has never used the occasion of a visit by a friend or neighbour, as an excuse to jerk off in front of them. in fact, he has deliberately not done so in case it offended me. After that conversation with Sarah, I decided to give her an opportunity to call when John was masturbating. She was around in minutes. It was late afternoon, and John had been hard for hours. You should see how hard and upright it gets, almost touching his tummy. It's magnificent and such a turn-on. He had started to slowly stroke the length of his cock, when I called Sarah. She needn't have rushed around so quickly because there was plenty of time yet. For the first time I saw a look on John's face, when she saw him, which seemed to be assessing the situation. I kissed him on the cheek and whispered, " She wants to watch." With that he carried on and it seemed to me that his cock was even harder,thicker and absolutely at 90 degrees. Sarah and I just sat on the couch, eyes glued to his hand action and the big glistening head as he drew back the foreskin. I don't remember much conversation at the time, everyone was lost in concentration. As John neared orgasm, he had both hands around the shaft and increased the tempo, until, suddenly, he erupted and sent 5 or 6 jets of cum flying across the room. The first landed at Sarah's feet and covered her right foot. John was standing almost 10 feet away, so that was some shot. I glanced at Sarah's face and it was a picture. Eventually she said," I have seen that big thing many times, but I never imagined how far and how much it could shoot. I have got to see it more often." Which caused a stir in the rapidly deflating cock. Now John usually needs some time getting hard again, so I thought I would tease him a little when cleaning-up. I usually suck his cock clean so I called him over and took him into my mouth. This usually lasts a minute or so, while I lick the cum from him. This time, probably because I wanted to show him off more, I took much longer, pausing to turn to Sarah on the pretext of checking if I had missed any bits. Talking about his cock and stimulating it with my mouth and tongue, added to the fact that Sarah was just a foot or so away from it and staring, soon had him stirring again and he was hard in minutes. John came again, just 10 minutes later. Not as much or with the same force, but just 10 minutes. Sarah was impressed and just like her, she announced it and smiled. Since then I have made sure she visits at the right time, on a number of occasions.



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