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by Julieanna I had been entertaining friends all weekend.....was a lot of fun - lot of work. Weather was soooooo perfect. Everyone started a volleyball game - and I took off on the 4-wheeler for a ride. Rode about 4 miles - down to a hunting cabin. It was deserted....I stopped the engine and just sat there for a second enjoying the sun on my skin. I got off and walked around a bit.....stretching - snooping. I checked my mental state....and knew what I would be doing in a few minutes. I found myself looking for something......something to insert. I found a stone...a long cool smooth stone....and picked it up. I kept walking around the cabin....ended up at the back - there is a deck - in the sunshine. Without even a thought - I untied the drawstring in my shorts....and they dropped to the ground. I wasn't wearing undies, so I sat down and felt the wetness that was between my legs....and that stone....found its way immediately inside me. I pushed it up inside me - high. My fingers touching the smooth lips of my pussy, I began fucking myself with that stone. I lay back and pulled my heels up below my ass and continued. It glided in and out so nicely - was making squishing noises I was so wet. I squeezed my legs toghether around it - and yanked my t-shirt off.....released my breasts and held them, sucked at the nipples while my pussy held on to that stone. I was hot....burning to cum......but it wasn't enough yet - I knew it. I sat up now - completely naked.....no jewelry, no nothing. I walked a short distance......looking for something again. The stone lay on the deck behind me sticky and drying.....when this other thing caught my eye in a box just beneath the deck. It was a length of pipe insulation....black, soft, circular, hollow, about 2 1/2 feet long. It was wound around another piece exactly the same - I picked them up - untied them....checked my mental state again.....this was it. I took one length back to the edge of the deck with me...my breasts still loose and nipples hard....I leaned back and lifted my legs - opening them wide. I took the end of that nice length of foam...and worked it easily and slowly up into my wet pussy.....I pushed it in...and in... and in. I remember moaning as I looked at it protruding from me there. I started pulling it out - pushing it in - saw it getting wet. I lay back and fucked myself with it - it was soft and wet....and easily plowed into me over and over. I reached again for my nipples to suck, and the other end of the pipe was waving in front of my face. My gosh - it was hollow....would I? should I? oh yeahhhh....I took the end to my lips.....it was a perfect length to connect my breath to my pussy.....I blew. I blew harder.....the air rattled inside my pussy....escaping. Oh my gosh - never felt anything like that before. I inhaled - sucking back my air - and my pussy walls pulled in around that nice soft intruder. I kept fucking, blowing, sucking.....for I have no idea how long. It was making me crazy. I don't remember when my orgasm started, but I do remember the intensity of it. I rocked over to my side as my body was ravaged by it. I could catch my reflection in a window nearby - as that pipe arched over my body and I blew myself silly - I became even more enraged and started again for another orgasm. Took me another few minutes to rock out again.....and my ears were ringing at this point. I was sooooo satisfying my hunger....never like that before. When I finally stopped to pull that length out of me - it was wet about 8 inches up. I tasted it - I thought how wild that was.....sat for a minute dressing myself and feeling great! I replaced the insulation in the box and rode back to the ranchhouse.....still with cum on my fingers. I remember thinking how cool it would be for a man to use that very same tool...with a little lube. Self-suck could be accomplished rather readily.....hmmmmmmm.



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