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Early Experiences...

Posted by: Age: 14 (then) Posted on: 6 comments
11 likes 8066 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Teen, First time, Exploring, Oral, Virgin, Childhood, Sleepovers
We were best friends, and still are...

This is a story of one of the best days of my childhood... for reasons other than the obvious. Me (14) and my best friend at the time (Skye, 15) used to spend so much time together, she was a real tomboy. We used to make bows and arrows, go hiking and all the typically boy stuff. I had been curious about girls for a while and had started to notice changes in Skye, like she was starting to develop and everything. We used to share everything... One day I was at home in the basement (we had a three story house, and mum had let me have the whole basement to myself) and I was on the lounger that was in the corner furthest the steps, and I was masturbating when (I didn't know she was here) Skye walked in and spotted me in the middle of what I was doing! She quickly closed the door, while I quickly put everything away, and knocked. I casually said "come in" She entered and closed the door saying; "I didn't see anything..." Trying to play it cool I replied with "It's okay, I'm not shy anyway." It was an awkward couple of minutes, we were playing computer games when she broke the awkward silence with; "Jax... What uh... What does it feel like?" I wasn't really sure what to say back, we had always been really open with each other so I thought 'Why should this be any different?' "It uh... Feels really good... Like really really good!" She didn't say anything back for a while. "Do you think it would be the same for girls?" She asked me not looking away from the t.v. Having been given all my older brothers girly mags I had read all the articles on sex so quickly replied with; "Yeah 'course it is!" "How do you know?" "Well I've read about it... you know sex, and it's the same thing really..." She didn't reply so we continued to play games for a while. After about an hour and two visits from mum bringing snacks, I think she was really just checking on us haha, Skye turned to me and asked "How do girls do it?" So I jumped up and grabbed one of my mags and flipped open to a story I had read about a virgin girl and her boyfriend experimenting with oral and masturbation. After about 20min of talking about it, and I mean talking in detail. Asking questions like "Is it big?" and "What do your boobs feel like?" she asked me something else... "Do... Do you... Want to maybe try?" "Do you?" Was my response. After talking about our bodies a bit more we had a bit of show and tell... We took turns; She showed me her boobs, and in return I showed my pecker, "It looked bigger before" was what she said... "Well when it gets bigger and then smaller..." She was fascinated with that idea haha and after we stopped giggling she came up with the idea that we should have a sleep over. Later on that night, once the sleep over had been approved by the unsuspecting parents, we resumed our previous conversation. She asked me if she could see me get hard, not in those words of course, so I pulled my pants off and thought of her from before and sure enough up he stood (I was about 6.5" then) and she was amazed by how much it had grown (from about 2") We continued to touch and feel each other for a while; (she touched me, I touched her and so on) We decided to get out the story I had shown her before and try what they had done... We both ended up totally nude, I had a hardon. It started with her masturbating a little like the story said, rubbing her clit. she got 'wet' just like the article had said. She sat up and started to jack me off, her wet fingers felt so good against my cock... Skye had knelt down and started to suck me off, slowly then getting deeper until she couldn't any more. And as the story said, I brought my tongue to her and started to play with her clit, running my tongue around the outside of her lips every now and then. (I was expecting it to be gross but I was surprised with the taste, she tastes almost sweet) after about an hours of playing with each other, trying the various different things in our story and savoring how good everything had felt we decided it was time to try the one thing in the story we hadn't done. It was time for penetration, she was practically dripping, and she wanted to try because the story had said it was the best bit... So I did as the mag instructed and brought my tongue to her clit taking in that sweet taste and smell I came to love, and slowly ebbed one finger into her. She was incredible tight, and she seemed to enjoy it, I pushed about 3" into her and she let out a little yelp, just as the story had said, and sure enough a little bit of blood came from her. Neither of us worried because the story had been right so far and it had told us this was coming so we kept on, still following the story line. We kept at it through out the night, I would bring her to orgasm, getting a little deeper and using two fingers eventually. She would bring me to cum (I was cumming properly by then) with her hand and mouth. We'd clean up and then we'd be at it again. This was the start of many weekends we would spend together. This story babbled on a little... I'll try shorten my next one. This is all real.



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