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Daughter Caught In The Act

Posted by: Age: 44 Posted on: 11 comments
17 likes 60 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags: Mother and daughter, caught masturbating, unashamed, nude, multiple orgasms

Another fictional story, this time about a mother who catches her daughter in an intimate moment and can't help having one of her own. 

Recently, my college aged daughter has been coming back home over the weekends. She likes her school and the people she shares her dorm with, but she told me that during the weekend it turns into one big party full of alcohol, weed and people just groping all over each other. I wouldn't say that she is a prude or anything but none of that has ever been something she has wanted to be involved with. She had been there for about a month when she asked if she could come back on Friday evenings and stay with me until Sunday afternoon and then go back for the week, since her school is only a little over an hour and a half away from here. I was perfectly fine with that, especially since hubby works some odd hours and works a number of weekend nights. This way she's somewhere she feels safer and I have some company on those lonesome evenings. 


On this weekend in particular, she got home some time around 8 that evening, telling me she got away from campus late and then had to deal with traffic because of it. Exhausted, she said she was just going to turn in early after a quick dinner, and by 9:30 she was in bed and out like a light. The next morning I was sitting at the table having my breakfast when she came downstairs in a long t-shirt and fuzzy slippers. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but when she got into one of the upper cabinets and had to reach up high, her shirt lifted up and I saw she wasn't wearing any panties. I really didn't think much of it, other than she just got out of bed and hadn't bothered to get fully dressed yet. No big deal, as sometimes I'll sleep bottomless as well; it's just more comfortable that way. Later on in the day, however, she was sitting on the couch in the living room curled up against the arm and pillow, and I could clearly see her pubic hair poking out between her slightly opened legs. I figured at that point, I had better say something. "Uh, sweetie...you might want to cover up a little for when your father comes downstairs." She had kind of a confused look, but then glanced down and realized what I was talking about. "Oh, yeah, I will. I'll pull the blanket over me if I need to." Seemed reasonable. I just kind of nodded and said, "Ok," as I went back to the kitchen. I didn't have an issue with her being comfortable in her own skin, it was just fairly out of character for her. Then again, I'm happy that she was running around bottomless at home and not getting herself into trouble at some wild party. 



Later on we had an early dinner before he headed off to work, and after while she told me she had a paper to work on after she took a shower. I just stayed downstairs for a while to give her some quiet time to work, and around 8 I went upstairs, but stopped by her room to see if she needed anything. When I got to her room, however, I was greeted with an eyeful; she was laying on her belly on her bed typing on her laptop, but she was completely naked with her feet in the air. I tapped on her door and she glanced over, making no attempt to cover up. "Uh...I was just seeing if you needed any laundry done in the morning." "Actually yeah, I'll bring it to you after I get up," she said while swinging her bare feet back and forth. I figured I would just address the elephant in the room. "So, are we going full nudist now or...?" I said with a crooked smile. She kind of chuckled. "It was kind of warm in here, and I figured this way I could just roll over and go to sleep." Sleeping naked, too? Interesting. "Well I'll leave you to it. If you need something you know where to find me." "Ok, thanks mom." I went back to my own room and got in bed and turned on the TV, thinking about what I had just seen. I really wanted to get naked myself to have the same freedom she had, but I figured that wouldn't be the best idea. 



Anyway, around 11 I turned off the TV and went to sleep, but around 1:30 I woke up and needed to use the bathroom. Once I had finished that and walked back out into my bedroom, I thought I heard something coming from her room. It almost sounded like she was quietly crying. Letting my eyes adjust to the dark for a few seconds, I silently made my way down the hallway and peeked into her room and well...she definitely wasn't crying. My jaw dropped seeing her; she was squeezing her breast with one hand and quickly rubbing herself with the other, her heels dug into the mattress and her toes spread wide. Every few seconds she would let out a soft moan of pleasure while taking deep breaths. Standing there, I was surprised...no...SHOCKED that my little girl was lying there masturbating. Before that moment, I wouldn't have believed she had ever even had an orgasm, much less would be working on one right down the hallway from me. Did she also masturbate during the night before? What about this morning? Is that why she came downstairs bottomless? My mind was racing and I knew I shouldn't be invading her privacy like that...she can obviously masturbate if she wants to...but I couldn't pull myself away. I could also feel my own vagina growing wetter from seeing her in such a state of her own arousal. Her movements started becoming faster, now using both hands on her young vagina, her legs spread apart with her toes pointed forward. Oh, how I wanted to get naked right there and finger fuck myself alongside her. I felt the material against my aching vagina, and I was soaking wet. I couldn't help myself, slowly pushing them to my knees and letting them fall to the floor. The cool night air rushing between my legs was almost enough to bring me to orgasm. I grabbed them with my toes and felt them...I couldn't believe I got so wet so fast from watching her. She was getting closer, with her breathing now faster and moans slightly louder. Then...it happened. She let out a deep groan with her head pressed into the pillow, her feet pulled back, toes spreading and wiggling back and forth and her legs shaking as she reached that sweet moment. Even after she came down, she continued rubbing herself with slow circles while licking her lips. Not being able to turn away, I couldn't believe what I just saw. I just watched my daughter...my sweet baby girl...cum. Not have an orgasm...CUM. As she slowly relaxed and laid there in her post-masturbation bliss, I braced myself with the wall and tiptoed back to my room. Pushing my door to, I tossed my panties onto the bed and pulled off my shirt, not even getting back in bed before I started masturbating. Eyes closed and leaning against the bed, I quickly slid my finger in and out of my dripping pussy like I needed an orgasm to survive. I think I lasted about 20 seconds before I doubled over with a fantastic cum. Yet, I wasn't satisfied. I laid back on the edge of the bed with only my tiptoes on the floor and rubbed myself quickly, now focusing on my clit. This time it took slightly longer, but I was in the middle of my second orgasm in less than three minutes. Now almost out of breath, I picked up my clothes and put them back on with shaking hands before crawling back into bed. 



The next morning I woke up with hubby laying there snoring, so I quietly slipped out of bed so I wouldn't disturb him. I walked down to her bedroom to see if she was awake and to get her laundry, and she was standing in front of the mirror brushing out her hair, still naked. I again knocked and said I was throwing some clothes in the wash, and she squatted down to get her dirty laundry from her bag and walked around collecting everything, making no attempt to hide her nudity. I also mentioned I was going to be fixing breakfast, and she told me she would be down in a few minutes. Those few minutes went by and she came down, but this time barefoot in her bath robe. I could only assume that she was still naked underneath it. The whole time we sat there I couldn't get my mind off of the image of her masturbating. On one hand I felt guilty for invading her privacy, but on the other I didn't exactly do anything wrong. Her door was wide open, so it wasn't like she was being spied on. Not only that, but she obviously wasn't trying too hard to hide what she was doing. I was *this* close to bringing up the subject, but decided not to as she didn't seem to have any idea that she was watched. I figured it was better just to let sleeping dogs lie. 



Later on that evening after she left I masturbated twice again, but this time grabbing a toy out of my night stand and taking it slow, leaving a nice wet patch on the sheets under me. I wondered if she was doing the same and how often she did it. Maybe some day I'll bring up the courage to talk about it, as it's something intimate we have in common and could share. Not necessarily as a mother and daughter, but as two women with urges who both enjoy masturbation. 




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