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First Date

Posted by: Age: 22 Posted on: 6 comments
7 likes 21 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: Hand Job; Breasts

The first date I had with the woman who became my wife

I was 22 years old, she was 19 and still a student. Her mother got her a summer job at my place of work, and we hit it off immediately. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and huge boobs, it was as if she ticked every box for me. Some office flirting and lots of silly in-jokes led to me asking her out on a date. Initially she declined, fearful that there would be recriminations as I’d had an on/off fling with another girl in her team.

When the time came to quit the summer job and prepare to return to Uni, she accepted my offer of a night out and we duly headed into the City Centre for drinks and dancing. A few drinks became more drinks became a lot of drinks. By the now the flirty pretence had been dropped and we were in full on lust mode. As we exited the last bar, we started to make plans to get home – the toss up between an expensive cab, or the risk of the drunken randoms on the night bus. Keen to “see her home” I graciously offered to pay for us both to take a cab as her parents’ house was only a mile or so from my own.



Of course, Friday night in the city centre cabs were at a premium and we had a half hour wait for ours to turn up. Being a cool Autumnal night in the North of England we took shelter in the fire exit of the local theatre. Ever the gent, I offered to share my warmth and hug her until the cab appeared. Hugging turned into some rubbing and teasing which led to our first proper embrace. I held her urgently as our tongues explored each other’s mouths. My hands on her arse, pulling her tightly into me and we sank into a long kissing session.



Moving my hands up and down her back then round to her waist and up her stomach until I found her right breast. I could feel her hard nipple through the sheer fabric and whilst I’d love to think kissing me had her turned on, the cool air probably contributed. She moaned as I teased her nipple and I took that as encouragement to explore further – exploring under her top and feeling her large breast through the bra, teasing the nipple with my fingers. Unsurprisingly, my dick was rock hard by this point – the embrace, the grinding against each other and the first feel of her breast had me ready for action in seconds – and I pushed my straining bulge against her hip as we kissed and fondled.



“I can feel that” she said with a smile after breaking our embrace. “Have these puppies got you all excited?” as she cupped her breasts in my direction. I smiled, nodded, and sank back into the embrace, my cock feeling harder than ever. This time, my hands went up her back, underneath her top and found her bra clasp.


In those days, with a reasonable amount of experience I was adept at a left-handed, one touch bra clasp opening. Although this was the first bra I’d encountered with clasps, rather than the usual 2 such were the size and weight of her amazing boobs. With her bra safely unclasped, my attention when to her freed breasts as I unleashed both from the now loose bra and cupped them in each hand. To protect her modesty in this semi-public place, I resisted the temptation to lift her top and view those breasts for the first time, rather keeping my left hand up her top, massaging her right breast and squeezing the nipple.



By this point she had started rubbing the straining bulge in my pants, taking my moans as encouragement she traced the outline of my cock with her nails – the thin material of my combats making the feeling even more pleasurable. “I think we need to let this thing out” she whispered as she fumbled with my belt. I moaned in agreement as she found the button on my trousers and expertly unzipped me. Her hand delved into my boxers and rather than afford me the same modesty I had her, she pulled the boxers down, so I was fully exposed, albeit with my back to any unsuspecting late night pedestrian.



“Very nice. Did you make that for me?” she whispered, as she teased underneath the head with her nails, running them ever do gently down my shaft before wrapping her hands around it and gently started to jerk me off. “I think you want to cum in my hand. Don’t you?” she whispered in my ear, picking up the pace of her jerking motion. “I think I want to cum inside you” I gasped through heaving breathing. “I don’t do THAT on a first date” she teased. “You’ll have to take me out again next week if you want to be inside me. But for now, I want to feel this big cock of yours empty itself all over my hand”.



Now, she was jerking me at super speed, and I could feel my legs starting to buckle and that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach as I exploded all over her hand with thick ropes of cum that seemed endless. “Oh my God that was amazing” I stammered as she milked the last few drops from me with a big grin on her face. I returned my softening cock to my now soggy boxers whilst she fixed her bra, wiped her hands on a tissue and glanced over my shoulder. “I think that’s our taxi. You better get home and clean up” as she winked at me and gently grabbed my crotch one last time…



Been married 16 years now and she still gives epic hand jobs. Those tits are still pretty amazing too.



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