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How I Accidentally Discovered My Erection Part 2

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In part one I accidentally discovered my erection. From that day forward I was hooked on the sensations and wonderful feelings my erection could give me. In this installment, I recall more masturbation memories over the next couple years.

My visual connection to my manliness was my hard and excited erection!  From that day forward, I would masturbate while just admiring my hard excitement! I loved watching the sperm spurt out of my hard dick at the most intense moment! My new desire was to have the pleasure often and make the pleasure last longer! I learned over time to experience arousal for longer and longer periods of time followed by an more and more explosive orgasm! 

From that first time I really looked at my erection I loved how it looked, I loved how it felt! After my second orgasm that my own hands caused, I almost always watched my hands pleasuring my erection until my cum spurted out onto my stomach or onto my leg. 

I would say that 95% of the time I would watch my massive and “manly” erection receive its pleasure on the road to orgasm! I loved this! 


Within a year of this introduction I had to “pleasuring myself”,  I remember going underwear shopping with my mother. I looked over at my mom at the precise moment she had her hand up next to her mouth like she was telling a secret. She was pointing to me when I saw her lips say quietly to the sales lady that, “He is big down there”. To my knowledge she had never seen my erection. Apparently even my non-erect penis was larger than what she expected at this age? My flaccid penis was definitely 5-10 times larger than my older brother’s (one year older) And younger brother’s (4 years younger) penises. Maybe my brothers told her?

We left the store with boxers. From then on, the whitey tightes went away. I liked boxers, my dick had freedom and space. When I got an erection it never again felt crammed into my underwear.😀😀 Because my erection was no longer crammed into my whitey tighties I got more frequent erections which of course I loved very much!


About that time in the summers I remember building cardboard “spaceships” out of two or three stereo boxes 2.5ft wide x 4 ft tall x 5ft long. Our favorite show was “Lost in Space.” We would drag the boxes home 3-4 blocks from the stereo store and cut doors and windows in them while drawing spaceship controls on the inside of them with crayons….lots of fun! 😀 A few times when my brothers were not around I’d go into the “spaceship” to play…sooner or later I’d contemplate that I was alone. Playing spaceman was fun, but thinking about the possibility of masturbating in the spaceship box would sooner or later overtake my thoughts. 😀😀  I remember the cardboard smell as I pulled my pants down and enjoyed myself. I’d massage the sperm all over my chest and tummy. Our cardboard spaceship became my occasional masturbating haven (whenever I was alone with no friends or brothers)! As an adult, if I had seen me as a boy walking down the street, I would have never seen him as being capable of sexuality and orgasm. Maybe that's the reasonfor many of my younger years, the masturbation experiences of my life were incognito and totally without any input or influences from anybody else.  My private hard dick experiences were wonderful, innocent, and adventurous! 


I was treated by everyone like a boy who had not experienced puberty. I'm so glad that that was my experience! 


Later, baths or showers also became a wonderful naked time! 


My first wonderful masturbation focused memories occurred when I went to visit my grandma at her house in New York for one month in the summer. 


By the time this picture was taken, (when I returned from that trip)  I had already been masturbating for about 2 years. When I was in New York, I remember that Grandma would direct me to take a bath (she didn't have a shower) three or four times a week.  I remember that every time I took a bath,  right away, I would wash my hair, dipping my head in the water to rinse the soap off, then I would lather my body up with hand soap. Touching myself with the slick soap, gave me an erection just like when I showered at my own house!  But in this wonderful tub, I had some time! The warm water was refreshing and comfortable. Looking down at my penis made me feel sexy, because something was changing that felt even more sexy, my hard dick and its pleasures were getting even better! I’d become horny just looking at my huge dick that became erect because I soaped it up! My little legs made my dick look even more huge! I masturbated in the tub every bath. It was impossible not to! When I saw my penis grow to 7 inches long and flip up against my belly I absolutely wanted to play with it! The look and feel of my beautiful erection was so enticing!  I'm sure I would be in the bath for 20 or 30 minutes. If I was taking too long in the bath, my grandmother would simply knock on the door and say “Hey Steven, time to wrap it up.” She never really knew that I was “wrapping it up (my dick that is)” over and over again until I shot my cum into the water. 💦

My grandmother was an early riser and an early-to-bed type of lady but she did not enforce any bedtimes on me at all. It was awesome! She let me get up when I woke up and she let me go to bed whenever I wanted to, which means that I was watching movies on the TV  in the living room of my grandmother's house while she was asleep in her bedroom on the second floor of her house. I’d “watch movies” till 1 or 2:00 a.m. and sleep in until 10:00 a.m. Grandma always went to bed by about 10:00 p.m. So I had 4 hours of “fun”! It was an atypical and wonderful time on my own every night (didn’t happen in a family of five in a 2 bedroom house).

I remember sitting in a particular chair looking at a black and white TV  watching movies. I remember that about 30 minutes after grandma would go to bed every night and I thought she was probably sleeping,  I would pull my pants and boxers down  to my ankles so that I was naked from the waist down. I  masturbated while I was watching movies on TV. The movies were not sexual, they were like “Ma and Pa Kettle type movies”. As soon as I pulled my pants down to my ankles, I would be looking down at my hard dick and I would start to stroke myself. The movies didn't turn me on, my hard dick turned me on!

