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Apt. Roof Jackin'

Posted by: Author: Age: Then17/now 25 Posted on: 2 comments
4 likes 631 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags:
Never stop jacking
When I was 17 I was a part time security guard at this inner city 12 story public housing project. While on duty, I would go up to the roof and have a cig. The younger guys 13 and up would be there having a circle jerk or solo jerk. It was the only place that gave them the privacy they needed. Many times I would jack off with them. It was amazing the cock and ball sizes on those guys. I'm talkng 5 inches to 8 inches and ball size to match. I had this job for over 2 years and I must have jacked off and been jacked off by a hundred or more guys. Guys from the other buildings,(there were 4) would come over, so there was plenty of cock to go around. I joined the Air Force and it was more mutual jackin' off. Got married and quit jacking off so much with the guys. Whew!!!



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