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Getting Off to Eric

Posted by: Age: 18 Posted on: 18 comments
32 likes 12774 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Photography, Aroused, Orgasm
A true story about a visit I had with a photographer I know

My mom is a photographer, so I have been in front of the lens as a model for years. Whenever she wanted some pics for her portfolio she would have me be the guinea pig. I didn't mind. I felt comfortable in front of the camera and liked helping her then seeing the pictures when she was done. When I turned 16 I started doing a little modeling for a friend of hers, a guy, who was also a photographer. He had told her he liked my look and would pay me for a shoot. In the next couple of years I modelled for him about five times. About five months after I turned 18 he asked me if I would be interested in doing a couples shoot. He said he would pay me. I said sure and asked him what kind of shoot. He said it was a boudoir shoot. He needed some shots for his own portfolio as he was trying to get more of that type of business. It seems that he was getting more requests for couples to be shot together in a boudoir type shoot. I was hesitant at first since I had a boyfriend and I didn't know how he would react to me doing a shoot like that with another guy. And he didn't react well. But he knew I wanted to do it and that I was going to get paid for it so he finally agreed. The shoot was set up for the next weekend and the photographer showed me the model I would be working with. He was a tall, dark haired guy with amazing eyes. Once I saw him I was completely okay with the shoot. He was gorgeous. I asked the photographer if the model had done any other couple shoots, and he said no. But he had done a nude shoot and erotic solo shoot for him. I was a bit surprised because it was unusual for guys to do nude shoots much less erotic ones. I knew what an erotic shoot was, of course, my mom having explained the types of shoots photographers often want models to do. Erotic meant he had some very sensual and sexual things for the shoot. Solo meant he had done them to himself. I asked the photographer why he had done the erotic shoot and he said the guy, his name was Eric, had an offer from a website to submit some erotic pics with the possibility that they would pay him for them and more. He said the money they had offered was really good. I was incredibly curious and wanted to see the pics he had shot. But I didn't want to seem like a perv. But then the photographer asked if I wanted to see them. I said, not to eagerly to give myself away...okay. He pulled up the file on the computer in his office where we were and said he was going to go check on some things about a shoot he had coming up that afternoon. I clicked on the first image and saw an image of him standing, fully clothed, there in the very same office right in front of the leather couch that was across from me. As I clicked forward through the images they showed him taking off his shirt revealing a beautiful chest with 6-pack abs. Shortly after as I clicked through he was undoing his jeans and pulling them down to reveal black boxer briefs. And a rather prominent bulge. There were shots of him standing and then sitting on the couch in the briefs. I stopped and admired him for a moment. Then clicked to the next shot. I saw it and my heart started racing. He had pulled the front of his briefs down to reveal a beautiful semi-hard cock that had to be over eight inches. the next few shots, that I went through slowly, showed him touching his cock with his right hand as he held his briefs down with the other, first lightly and then I could tell he was stroking it to it's full length. He had to be close to 10 inches. I had been with a few guys by that time, but none that big. Once he was hard he stood up and pushed the briefs down. He was completely nude. And totally gorgeous. There were shots of him from the front and the back showing an amazing butt. I suddenly realized I was very horny and very wet. I had worn shorts to meet with the photographer that day and thankfully they were a little loose around the legs. I reached into them and started to touch myself over my panties, all the while starting at this beautiful guy naked and hard in the picture in front of me. I clicked on and the pics showed him sitting back on the couch and leaning back. He took his cock in his hand and started stroking it again. He was smiling in the first few but after a bit he closed his eyes and had a clear look of pleasure on his face. I stopped on one when his eyes were back open, with a clear look of lust looking at the camera. I looked at his cock and noticed a small trail of pre-cum oozing down the front of his cock head. He was really turned on and masturbating. And so was I. I had reached inside my panties and was rubbing my button up and down through the leg hole of my shorts. The photographer's office was open, but I had heard him walk down a hall to the studio portion of his space. I knew I would hear him if he came back toward the office and also knew we were the only ones there. I did something I never thought I would do, but I was so horny I didn't care. I stood up, unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts and then pushed them and my panties down to my ankles. I sat back down and leaned back in the chair and started to masturbate. The images on the screen were popping up as I kept clicking through them. I was so ready to see him cum in the pics, and make myself cum when he did. There were a few more pics of him sitting on the couch stroking himself. It looked like he was stroking hard. Then the pics suddenly switched to him standing up again, still stroking himself. The pics looked incredible, and so did he. His cock looked huge, all swollen, close to orgasm. He would have his eyes closed then open them to look into the camera. I was so close to my own orgasm I could feel it. I wanted to cum so bad, but not until Eric did in the pictures. Just then the pictures switched and Eric was sitting in the chair I was now sitting in, the one at the photographer's desk. He smiled at the camera with his hand still on his cock. The pics showed him laughing too. As I continued clicking it showed him stroking while he was looking at the camera, then looking away, then with his eyes closed. I would stop every few pics and look while I leaned back in the very chair and rubbed myself, getting very close to orgasm. From the progression of the pics I could tell he was getting close. He sank further back in the chair and his face became red, his hand around his cock a bit blurry in some of the pics. He looked back at the camera then leaned back his head. I clicked the next pic and there it was. I huge stream of cum was shooting out of his cock caught mid-air heading for his chest. I kept clicking, and rubbing, seeing each shot spurt out and land on his chest. I rubbed fast and as I looked at the pic of him looking at the camera with another shot of semen shooting out, I made myself cum. I shook hard as my orgasm hit me. I gasped but held in making any noise. I closed my eyes and let the pleasure run through me, continuing to rub as waves came and went. I finished cumming and waited a few seconds for my senses to come to me. I suddenly realized where I was and got up quickly and saw my shorts and panties had come off completely and were laying on the floor. At the same time I noticed that I had left a noticeable wet spot on the leather chair. My juices had leaked out making a small puddle. I got my panties and shorts back on and noticed a box of Kleenex on the other side of the desk. I grabbed a couple and wiped up my wetness from the chair. It was still noticeable when I had wiped it from the dampness. I stuffed the Kleenex in my pocket and sat back down. I scrolled back to the top of the shoot and then took out my phone to check it. It's what I always do when I don't know what else to do. A couple of minutes passed, long enough for me to regain my composure, when I heard a door open and footsteps down the hall. I acted like I was doing something on my phone. A few seconds passed and he popped around the corner. "What do you think?" He asked, smiling. I had to think about what I was supposed to be thinking about. "Do you want to do the shoot with Eric?" "Yeah. I guess I'll do the shoot." End of part 1



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