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A Missed Chance or What I Wish Had Happened

Posted by: Age: 86 Posted on: 2 comments
3 likes 2803 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: guys, masturbating
I have submitted a number of stories which were all true. This time I would like to try fantasy.

This is all fiction except for some minor details. It is about something that almost started and I dropped. It was many years ago and concerns a friend from the Department of English at an institution where I was teaching. It was widely known that a number of members English Department were gay. I was one of a group who often had lunch together in the cafeteria and one of the group was a friend I'll call Ed from the English Department whom everyone knew was definitely gay. I stopped in at his apartment one evening to ask about something and suddenly out of the blue, he asked Would you like to go to bed with me? I think he had thought that I had been playing footsies with him under the table at lunch. My answer was a simple No. This part is all true. Now I'll go into what I could have done and wish I had as well as what Ed might have done in response. Since it is more interesting and more fun, I will write as if it were true. The two of us were seated on a couch in his living room just talking and I needed to go to the bathroom so I asked where it was and went in. In the bathroom, I got the idea of doing something absolutely outlandish and daring that might shock Ed but would surely surprise him so I stripped off all my clothes. This resulted in my getting very excited. When I returned to the couch totally naked my penis was rock hard, fully erect, and pointing well above the horizontal. I couldn't think of anything to say so I just stood in front of him and said Just look at what happened to me. It looks as if I may have changed my mind. And look he did in detail.

Then he dropped on his knees in front of me, reached out and took hold of my ultra stiff penis, and put it directly into his mouth. It was immediately clear that Ed was a real expert at this operation. He started by running his tongue along the underside of my shaft licking all along. Then he wrapped his lips around my penis head, worked his tongue inside my fore skin, and gave the head a good sucking. I had never experienced anything like the marvelous feeling this gave me and was driving me completely wild. In short order I was moaning and writhing in ecstasy and out of consideration I felt I had to say Ed, you had better stop unless you want a mouth full. He did stop and stood up putting his arms around me and said I just want to kiss you. Then I explained that kissing or anything anal with a guy would turn me off. He responded with Maybe we can find something else that would give both of us a good time. And I said Sounds good to me.

He then moved over to my side, reached down, grasped my cock and lead me by the penis into the bed room. After completely undressing he lay down, spread his legs apart and showed off a really beautiful penis, which by now was as completely stiff and pointing to the heavens as mine. It wasn't particularly large, but with his erection the fore skin didn't fully cover the crown. This revealed a perfectly helmet shaped head which was a beautiful purplish red in color and looked much like a ripe plum. I stood for I don't know how long just staring at his gorgeous organ when finally Ed said Let's do each other and see if we can come right together.

I liked this idea so I lay down next to him, positioned myself so that the heads of our penises were in contact, and started stroking his. He started on me also and soon we were comparing notes as to how close we were to an orgasm. We took our time but finally, he asked Are you ready to come? and I could only say I sure am. Let's go for it. so we turned on our sides facing each other, cock-to-cock and after a few more rapid strokes our penises both at the same time poured out streams of joy juice which mixed and ran all over our hands, penises, and stomachs as well as over a good sized spot on the sheets.

After Ed took a towel which he kept next to the bed and cleaned up the mess, I lay back totally relaxed as one can only be after a terrific orgasm such as we had just experienced and could only say Wow, that was really something. and Ed agreed Yes, it certainly was. And so, Good Reader, thanks for reading my fantasy. I hope you enjoyed it. I had so much fun writing I had to stop several times to give some special attention to one very important part of my body.



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