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Birthday Party

Posted by: Author: Age: 22 Posted on: 1 comments
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I remember the first orgasm I ever had. I was at my best friend's birthday party. I knew what masturbation was, and I knew a few friends that did it as well, but I never really knew how to make myself reach an orgasm. He didn't have many friends over, just me and a couple other guys. Anyway it was right in the middle of July, and it was about 30c outside, it's very hot. So everyone was in the pool. I was a little uncomfortable because it was the first time I wore a bikini out in public. Anyways I eventually got over my shyness and just had a lot of fun. For some reason the other two guys had to leave early, and it was just me and my best friend. We had a lot of fun trying to drown each other, playing marco-polo, etc. Then I remembered something we were learning in science class. We were learning about how certain things are a lot less heavy in water than on land. So I tried to lift him up. I wasn't able to do it. So he tried lifting me up. But when he did, he was lifting me up by my legs, and when he lifted me up out of the water, his hand slipped, went under my bikini and just barely brushed against my clit. I was so embarrassed and could tell that he also realized what happened. I tried to pretend nothing happened, but it was obvious he didn't know what to do. And I could tell that he had a huge erection. Thanks to a health class we had only a week prior, I knew exactly what that meant. Also thanks to health class, I knew what sex was. Anyway there was a long awkward pause. I really didn't want things to be awkward between us from then on, so I pretended to want to try lifting him again. Except this time I purposely made my hand slip into his swimming shorts and felt his penis. I didn't take my hand out for at least a minute, and just felt around under his shorts. Then I pulled my hand out, opened my eyes and waited for him to do something. It was pretty obvious that he was just as shy as I was, so that actually helped me. I grabbed his hand and placed it under my bikini bottom. He started rubbing my vagina so much I thought I was going to die! I never had feelings like these before. Finally I think he snapped into it, and took off his swimming trunks. I took off my bikini bottom, but didn't take of the top. He fingered me for about 5 minutes straight. I am engaged, not with the same guy, and havehad sex many times. But nothing was ever as good as the time I lost my virginity to my best-friend, in the pool at his birthday party.



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