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Back to the future!

Posted by: Age: 21 Posted on: 24 comments
13 likes 25 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Shop, masturbation, naked

My favourite coffee shop has closed down permanently! :( 

This was where I used to sit in the window and deliberately let people look up my skirt, and if I was feeling brave, and the circumstances outside were right, might even let a hand drift up between my legs and put in a real show before going to the restroom to finish off in the hope that whoever was watching might follow me. (They never did, but a girl can hope, right?) 

But...the good news is that when the lockdown ends, the coffee shop will re-open......as mine! Dad has loaned me the money to take over the lease for a year partly to give me experience of running a business and partly (I suspect) to get me off my arse and out of the house! He will help me manage the back office stuff, but the day to day business is mine! 

Yesterday I got the keys. The mall of course is barely open. Only essential businesses have their doors open and even then strict distancing and masks are the order of the day.

So, I’m standing there with the place in darkness, and the shop window covered in brown paper. It felt.....you know, I don’t really know how it felt! I’ve never been a business owner before, and don’t get me wrong. Just because dad loaned me the money doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter if it flops. He is a hard nosed SOB when  it comes to his investments and he will want his capital returned! With interest! 

The place doesn’t need redecorating, but in my opinion, it does need a makeover with regard to the menu. 

So, I wandered around the place. Kitchen, front of house, coffee machines (that I don’t have a clue how to work) tables, chairs, restrooms where I have had many-a pleasant cum, and a staff restroom. 

I suppose it was the restroom that woke Miss Brain up. “You’ve orgasmed in here.” Yes, I know! That’s why my panties are damp now! “Well, dear, you can orgasm anywhere you like now.” Ooohhhh so THAT’s where you’re going! 

“Maybe you’d like to check the back door is locked?” Huh....ok. Yep. I locked it behind me when I came to have a look-see. “Well, then, there’s nothing to stop you taking your t shirt off is there? “ no, I suppose not. “And your jeans?” Oh, go on then. “And your panties?”

Standing in the middle of the shop in just my socks was easily one of the most erotic feelings I have ever had. It felt so powerful. As I said, the place wasn’t cold by any means, yet my nipples were like bullets....painfully hard. My boobs, firm at the best of times, were harder than I’ve known them for a while. Fuck! And between my legs was.....well.....nothing short of a mess. No other word would do. A slippery wetness covered my cunny and the top inner part of my thighs. 

And Miss Brain had to add “Well, it’s your place now. Maybe it needs christening.”  Yes, maybe it does. I walked over to the bar. I wanted to be away from my clothes. I’m quite short and it took a couple of goes to hitch myself onto the bar itself. The cold wood felt glorious against my bum, and, with each foot on a bar stool I could lean back and really spread my legs! 

My hand found its mark easily and soon I was in a world of pleasure working myself up to an orgasm of magnificent proportions. I edged, bringing myself almost to the point then backing off.......getting close again......stopping.......how many times? I didn’t count, but each time left me with a gnawing desire deep between my legs to finish. 

When, finally I allowed myself to cum, I squirted heavily onto the carpet. I cried out in pure ecstasy as each wave tore through me. 

My squirt quickly soaked into the carpet, and I smiled at the thought that hen I open for business, the place might have the faintest hint of my cunt. 

I don’t think the smile left my face as I got dressed again....

......or when I noticed the security cameras. In the employees restroom, was a computer that works as a server for the tills, (allowing me to check who is doing what, and who is selling the most, and also, on a separate hard drive, records everything that happens in the store over a 48 hour period....in high definition! 

I’m very technically minded, and it didn’t take me long to find out how to view the recording....of me rubbing off on the bar. Naturally,I deleted it......I don’t want anyone but me seeing it.....but not before I sent a copy to my cloud. 

It looks very different to when I’ve videoed myself Jilling off, and I think it’s because I didn’t know I was being videoed. My performance was way more natural. 

So, hopefully by March or April, I will be a woman of business. Maybe I won’t be able to sit in the store window and tease, but this will be a whole new adventure. 

I think people will want to get back to normal as soon as it is allowed, and I am planning to open soon as a take away service. That means I need to hire me some staff....that could be interesting in itself! 



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