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A Haircut with a Happy Ending !!

Posted by: Age: 45 Posted on: 4 comments
7 likes 6228 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Erection, soft hands, orgasm, good big balls, ejaculation
Thai boys love sex with foreigners any time, any place - but never in a hairdressers before!

A haircut with a happy ending !! This was unbelievable, completely out of the blue and thoroughly enjoyable. As you know I live in Pattaya, Thailand, where everyone is ready for sex, and the boys are so pretty. I have had my haircut by a boy named Not for about 6 years. I am sure he is gay but he is only 22 and never talks about it, even though he knows I am gay. I often ask him to come to the beach with me on his day off we have a very big gay beach, full of Thai boys trying to sell sex short time, massage on the beach, overnight anything you want. Anyway, I went into see Not for my monthly haircut. He has three chairs but no customers this time. I sat in the middle chair as usual, wearing just running shorts with a pretty jockstrap underneath. He wrapped the cloth round my neck and covered my legs with it. Just at that moment, the door opened and two of his friends came in, both in their early 20's, just to chat with him. They said hello to me in funny English !! Not talked to them in Thai. I am not sure what he was saying, but they both looked over at me, and said, we go together afterwards !!!! I said thank you but no thank you. Not then told them about my shorts, because one of them, Mr Cheeky, came over to my chair and sat in the next one to me, but away from where Not was cutting. Mr Cheeky lifted up the cloth and screamed (they do this a lot) and called over Mr Handsome (the other one). I don't know either of their names. So he also saw my very short, bulging shorts, but no erection, just the style Mr Cheeky put his hand on my penis and said ooh big. I said not yet, he is asleep! He carried on playing on the top of the shorts and I started getting very strong. He said something to Mr Handsome who came and put his hand up my shorts and felt my erection in my jockstrap. Not kept on cutting and smiling !! The other two lifted up my shorts to see my jockstrap. They are all very conservative and wear whiteys so a coloured jockstrap was a treat for them to se, particularly as it now held a very big bulge !! Mr Cheeky pushed his hand under the jock and tried to get my penis out but the sides were too tight. I asked him what he was doing ???? He said he wanted to see it. Not turned round to make sure no customers were coming in. So they lifted up the cloth to my neck, and then pulled my shorts down to my ankles leaving me in all my splendour. Mr Handsome said good, good, and ushed his hand down the top elastic and then grasped my rigid penis. Mr Cheeky pulled the jock down, and suddenly, there I was, naked having my hair cut. One of them started wanking me slowly and the other one felt my big balls. Not suddenly picked up a tube of shaving soap, and Mr Cheeky squirted it all over my balls and penis. I was very worried about customers coming in, but Not said I must not worry he would watch. So the foam acted like cream or oil and they both laughed and wanked me very quickly. I usually do not cum quick, but with both of them on me, it didn't take long. I warned them I was cumming and they carried on and I shot all up my chest, with a combination of cum and foam. They were cheering and said I could give them a nice tip !! Mr Handsome picked up a towel and cleaned my stomach while Mr Cheeky cleaned off my balls and penis. With great difficulty, then then pulled up my jock over my erection which was still strong, and then pulled up my shorts from the floor. I pushed them away and adjusted everything myself and then pulled the cloth from my neck so that Ton could finish my hair. The two boys went and sat down laughing and screaming. When Not had finished, he smiled knowingly as I told him NOT to have his friends come in when I came back next time. He assured me he had not organised it, but thought, when they arrived, they could have some fun with me, as I only had worn shorts. All that time, and Not never once touched me - unfortunately. But a lovely experience. I have never seen foam covered cum before !!



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