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First Time Sucking Another Man's Cock (Part 2)

Posted by: Age: 40s Posted on: 8 comments
15 likes 8032 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: suck, cum, small, big, watch, cock
I hope you enjoy!

About two months had passed since Janelle tookher photos of me in various positions with Chris before I sucked him off to finish the evening. During that time, she showed the photos to quite a few people, so it took a while for the questions and comments to slow to a trickle. One thing that did change was that I used to spend a lot of time naked at Janelle's request, but that was just with her. Now she insisted I remain naked whenever she would invite a friend over. Since most have seen my naked photos by now, I didn't have a problem with it. I guess I even enjoyed it since I seemed to always get an erection that wouldn't go away when someone came over. Janelle had also been dropping subtle and not so subtle hints about wanting to see me with another man again. I would say "sure, maybe someday" and kind of change the subject. I don't know if it was the passing of time or what, but the more time that passed since that evening with Chris, the less aroused I became when thinking about it. Maybe it was a 'heat of the moment' kind of thing that got me to do what I did. Anyway, this one evening Janelle had two friends over, Amy and Gina. They would check out my erection every now and again while they chatted and after a while I finally softened and could relax a little more. I can't remember what I left the living room to do, but while I was walking away, there was a knock on the door and Janelle said she'd get it. When I returned, there stood an attractive younger guy whom I had never met. Janelle introduced him to everyone as Shawn, and said to me "I thought you might like to meet Shawn. Isn't he hot?" I shrugged my shoulders a bit and told her he was pretty good looking, but I guess my verbal response wasn't quite as honest as my physical response. As I stood there, all four of them watched as my cock began to stiffen with every heartbeat. Janelle said "I thought so. OK, let's see whatcha got, Shawn." She then started undoing his belt as he pulled his shirt over his head. Once he was down to his boxers, Janelle knelt down in front of him and put her fingers inside his waistband and quickly pulled them down. Shawn lifted each foot to give her some assistance, and she put them with the rest of his clothes. While she did this, she never took her eyes off his very nice full, cut, but not yet hard cock. It was already bigger than mine without being hard. I couldn't wait to see what it looked like at full mast. Janelle must have felt the same way, because she said "very nice!" and took him into her mouth. Chris was the first guy I ever saw my girlfriend with, and now I'm watching her sucking another man and getting that feeling of wanting her to stop, but it's being trumped by my getting turned on watching this. I wrapped my fingers around my cock and began to lightly tug on myself as I watched Shawn's cock become completely hard while going in and out of Janelle's mouth. It was very much like Chris' cock, measuring in at probably just over 8 inches. How is it she's picking guys twice my size? She then let his cock slip from her mouth and said "C'mon over here. I want you to kiss Shawn." She saw my hesitation and said "Not on the lips. On his chest." So I came over and stood in front of him and leaned forward as Janelle took hold of Shawn in her left hand and me in her right. I puckered up and started kissing the center of his hairless chest as she slowly stroked us. I don't know why, but I moved my attention to his left nipple which was sticking out a little bit, and began to lick and suck it as best I could. At this point, if I was with a woman, I would move my kissing up or down the body depending on the situation. And since Janelle was busy with our cocks, I went up, and proceeded to give Shawn some light kisses on his neck. I then decided to throw caution to the wind and let myself go. I closed my eyes and moved my lips to his. He didn't resist and I was surprised at how soft they felt. It wasn't more than twenty seconds when I felt his jaw begin to drop and his mouth open. His tongue pressed at my lips and I opened them and let him in. I then slid my tongue into his mouth and continued the kiss. I then put my hands on his shoulders and he put his on my arms and we pulled each other closer together. Janelle was only able to rub our cocks together after that, which was fine with me since I found that to be very exciting with Chris. Amy and Gina had already moved to the other side of us to get an unobstructed view of what was transpiring. The passion was evidently building as our breathing became heavier. This is when I broke the kiss and started