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Getting Caught

Posted by: Age: 36 Posted on: 9 comments
42 likes 17856 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags: caught, mother daughter, fingers, cum, scissor
Hi everyone, I masturbate. I Jill. I pet my kitty. Now I am also an exhibitionist.

Recently I was home alone, enjoying my second glass of wine, just laying on the couch. As is my habit, my hands will roam over my body. I was under a blanket, warm and cozy, enjoying the sensations my fingers were giving my boobs. My nipples were hard and sensitive as I pinched and pulled on them. I am by no means well endowed, but close to a C. I am this close to being able to suck myself, but it may as well be a mile. Being able to suck my nipples has been a fantasy of mine since I first started to bud.

My hands roamed down my belly, which is still flat and taut inspite of having a child. My daughter was born 18 years ago. I spend some time keeping myself looking good, the principal beneficiary of my hard work being me. I am not in a relationship, well outside of what I have with myself.

Anyway, my fingers slid into my panties and I explored the center of my universe. I touched my lips, my clit and explored deep inside. I was making those unique sounds only a wet pussy will make in no time. I moaned, I tasted, I rubbed my nectar into my skin. My mouth tasted of me. My nipples hardened as my juices cooled on them. I made my clit slippery with my cum.

As I was enjoying myself I never heard my daughter come home. When I opened my eyes, the blanket had long since fallen to the floor. My panties were around one ankle and my bra pushed up over my boobs. When I saw her, my fingers had just been licked clean of my juices and had two which were fully inside my pussy. She was smiling. Her nipples were hard under her top. She had been watching for more than a few seconds. The look on her face, the way she said "Cum mom", my slight buzz and my very excited pussy all contributed to a loud long orgasm. I thrust my hips up to meet my penetrating fingers and moaned out load and came. My tummy quivered, my juices dripped down my bum, my thighs clamped shut on my hand and I came. I never stopped looking at her, looking at me demonstrate a very intense and satisfying orgasm. Cum.

When I finally regained my composure, I simply said "wow". She said how hot I was when I came! It's always been just us girls, so there is no issue with nudity. However, masturbation was another issue. I thought about it for the next few hours and days, and I have come to the conclusion that I enjoyed being seen. I had never allowed anyone to see me in such a private moment. I'm happy to say that is no longer the case!



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