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Becky Gets Involved

Posted by: Author: Age: 56 Posted on: 2 comments
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This is the time Becky caught Tom and me.
Tom and I kept up our fun with each other for the next two years. We got really brave in going outside naked, sometimes even walking two or three blocks through the alleys and back yards. It was very exciting to me to be outside naked, knowing we could get caught at anytime. This was in a small town, so mostly the sidewalks were 'rolled up' by 10 o'clock.In the fall, when we both were about 13, we started to ejaculate. We both loved watching each other masturbate and spray cum all over our chests. We'd have contests just like most guys do, seeing who could go the longest without cumming, seeing who could cum first, outside we'd see who could cum the farthest. It was even a game to see who's yard we could pee in. The summertime was fun, but when it got cold we just had to stay in his room and masturbate, masturbate each other, or suck each other's dicks.I guess it was about the middle of July the year we turned 14. I was staying at Tom's house and he said, let's see if Becky is doing anything tonight. I said sure and he said 'lets go naked again!' I quickly agreed, so we went outside in our shorts and quickly dropped them at the bush where we always left them. We grinned at each other and headed for Becky's house. It was hot and her window was up about 10 inches and we snuck up and peeked in.Sure enough, Becky was in her room typing on her computer. She had a t-shirt and red bikini panties on and she looked really great. We were watching her and stroking each other's dicks when Becky started to get up out of her chair. She walked over to her bed and pulled her t-shirt off. Her nipples were on top of these tiny puffy little bumps and she really looked good.What happened next would have scared us out of our britches if we'd had any on. She looked up and said, 'Hey, Jim & Tom! Having fun? You better not leave or I'll tell my dad you were peeping!' She walked over to the window and raised it all the way and knelt to look out at us. She told us that she had seen us outside her window many times and noticed that sometimes we were in our underwear and sometimes she thought we were naked. She said she was glad to see that she picked a night when we were naked so she could see us.Tom and I were so shocked that we were still holding onto each other's dicks, though we had quit pumping. Becky told us that some nights she'd sit in her room with the lights out and see us playing around in the back yards naked, but she wanted a better look. She also told us that many nights she sat there with the lights on and waited for us to peek in so she could parade around for us.Becky looked down and said let me see, so we both kind of swallowed and dropped our hands so she could see better. She stared at us and said she wanted to see us play with them. I started to stroke mine and Tom did the same and she said no, she wanted to see us do each other. I started stroking Tom and he did the same to me as she watched. We were both looking at her puffy little breasts and she was rubbing her nipples. It didn't take us long to cum and she softly applauded.We told her we'd better get home before we got caught. She said to come back anytime, cause she wanted to see us do some other things. She also promised she would let her see her sometime too.Tom and I got back to his room and couldn't sleep for several hours. We couldn't believe our good luck and jabbered until early morning. Before going to sleep we got into a 69 position and sucked each other off.Another great night at Tom's



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