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A cinematic experience
Years ago when I was younger and less experienced, I decided, out of sheer boredom, to go to the cinema on my own, to watch a blue movie. It was a mid-week showing, and so there were only six to seven people in the theatre, and I was sat on the back seat. The film was standard fare, but interesting enough to encourage my cock to stiffen a little. It was very dark in this particular theatre, so when the door opened and this man walked in, he was lit from behind, so I saw him look around and step into the row of seats where I was seated. He walked towards me and sat in the seat next to me which I thought odd. About 15-20 minutes later he leaned across to me and whispered 'not a bad film, but not as good as the real thing'. In the faint green glow of the Exit sign above us I could see that he was fairly nice looking wearing tight jeans, like me. Another 10 minutes or so passed when I felt his hand brush against my thigh. A minute or so later I felt his hand again, but this time it rested on my knee. I'd never thought about other men sexually before, so I was surprised when I felt my cock stiffening very quickly and I started becoming hotter and my breathing became heavier. He must have noticed because his hand left my knee and started stroking the inside of my thigh, which made my cock really stand to attention. His hand continued to caress me, and began to work its way up my thigh until it was only a couple of inches away from aching cock and throbbing balls. I'd never felt as excited as I felt at that moment, and I was almost panting now. Then,through my now strained jeans, I felt him run the tips of his fingers along the shaft of my now massively swollen shaft. My mouth had gone totally dry, but I gave a little groan when I felt him reach for the zip of my jeans and ease it down, unfasten my belt, and undo the button so my jeans sprang open. It was the middle of summer and I wasn't wearing any underwear, so when my jeans parted my aching cock sprang out, twitching wildly and glinting in the faint green glow. In that same green glow I could see that he had a hard on, and to my amazement I felt my hand creep across to his lap and start massaging his inner thigh. His other hand reached down and moved my hand and placed it on his cock, while at the same time wrapping his strong fingers round my throbbing manhood and easing my foreskin down. I reached for his zip and ripped it down and slid my hand under his shorts, but had trouble getting his cock out, so I simply ripped his shorts open and watched as his 8-9 inch penis emerged standing to attention. He lifted himself off the seat and pulled his jeans, and now ruined shorts down to his ankles. Not to be outdone, I tugged my jeans off and pulled my T-shirt over my head so that I was sitting there absolutely naked, telling myself that this guy could do anything he wanted to me. His hand encircled my cock once again, and started rubbing my foreskin up and down, up and down, up and down, and I felt myself moving in unison with him, the harder he massaged me, the harder I thrust back at him. In the meantime I had started squeezing his throbbing member, peeling his foreskin back to reveal his deep purple musky-smelling cock-head, emitting clear drops of pre-cum which ran down his deeply veined shaft and over my hand. I spread that pre-cum over his thrusting manhood and felt that cock slide through my hand as if it was coated in silk. My head went back as I luxuriated in the sheer pleasure of a total stranger masturbating me, while knowing that he was thinking exactly the same thing, because if anything his erection was actually getting bigger, he must have been 10 inches long. As my head rested on the back of my seat, I looked up at the window of the projection room above, and to my horror saw that the projectionist was watching us jerking each other off. I must have tensed up because I heard the whisper 'don't stress man, that's my brother up there and he's cool'. He made a sign to the watching projectionist, who promptly disappeared. A minute or so later the door opened and he appeared in the seat on my other side and said 'can I play too?' I glanced at his crotch and saw that he was as worked up as his brother, so with my spare hand I undid his trousers and eased his swollen manhood out. If anything, he was even bigger than his brother. I laid there thinking that for someone who had never even seen a live erect cock before, except my own, it was pretty awesome to be pumping two cocks at the same time. By now they were both gently groaning as it became obvious that they were both pretty close to cumming, so I started to rub their cocks harder and faster till I felt them both panting harder and harder. They were both jerking me off by now, and I had two willing hands sliding up and down my own pre-cum coated shaft. My two legs had by now fully parted with one draped over one guys thigh and the other draped over the other guys. I felt totally shameless as I felt my foreskin being slid up and down my cock by two eager hands, while feeling their cocks sliding through my fingers, faster and faster, harder and harder, until I felt them both tense, moan, turn towards me and shudder! They both sighed heavily and I watched as two huge streams of warm creamy liquid erupted from their purple headed cocks, splashing across my face, chest and cock as they continued to give me their full and undivided attention. Their salty tasting cum ran into my mouth, and I ran my tongue through the strings of cum. As I savoured the slippery stickiness of their juice, I felt that familiar sensation growing in my balls, and I moaned 'I'm coming guys, I'm coming', and as I spoke both their hands tightened around my manhood stroking me with increased ferocity, faster and faster, until I erupted a massive fountain of semen which sprayed over all our faces, and I loved the sensation of my cum mixed with theirs in my mouth. We all lay there exhausted, playing with each others still semi-stiff cocks, rubbing three different sets of cum over each other. (to be continued)



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