A group of friends decide to give nude bowling a try.
I’m Jack, part of a group of eight people who race at competitive running events nearly every weekend and also bowl together on a regular basis. Jill and Kevin are married, Monica and Sue are single, and Joe, Allen, Mike, and I are also single. For whatever reason, neither Monica or Sue have ever actually dated any of the guys. Lots of hanging out together but always in a group.
Allen and Mike also were pickleball fans and played regularly. We were all together in a café after a successful run. This was in central Florida where there are many competitive runs over a wide number of suitable trails.
The subject of conversation was pickleball and Mike commented that nude pickleball was the latest sensation. And that while all of the courts were located at naturist facilities (better known as nudist resorts to the clueless) six of them were right here in Florida and one was in Kissimmee, just a short drive away.
Mike said, “Allen and I have been kicking around the idea of giving it a go. But we are bit hesitant because not being regular naturists, we might be resented as “outsiders.”
“So,” Kevin said, “you have no trouble playing a nude sport with people you know?”
“Of course not,” replied Mike. “As long as everybody is on the same page and ok with nudity, what’s the big deal?”
Kevin shot back, “So then you would have no problem with us all getting together for nude bowling?”
“Where is there nude bowling?” Allen wanted to know.
“I suspect it could be at our local bowling alley if the proper palms were greased,” replied Kevin.
Let me tell you about Kevin. He’s a bond trader and literally makes millions of dollars every year. But you would never know it. He drives a restored ‘60’s era muscle car and jeans and a t-shirt would be “dressed up” for him. He works out of his home which, admittedly, is somewhat upscale and located right on the beach with a 40-foot Cigarette boat tied up out back.
“Let me talk to Claudia, the bowling alley manager and see if a private session can be arranged. That’s assuming everybody in our group is on board?”
Surprisingly everybody enthusiastically raised their hands and all said they were in. Kevin looked at me. “Jack, you seemed a bit hesitant in raising your hand. Do you have a problem getting naked for bowling”
“Can I be candid? I’m telling you up front that in a naked group I probably won’t be able to keep from getting an erection,” I replied.
Jill laughed. “Don’t worry about your little winky sticking out. I doubt anybody will notice.” Everybody laughed and echoed her sentiment.
“OK,” I shot back. “Consider yourselves warned.”
After slipping Claudia a thousand bucks, she arranged to open the alley one morning, just before lunch. On that day the alley didn’t open until four pm. She sat up some folding tables and we had a catering company bring in a nice lunch spread. She also rounded up some folding screens and blocked off one end of the alley. There were other employees there who knew what was going on but Claudia felt they didn’t have to see it. There had to be somebody there to service the pin setting equipment in case anything jammed up while we were bowling. This did happen from time to time.
Once we were all there, no time was lost getting undressed. Claudia had some extra folding tables where we could store our clothes. We still had to wear our bowling shoes.
“Omigod!” exclaimed Jill when I dropped my pants. “That’s the biggest dick I’ve ever seen. How big is it? The rest of the group also had their eyes glued to my cock.
“Six inches soft, and about eight and a half hard, as you will soon see.” I could feel my dick start to thicken. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Within thirty or forty seconds my dick was like a bar of steel, sticking straight out from my body. No more pointing to the sky like it did as a teen. Probably too big and too heavy to do that anymore. But still, a major object of everyone’s rapt attention.
“Hey, let’s eat,” I said. Trying to divert the attention away from my dick.
Claudia had draped the tables with cloth coverings. As I leaned forward to access the food, the table height was exactly right for my dick to slide onto the cloth covering. As I moved down the table to sample all the goodies, the frenulum of my prick was sliding long the rough cloth.
Sue was closely watching my cock slide along the cloth. “Hmmm,” she said, “I bet that feels good, doesn’t it?”
I looked down at my ever-hardening prick that was also starting to get more coloring in it. “You caught me. It feels damn good.”
She laughed. “I hope you aren’t about to shoot a load all over our food.”
I winked at her. “Maybe later.”
As we sat around eating our food, now my dick was sticking straight up. The head was quite dark in color and looked like it was about to burst. Jill leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Does that thing ever go down?”
“Eventually,” I replied. “But for some reason, once it gets hard, it could take several hours to go soft. Oddly enough, even after I cum it stays hard.” I lowered my voice even more. “I’ve had sessions where I’ve had as many as three orgasms and never lost my erection.”
“Was that with a partner or jacking off?” she asked. “Both,” I replied.
“What are you two whispering about?” Sue wanted to know.
In a normal speaking voice where everybody could hear, Jill said, “Jack was just telling me how his big ol’ cock stays hard for hours….even after cumming several times.”
Kevin, Jill’s husband, laughed and said, “Sounds like your kind of guy.”
“For sure,” replied Jill. “I don’t know if I could get it to go soft but I’d like to give it the old college try.”
“Hey guys,” interjected Mike, as we finished eating, “let’s get to the bowling before this party goes totally off the rails with all this dick talk.” I noticed his own dick had thickened. As the other guys stood up, everybody looked to be aroused. Not fully hard, but hard enough to see that the smallest cock in our group was probably at least six inches. And all the guys had very attractive pricks on display. And the three girls, all great athletes, had very toned bodies with great racks. I noticed a trickle of something liquid on Jill’s thigh and figured she was already juicing from our little conversation. It was obvious from Kevin’s comments that he was ok with her admiring my cock.
