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Beating Off in the Morning With My Bro

Posted by: Author: Age: 43 Posted on: 2 comments
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I just had my 38 year brother, Shawn, get divorced from Oregon and he asked if he could stop and see me for a few days while traveling through. I set him in our extra room that night after we had talked for a couple hours. He seemed glad he was finally separated from his wife and claimed he was finally going to find himself, whatever that meant.I get up early every morning to work out before the wife and kids get going. I work out above our extra garage I made into a weight room and after working out I usually play an x-rated video and beat off. I was laid back on the carpet with my underwear down below my balls squirting some baby oil on my hard 7' dick and watching two guys on the tv when my brother slowly opened the door I forgot to lock. There I was with my slicked up penis in my right hand trying to cover up real fast and turn the tv off. My younger brother was only about 5'7' tall and had a great build said to turn the set back on because he liked what he saw. The video was of two guys sucking each other off and Shawn said this is what is was talking about when he said he needed to find out more about himself. Shawn slowly lowered his gym shorts and pulled off his t-shirt, he looked great standing there in just his white briefs sporting a hardon. He asked if he could join me and I said I would love it. He grabbed the waistband of his underwear and lowered them till his hard dick was free and pointing straight past his naval. I told Shawn to join me on the floor and he sat down next to me with his leg up against mine. I took the baby oil and dribbled some on his head and the long shaft of his hard penis as he stroked his dick moving his hand all over the head and shaft. I picked up where I had left off beating off my hard cock, precome was now oozing out the head. I reached over with my free hand and pinched Shawn's tits till they were hard and he said he loved it. I then moved my hand lower till I was rubbing his abs and then finally I took his huge balls in my hand and lightly squeezed them. Shawn started moaning and said it all felt great as we each reached for the others hard cock and really started fisting each other's cocks. I especially circled the head of his big dick and made the precome flow even more, he had me super close to coming as he each stroked faster and faster. Shawn leaned back and his cock grew even more in my hand as he blasted his load all over his chest, my leg, and even one long rope landed on my chest. When that happened I let loose with my cock, shooting come all over me and Shawn's hand, nothing had ever felt that great. We rubbed the other's come all over each other and then cleaned up, Shawn's vacation was off to a great start.



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