kissing back down towards his chest, only I wasn't going to stop there. As I passed his chest, Gina whispered in my ear "Suck his big cock. That's why we're here." She gave me a light peck on the cheek and sat back down. Janelle could see she was going to get her wish and let go of our cocks and sat down to watch. I then finished dropping to my knees and took his lovely cock in my right hand as I opened my mouth and allowed him to enter it to the extreme delight of the girls. I didn't take much time reaching a nice tempo as I bobbed on his cock while stroking him as well. That urge to have his cum in my mouth suddenly appeared and was quickly becoming very strong. I don't know if Shawn sensed this or not, but he then put his hands on both sides of my head and stopped me. I was now just kneeling there with the girls and Shawn all looking at me with his big delicious cock in my mouth, waiting to see what he wanted to do. We must have been still for about thirty seconds, when Shawn very slowly thrust his hips forward as I took in more of his hard cock. He held it in at that point and stopped again. It was in far enough that I wasn't choking, but it was a little more difficult to breathe. It seemed like he was measuring my mouth to see how far he could go. Shawn then said to the girls "He's good!" and told me "You are good. Do you like having my cock in your mouth?" I nodded, and in doing so, felt that desire for cock completely return. He then said "Show me you like it. Stroke your little cock for us." Janelle squirmed in her chair when he said that. They all watched as I continued to kneel before him with my head in his hands and my mouth full as I reached for my still hard cock and began stroking. Shawn still hadn't moved and remained completely hard. After a short amount of time stroking for everyone, I felt Shawn pull his hips back and begin to withdraw his cock from my mouth. He stopped when only the head remained and began another slow entry and filled my now watering mouth again. He had me measured and began a nice slow rhythm in and out of my mouth while holding my head in place, as I started to suck him harder while continuing to stroke myself. After five or ten minutes I felt that familiar urge inside and knew it wouldn't be long before I came. Seconds later I began cumming in between Shawn's legs as he continued to fuck my mouth. He began to pick up the pace as I reached up and took hold of his shaft and began stroking it as fast as I could. His breathing was becoming heavier, so I knew it wouldn't be long before I got to swallow his load in front of the girls. I braced myself by putting my other hand on his thigh as I waited for the big payoff. The girls were only about four feet away, but still leaned forward for the inevitable. Shawn then said he was ready and Janelle said "Cum on his face!" Amy and Gina agreed and said the same. At this point, I didn't care, as long as I got some cum to taste. So I opened my mouth wide and leaned back a bit while stroking his cock as fast as I could. He then grunted as I felt his big cock spasm and out came the first rope. It landed dead center on my nose and down across my open mouth and finished at my chin as the girls oohed and aahed. So I got a bit of a taste, but I wanted more. So I closed my mouth on his cock, against the girls wishes, and took in all of the second shot of cum. I didn't swallow it, so the girls could enjoy seeing it soon enough. I leaned back again with open mouth and he shot three more times on my face with a little more landing in my mouth. Once he was done, he took a step back so the girls could get a good look. I tilted my head back with my mouth open as Amy and Gina took their turn seeing how much was in it (it felt like a lot). Then Janelle looked at my face and in my mouth and said "such a good little boy!", and she kissed me on the cheek, taking a sample of Shawn's cum with her, which she quickly licked from her lips. So with the girls getting as good of a view together as they could, just a couple feet from my mouth, I put a little more cum from my face into my mouth, gave them one last look inside, then closed my mouth and swallowed. When I reopened my mouth and they saw the contents were gone, they smiled and sat back down. I could feel his cum cooling on my face as I leaned forward and licked the remainder from the tip of Shawn's cock. Janelle then told Shawn "I hope you enjoyed that as much as we did." Shawn said "That was fantastic! He can suck my cock anytime!" To which Janelle smiled and replied "Maybe we both can. You can tell us who's better!" Amy and Gina both begged to be here if it happened. To the readers, is it a common desire for females to watch two men together? Does one have to be their significant other? Feel free to comment. I'd love to hear from you.



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