Once we started bowling the cock conversation dropped off but my prick stayed just as hard as before. That was partially due to my bowling form. Some bowlers take two steps before throwing the ball, some take three, and a few take four. I take four. And each time I took a step my cock would slap against one thigh and then the other as I strode forward. The sensation of my dick swinging from side to side and making contact with my thigh right on the frenulum definitely kept me hard.
The longer we bowled, the more excited I became. I tried to hide it but everybody knew my dick was getting a workout. By the third game I was super aroused. And when my turn came to bowl the 10th frame I knew I might be in trouble. Normally I would throw one ball per frame if I got a strike or two balls to get a spare, or sometimes an open frame. But in the tenth there is the opportunity to throw the ball three times right in succession. That would give my penis a major workout slapping from thigh to thigh. The first ball was a strike. The second ball was another strike. As I prepared to throw the third ball, I knew my arousal was way beyond where it should be.
I did my usual four step run-up and just as I released the ball, I felt my ejaculation coming. I didn’t want to stand at the foul line and shoot a load down onto the lane so I quickly turned around, now facing seven people who somehow knew what was about to happen. And despite the fact that I really did not want to spurt my cum for everyone to see, that’s exactly what happened. Without touching my cock, a stream of semen jutted from the tip. Some of my group were standing about four feet away. That first jet splattered about half way between us. I knew the second was usually the most powerful and sure enough it landed just inches from Monica’s shoes. My dick kept spurting and at that point I couldn’t help myself. I wrapped my hand around the shaft and pumped it as hard and as fast as possible. Semen continued to spurt in stream after stream filling the distance between me and the rest of group with long patterns of cum on the wood floor.
Finally my orgasm subsided. I still milked my dick to finish getting all the semen out. A thin stream drooled from the tip of my cock to the floor. I stood there, guilty as hell. I really felt horrible blowing my load right there in public in front of all my very best friends. But looking at their faces it was obvious nobody was that put out about it. In fact, they all looked quite happy. Especially the other four guys whose dicks looked very happy.
Monica rushed over to me with a box of tissues and the two of us got down on our knees and mopped up the jism. Then we all sat down and Jill kind of took charge. “OK, gang, it looks like we have some more erect cocks that need servicing. I don’t think we can risk out-and-out sex here in the bowling alley, but I do feel handjobs are in order. I’ll take care of Kevin. Look how hard his dick is. Mike, we all know you are gay although you think you are firmly in the closet, and I know Allen is bi as he has stated that in the past. Why don’t you two guys jack each other off? The two guys grinned in anticipation.
“That leaves two hard pricks unattended. Sue, can you masturbate Joe’s nice hard-on and Monica, I can tell you are obsessed with Jack’s big prick. He claims he’s good for multiple ejaculations in a row so here’s his chance to prove it.”
Everybody thought Jill’s suggestions were right on target and everybody got busy. Hands were flying up and down multiple erect pricks. Joe was the first to cum as Sue actually finished him off in her mouth. Despite the major ejaculation I just experienced, Monica’s skillful handjob talents had me spurting a load next. The two guys were able to achieve simultaneous eruptions and Jill brought Kevin off to an impressive cumshot.
After all the guys had cum, we all sat there attempting to recover. All the limp dicks rested on their thighs and drooled a bit of semen. My dick was still rock fucking hard.
“Think you can cum again, big boy?” Jill teased. “No problem,” I countered. So Jill grabbed my dick and started jacking me off. And as advertised, I was soon shooting my third load of the day.
“What the hell,” Sue said. “I’m not about to miss my chance at that monster cock. Let’s see if I can coax a fourth load of jism out of that thing.” With that, Sue grabbed my dick and instead of finishing me off in her mouth like she did with Joe, she immediately engulfed the head of my prick with her mouth and furiously started sucking. She gave me the best blowjob of my life and in an amazingly short time, my fourth cumload of the day was squirting down her throat as she eagerly swallowed every drop.
As we all then sat around reflecting on what just happened, I brought up the subject of the lack of orgasms for the girls. Jill immediately responded. “Only answering for myself, I actually had three orgasms. One came just from watching all the hard dicks cumming and two were from rubbing my clit while jacking off first Kevin and then Jack.”
“Same here,” echoed both Sue and Monica. They both had masturbated themselves to orgasm while everybody was watching the guys getting jerked off.
As we cleaned up the last of the food mess and any stray cum splatters, we then all got dressed. Jill came over to me and quietly said, “Kevin and I would like to invite you over to our place for drinks one night this week.” I eagerly accepted as I knew full well what they had in mind. One surprise that I had in store for them was that I was secretly bi. I was looking forward to seeing Kevin’s facial expression as his erect cock disappeared down my throat.
That was pretty much the end of our first nude bowling outing. More followed and each one got more uninhibited. Before it was over, every guy, except Mike, had fucked every one of the girls, and every guy had sucked Mike’s dick. As all of the guys discovered they had no problem with some bi tendencies, everybody’s dick got sucked by both all the guys and all the girls. Kevin had no problem with his wife Jill fucking and sucking anybody she wanted as long as he was in attendance.
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