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I love having clamps on my big tits

Posted by: Author: Age: 21 Posted on: 1 comments
7 likes 3530 views Category: Masturbation Female Techniques Tags:

I am a college student at the moment and last year I thought of a way to make myself focus on my work and be more productive. I bought clover nipple clamps as I heard they pinch extremely hard, and I decided I would put them on my nipples until I finished my work. The first time I did it it was agony. It did make me work a lot faster though! For a while it worked... The problem is that I gradually started to feel very aroused by the sensation of having my nipples in clamps; it started to really turn me on and make me wet. I started using clamps during masturbation and soon my tits started to crave the feeling more often. I've got my spartacus clamps on my nipples now and they're making me want naughty things...



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