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A Friend With Benefits

Posted by: Age: 23 to 24 at the time Posted on: 3 comments
7 likes 20 views Category: Sex Stories General Tags: Masturbating each other, orgasm, ejaculation

This is a true story although I have used a fictitious name for the lady in question. Unfortunately it has a sad ending.

For a very long time I worked for a financial institution in London. This was the main office for the product we traded in. However we had 5 satellite offices dotted around the country one of which was in Leeds. Every day they would call up several times to conduct business. There was a girl called Alice in that office who was quite chatty and we became long distance friends with each other. After a few months some of the conversation got a little saucy. For instance she once said to me,  'Do you do it doggy style'  In my innocence I didn't know what she meant so fobbed her off with some kind of remark such as, 'You shouldn't be asking a gentleman things like that,' whereupon we both burst out laughing.

One day she asked me if I had ever been up north which I hadn't so she said that if we could both get a week off from our annual leave at the same time would I like to go up there. She told me that there was a lot of places to visit. I said yes, great, that would be really nice. We both managed to get a week off well away from the main holiday period I think around March or April time. I duly took a train up to Leeds where she met me. She still lived with her parents and her brothers and there wasn't enough room for me there so she had arranged for me to stay at her sister's house. Her sister was married with a young daughter. From the station she drove us to her sister's house and on the way she suddenly said to me

 'Now I'm not having sex with you while you're here'.

 I was shocked by this and said to her, 'What kind of a boy do you think I am ? I've come up here for a visit. Having sex with you has never entered my mind'.  

When we arrived at her sister's we had an evening meal before she went home.

The next day we all went for a meal on a canal barge which was great. It was wonderful having a meal on a barge whilst cruising down a canal. They had one of my favourite beers on a hand pump called Theakstons Old Peculiar !! In the evening she took me out to a pub where we spent the evening chatting and talking about the places we could visit. When we got back to her sisters everyone had gone to bed. She made us both a coffee & we sat chatting quietly sitting on the sofa. After we had finished our drinks she suddenly got up and went to the light switch and turned it off. She came back to the sofa, lifted my legs up so that I was lying on my left side up against the back of the sofa. Alice lay down next to me on her right side and facing me. She put her arm's around me & started snogging me something rotten. I was very surprised at this as although we had been speaking to each other over the phone for a long time, I didn't really know her and had only just met her,  but I didn't complain. The trouble was that as we were kissing I felt the inevitable twitching of my cock which slowly but surely started to swell up until it was rock hard. I tried not to press my body against hers but I think she must have realised. She stopped kissing me and said

 'Have you got a hard on ?'

I was so embarrassed and made some kind of  non committal get out of jail remark which I can't remember and it failed miserably as the next thing I knew she placed her hand on the front of my trousers and exclaimed

 'Oooo you have got a hard on'.

Alice started to stroke the front of my trousers teasing me, then slowly pulled down the zip, undid my belt, then the button & peeled my trousers open. I said

'What are you doing ? I thought you said you weren't going to have sex with me'.

 She replied, 'I'm not, I am just going to jerk you off'.

 Her hand started fumbling for the fly of my underpants and once through she took hold of my cock and started by teasing it with her fingers, tweaking the tip and running her fingernails up and down my shaft as it gave little pulsations, she then started to wank me (Or jerk me as she called it). I placed my hand on her tight fitting jeans and stroked her down the front of them & right down between her legs. I then pulled down the zip & undid the button, opening her jeans up. She made no attempt to stop me & seemed to enjoy it. Alice then opened her legs by raising her left leg upwards and bringing it up until it was at right angles at the knee which would make it easy for me to reach her pussy & vulva. My hand found the top of her knickers and I slowly pushed my hand inside them over her lush pussy which I ran my fingers through a few times before getting down to her vulva. I laid the flat of my fingers over her vulva in order to softly massage it to get her wet but she was already absolutely soaking & her knickers were well damp. My fingers explored her burning hot lips, teasing them with gentle movements between her outer and inner labia as I started to stroke them up & down. My finger then penetrated her vagina pushing in & out as she writhed about and she softly moaned and groaned into my ear. My cock had gone even harder as she stroked my shaft up & down. She started to speed up a little and I felt the oncoming of orgasm and came with the most powerful throbbing I had ever experienced and soaked my underpants with cum. Alice told me that my cock had throbbed far more powerfully than any other that she had jerked off & that she had really enjoyed playing with it. That's probably because my cock was circumcised when I was born and had always been very taught when it was hard and had always spurted cum very powerfully. She found this out the next morning when she turned up. Her sister & husband had gone to work & her niece to school. I hadn't woken up yet so she came up to my bedroom to wake me. She promptly pulled the bedclothes back, pulled down my pants and started to massage my cock until it was hard and jerked me off again. She was kneeling between my legs as she did it and when I came my cum shot out of my cock up into the air and came down on my body. She was amazed at how powerful my throbbing was and just how far in the air I had spurted. She told me that she thought my circumcised cock was so beautiful, lovely and smooth

I had a great week there. We were masturbating each other every evening plus visiting some great places, which is why I was there in the first place. Just before Christmas we both got a week off again and she came down to my house. We had another great week together masturbating each other every evening before going to bed. It was during this week when Alice introduced me to oral sex, something I had never heard of !!

Alice eventually emigrated down under to Australia and I lost touch with her. Although we really enjoyed each other's company and got on well together that magic spark called 'Love' never happened which was a shame, but I treasure the memory of those wonderful two weeks.

I did manage to track her down some years later through our former employer and we used to exchange a Christmas card and occasionally we spoke on the phone. She had met & married an Englishman. Her husband suddenly passed away and after that she decided to come back to the UK as she had her brothers and various nephews and nieces here, her sister having also passed away. Sadly Alice died during the Covid pandemic although I don't think that was the only cause. Very sad as she was the same age as me so she was still in her sixties at the time.



When all this happened I was 23 - 24 years old. At that time I had still not found out that women masturbated, that they had orgasms & nor had I ever heard of the Clitoris, hence I did to Alice what I had done to girlfriends in the past in as much that as all I had to go on was logic, I thought that if you penetrated a woman's vagina with your cock to have sex surely you did the same  with your finger when petting with them. So I only ever masturbated Alice via her vagina. She did enjoy it very much but never told me that I was doing it the wrong way (nor had any of my past girlfriends) so either she didn't know herself and thought that that was all there was to it or she did know but didn't want to embarrass me so kept quiet in which case I can only guess that when she went to bed after my amateurish fumbling's & groping's she must have masturbated herself. I just wish that there had been some proper education about sex and specifically about how a woman's body functioned sexually. I don't think very many women knew themselves and if they don't know how can they teach their boyfriends ? This reared it's head again a couple of years later when I met my wife as it turned out that she didn't know either. We found out eventually although it took a long time !!



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