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Meter Reader

Posted by: Age: 40, 30 then Posted on: 2 comments
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I enjoy reading the exciting stories here and haven't had many myself, but here's a blast from my past that came back to me today when I saw the meter reader. I was 30 and a newlywed. I worked in a nearby suburban town in a fairly small office complex from which my company leased much of the space. Without an onsite landlord or superintendent, my company was the contact for service calls and we had the keys to the utility rooms. I happened to be in my office suite alone when a meter reader from the water company entered and inquired about gaining access to the utility room. He looked to be a little older than me-mid to late 30s, muscular and rugged, I remember, with blond hair, moustache and stubble. Wearing a ski hat, flannel shirt and jeans, he looked more like a lumberjack. I got the key from the receptionist's desk and, since it was his first time to the building, led him to the basement. Once in the meter room, he scoped out the water meter in the corner which was in a shadow caused by overhead pipes so he asked if I would hold the flashlight while he read and recorded the digits. Standing behind him, I lifted the light high and leaned in to shine on the meter. He was bending forward which caused his butt to grind into my groin. I took a step back, but he seemed to push back into it. His back and forth movements were surprisingly causing me to get hard. At 30, hell even now at 40, I'm usually always horny even though I have a very active sex life with my wife, so the sensations had me reeling and the musky scents we both exuded were intoxicating and reminded me of some college lockerroom circle jerks I admit I engaged in and enjoyed. He crotched down presumably to see the meter better which brought the back of his head in front of my bulging pants. I was trying to think dismal thoughts to have my hardon subside before he noticed but before it worked, he turned around and came face to crotch. I was mortified but he surprised me by laughing and saying that he was glad I was so happy to see him. I could only laugh also and tried to brush it off as constant male horniness. I explained that the closeness and rubbing were getting to me, to which he reached up and caressed my hardon though my pants causing it to throb and swell to its fullness. My head rolled back in ecstasy as he unzipped my pants and released my erection. The utility room air was cool, but I could feel the warmth of his breath and then his hand on my dick. Wow! He began pumping me and it felt really good to have such a big, strong hand doing it so expertly rather than my wife's quick and disinterested attempts. Slowly, then faster, then slow again, he brought me to new heights of arousal. I was riding the waves of this constant edging and thinking about cumming not about reciprocation when he stopped and began pushing down his jeans announcing it was his turn for some fun. I was too hot to stop now. He was hairy and, though I like to think I'm hung at 7 inches, he was huge. Maybe not so long, but really thick so that my hand didn't fit around it. It was hot and hard. I pulled on it and he moaned. He opened his shirt and pinched his nipples while I was masturbating him. He told me how good it felt. That since he was divorced recently he hadn't had anyone else to touch him. He reached over with one hand and stroked me while I stroked him. After a bit, he announced he was ready to shoot and asked if I was, too. I was, so I leaned next to him against the wall as we both jerked ourselves, milking our dicks of many spurts of hot, white jism. His came with such force that they really flew across the floor! He had some rags in his bag which we used to clean up, then headed upstairs. I never saw him again. We now live and work in the city where there are many service men which make me think back to that incident-and, quite honestly, a few UPS men in my building that kind of make me wish it would happen again.



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