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A Strangely Pleasurable Day.

Posted by: Age: 40/20s Posted on: 9 comments
18 likes 10113 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: Friend, cum
How I helped a friend in need.

I bumped into a young friend of mine earlier. He was looking tired and sad so I took him for a coffee and chat. He explained that his long term girlfriend had split up with him because she was seeing another man and he felt emasculated because she had been bragging about how great this fellow was in bed. My heart went out to the poor boy. We left the cafe and went for a stroll along the river. Our feet seemed to naturally take us into the woods and it just felt like the right thing to do to take him by the hand and lead him off the path into a nice dense thicket. He certainly didn't question what we were doing, but instead seemed curious as to my intentions. I kissed him, long and slow, all the while steering him backwards until he landed against a tree; then I dropped to my knees and applied my mouth to his cock, through his trousers which was fun because I could never be quite sure exactly which bit of his junk I was sucking. He fumbled at his fly and ta-dah! there it was, his magnificent member, long and thick with a little pearly bead of pre-cum perched precariously on the tip. How on Earth any girl could pass up an opportunity to have a go with such a delectable item of manhood was beyond me. I knew I couldn't. My mouth was moist- I needed his cock in it as much as he needed release. And oh Lordy, his balls were plump and full to bursting! I asked him to put his hands behind his buttocks so I could set to without interference. No way was he going to be allowed to touch himself, nuh-uh, no way. This was something for me to do. If I had to tie him up then so be it, but by crikey that cock was going to be mine until I decided otherwise. So there he stood before me, wonderfully exposed. Erect, hard, and so fucking sexy. I took a moment to admire the view and then ran my tongue over his scrotum, savouring the firm saltiness of his skin. I lipped over one firm ball and gently drew it half into my mouth, sucking ever so gently, then popped it back out and gave its sack mate the same treatment. This was greeted with sighs and moans of appreciation which grew as I nuzzled and licked his ball bag, sometimes soft and fleeting, other times harder and more urgent. He was finding it hard not to touch himself. I asked him if he wanted to jack off and took great delight in denying him. He was begging me now, and his cock was so engorged that it looked positively painful. What else could I do? I grasped firmly with my right hand and plunged my mouth down over the head, his tasty knob end, as far as I could go without gagging. Lips and tongue worked together to give him maximum sensation, he began to breathe faster and more shallow and I stopped. He would cum when I permitted it and not before. I knelt there listening to his pleas for a full two minutes and then moved in, gently nibbling and sucking up and down the length of his cock, before I suck-fucked him until with the loudest of groans he emptied every last drop of his cum into my eagerly waiting mouth. Mmmm. As I watched him walk- a little shakily- away from me I had the satisfaction of knowing that I may not be able to mend his broken heart but I could at least make him feel like a man again.



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