By that time in my life, the desire to masturbate was very high. The only thing it took in those days to get an erection, was the knowledge that I was going to masturbate; I loved it. I remember losing track of what was happening in the movie because I was so entertained by my massive dick and the feelings it was giving me. I enjoyed myself so much! It was so natural and so fun! Sometimes, I even had more than one orgasm, after I shot my 1st load. In about another 45 minutes to an hour into the movie, I would  look down, loving at my dick. “Are you ready for round two big boy?” I would whisper to my dick. That's all it took to get hard again. Of course  I'd masturbate again! Any time I ejaculated, I would just rub the sperm all over my chest and belly! I loved how it smelled! It was like lotion as it rubbed easily into my skin, my whole chest smelled sexy.



I remember taking my time being pantless and masturbating for the first time in my life! Because I had time and was adventurous, I learned to leisurely tease my hardness. It was a teasingly wonderful extended arousal. Because of that extended time of arousal, my body secreted pre-cum. The clear gooey fluid would come out of my hard dick and because it was slick I used it as lubricant so my hard dick would not get sore from rubbing it for a more extended period of time. I experienced this new and different kind of arousal. It was fun to build and build my horniness for a longer time!  When I was at home my privacy was limited and I would have to fit my masturbation sessions into a shorter amount of time.


For the whole month at grandma’s house, I was experiencing orgasms once, twice , sometimes even three times a day especially if I had a bath that day. The whole trip was an incredible sexual awakening for me because it was the 1st time I could freely masturbate leisurely every day. No brothers or a family of five to contend with privacy-wise. I’d say that month with Grandma was the first masturbation-focused month in my life! Sure I walked with my grandma every morning to the butcher’s to get lunch meat,and get a 6 pack of beer, I also built a birdhouse, helped my grandma tar a roof, played cards with the neighbors, went to a couple of weddings, and went to a Mets game, but the freedom I had literally daily, with complete access and privacy to play with my cock was by far the thing I remember most fondly! It was WONDERFUL! I watched my erection, and played with myself at Grandma's house more than ever before in my life! Watching myself masturbate  and eventually ejaculate was so incredible because I could experience it for extended periods of time in an uninterrupted way. I remember being so deeply enamored by the look and feel of my erection! I think that month at Grandma's I “fell in love” with my wonderful erection!  


Most boys do not have a man sized penis. I think I did because I entered puberty early.  I look at the picture of me at that young age with the birdhouse (a man helped me build when I was with my grandma) in the background. When I see that boy I would have never guessed that he was enjoying his erection with such wonderment and abandon.  


After that month at Grandma’s my spaceship masturbation sessions became way more frequent (three or more times a week) and took on a new adventurous twist. I remember that, instead of rubbing the sperm all over my chest, I decided to rub it all over the cardboard. The smell of the air was still cardboard but now it was a musky cardboard scent. It felt like it was a trophy of sorts to smear my sperm on the cardboard. It was like making sperm and enjoying my pleasure was an outstanding accomplishment, (it felt that way to my younger self). 


I remember one time somebody noticed the stains that my dried sperm was making on the walls of the box. “ I wonder what’s causing this?” I remember them asking 

While they were pointing to what looked like water stains on the cardboard. “Somebody must’ve opened a “shook up” pop and sprayed it on the wall,” I suggested. I had probably smeared four or five handfuls of cum very closely together on the wall of one of the cardboard boxes. The stain was right near a window we had cut out on the side of the box. That was my masturbation station so that I could open the window and watch to be sure nobody was coming as I was enjoying the pleasures of my hard dick (usually totally naked). In the end, they seemed to buy the explanation of a soda pop spraying. I kept smearing my sperm on the same area of the box for the rest of the summer, and no one ever asked again. For that summer, I had a private masturbation space where I could take longer to enjoy myself than the typical three or four minute session in the shower.


In the following couple summers, we built both a wooden clubhouse in that little play area and a clubhouse in the tree right above the wooden clubhouse. Both of those structures provided fun private masturbation time for me in the next few summers. We had an older friend, maybe four years older than us who lived down the block (at minimum he had learning issues, he probably had some sort of syndrome, because our mom was always telling us to be kind to him). We rarely played with him. I do remember one time in the treehouse clubhouse, he was playing with us. When we were playing he blurted out that he wanted to show us his dick. I remember him pulling his pants down and showing us his erection, he was stroking it a little. He had lots of public hair. I remember the other boys who were with me at the time marveled at how big his erection was. I looked at his erection and thought to myself (I didn’t say it),  “My dick is just as big or bigger than he was”. I remember after about 30 seconds or a minute of him stroking his erection in front of us, one of the kids said, “Thanks for showing us your dick, Dennis,” and then we all left the clubhouse and continued playing some games in the yard… I thought, “Dennis loves to play with his dick just like I do,” by that time, I probably had been masturbating for about a year and a half. 



My adventures and discoveries continued to be innocent and blessed. I remember thanking God in my prayers at night for the incredible sensations that I was feeling in my erection! I liked how it looked, I liked how it felt, and I knew God loved me for giving me this spectacular gift




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