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Ends With Wife Kissing Me

Posted by: Author: Age: 58 Posted on: 4 comments
5 likes 3337 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: lube, ball tickling, oily tits, kissing
It's so much more fun when my wife joins in.

At bedtime, I like to lie on my back and my wife cuddles up to me on her side with her head on my shoulder. She likes to rub her hand through the hair on my chest, or as she calls it, my fur. On those nights where we are interested in a little more than cuddling, her hand will circle my chest getting lower and lower each time. Before she gets too low, my cock has already grown in anticipation. My wife is tickling my balls and running her hand between my legs driving me wild. She treats my cock in a very loving manner: Light, slow, and firm. It drives me crazy! I have not figured out how she does it exactly, but she has found a way for me to orgasm, but not ejaculate. She will make me orgasm several times, and each time my cock grows harder and bigger and wants more and more. On this particular evening, after several orgasms on my part, my wife said she wanted plain vanilla sex. This means missionary position. Of course, by this time I would have said yes to just about anything! My wife is multi-orgasmic and it didn't take long for her orgasms to start. Over the years I have learned to time my rhythms with hers. This night, we were especially in tune and her orgasms were coming quicker and stronger. After several, the intensity was too much and she called a time out. So I lay on top of her and we cuddled and enjoyed the closeness of each other. I slid over and lay down next to her, with my hand on her shoulder. Some nights this is enough and we blissfully drift off to sleep. But I wanted some relief. I asked her to sit on my legs so I could see her tits. This is my favorite position! I handed her the baby oil and she drizzled it over my cock. I grabbed my cock and began stroking. I would switch between my hands rubbing my cock and fondling her ever oily tits. No hurry. Rubbing my cock, sometimes a few fingers, sometimes one hand, sometimes both and always returning to her tits. Then it was slime time! I popped the lid off a large jar of vaseline and handed to her. I love it when she takes the whole jar and puts it onto my cock. This jar had been used before so there already was a welcome depression to receive it. She took the jar and moved it up and down and all around. Twisting and sliding until I thought I would cum in the jar. She removed the jar and I grabbed my slimy dick with both hands and spread the slime over all of my cock and balls. I love the squishy sound it makes when I stroke my Vaseline covered cock! My wife laid down next to me while I continued to stroke. By this time I was beginning to lose rational thought as my mind and body was focused on my cock. I asked my wife to give me a kiss, and to my surprise and delight, that kiss turned into a mini kissing orgy. She gave me light kisses, one lip kisses, and got her tongue in on the action. All this time I am stroking away with both hands on my slimy cock. I was lost in the sensations; my hands on my cock and her lips on mine. I couldn't last another second and began to cum. Who knows how many times, how much, and where it went . . . and who cares. I just know that it felt wonderful. A few more loving kisses from my wife and I lay back spent and drifted off to sleep dreaming about what it would be like the next time.



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