When did you start masturbating?

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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by oktostroke »

I was 13 when I started masturbating. I had been curious about it for awhile, and had also recently discovered porn magazines. I'd heard boys at school describe this thing they called "beating off" and there was lots of talk around this general topic. I hadn't quite figured out how to do it until one day, I somehow got my hands on some magazines ( I think I found my older brother's stash but the mags could have come from a friend of mine....not sure I remember). Anyway, the first chance I got to be alone, I started flipping through the magazines and of course looking at the pictures got me super hard and so I just put my hand around my cock and started stroking. As I looked at the pictures and got more and more excited, my hand started pumping faster and faster until I lost all control - and nothing else mattered except for beating my cock off and the pleasure sensations I was feeling....and I just exploded in a massive orgasm, spraying cum everywhere. After realized what I had just discovered, I knew that I wanted to try it again, which I did not long after I cleaned up the cum mess with an old t shirt. Long story short, that t shirt was caked with cum within a few days and I was masturbating as often as I could get the chance, several times a day usually.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by busygirl »

I was in the first grade, I think. It was recess time, and I was climbing up the metal pole of the playground swingset. I had to clamp my legs tightly around the pole as I inched my way up and...wow!!! I had NO idea what had just happened, but it felt unbelievably good! I immediately started exploring every way I could find to induce that feeling again (and again and again) and I haven't stopped since, still getting myself off several times a day.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by spunkluvr »

I started wanking at the age of six and had five lonely years of playing with my little cock until I taught my cousin how to wank at the age of eleven. We wanked and sucked each other almost every day for the next five years.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by scottb80 »

I was 12 or 13. I was in bed trying to sleep, but was really horny for some reason. So I started humping the bed and I ejaculated for the first time. I was surprised at first, but really enjoyed it and was still horny. So I masturbated with my hand and came again. I've been hooked ever since.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by oliviaanne »

I was a gymnast and discovered from an early age that rubbing my vulva on things made me feel "light in the tummy". It wasn't until after I got my period at age 12 that I really started to rub my clit with my hands and play with insertion. By the time I was 13 I was using electric tooth brushes, candles, carrots, shower nozzles and even my mom's classic bullet vibrator that I found one day while snooping to pleasure my horny teen pussy. When I was 15 I talked my friends older sister into buying me a vibrator from the adult book store in our town. I'm pretty sure that through either the gymnastics or all of my pussy play I broke my own hymen because the first time I had sex I had no pain at all.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by stroker1961 »

I was in 5th grade when I have my first memory of doing it. Based on what I remember I had done it before as I knew how many orgasms I was going to have before I started. I had 10 before rolling over and going to sleep.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by Mickyy »

I think I was 10 or 11, I was reading a trashy paperback I found in my mom's nightstand.
I was rubbing my cock, and all of a sudden I felt like I had to pee.

I ran to the bathroom with my cock in my hand and it erupted all over with white stuff.
I thought I had broken it somehow.

Then I put 2 & 2 together, and realized that it was the 'cum' they spoke about in the novel...
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by bartlebaby88 »

I was introduced to it around 11 years old. My friend Emily jerked me off in her moms bedroom in the space between the bed and the wall. Just for fun. I didn't know what it was, just that it felt great, and she would do it almost every time I came over.

I wouldn't get to return the favor until years later, of course.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by serena »

The answer to that question is lost in the mists of time. I can't remember a time when I didn't masturbate.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by goodniteswearer89 »

I started masterbating when I was about 12 or 13 i had heard about it from some friends at school and decided to try it one day after I got home from school I went to the bathroom and played with myself for a little bit I couldn’t cum the first few times of trying but after I while I was able to. I would use my sisters bikini bottoms or underpants and I would occasionally steal the instructions from my moms tampon box and look at it and get hard and think of a girl I liked in school and think about seeing her put a tampon in herself I would also occasionally steal diapers or pull-ups from anyone in my family that I new had them and wear them rub myself with them on till I got hard and would cum in them
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by eatmycum »

so long ago, I do not remember when. best I can say is it was well before I had any idea about what I was doing (6 - 8 YO ?), just know it always felt so good.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by rathb69 »

I was a late bloomer and didn't jack off to completion until I was 18 (but have since made up for lost time!)

My earliest experience with masturbation was in a gathering of boys (all around 12-13) after school. One boy pulled out his dick, which was small but erect, to show us how he made some white stuff come out. I impulsively moved over and grabbed his penis and started to play with it. We stopped before he came either by my hand or his.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by varvara »

Approximately 10-11 years. I started doing it with my panties. Terrible itching to tremble at the knees. Once, being in the bath (helped soap foam), I realized that the fingers is very convenient. :) . I was lucky. I "burned" one much older than me the girl (and maybe already not). She didn't make fun of me, and she didn't judge me. We became friends, she taught me to get an orgasm from it.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by my2094 »

We both discovered that rubbing a pole, rope or even a broomstick felt incredible. Being around 5 or 6 I had no idea I was masturbating. Its wasn't until the Day my Mother came in my room and explained I wasn't in no trouble but that thing I do with a pole has to be done alone in my room. As much as I wanted to do what she said. I couldn't stop and I up my game. I would rub against fencing outside and when no one was around. I would strip naked. Sometimes it felt so great when people walked by. I didn't even try to hide the fact I was using a pole to stroke my cock.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by wonderdick »

When I was around 9 I remember saying to my 3 years older brother I had a boner in my pants and us laughing about it. I''m pretty sure my mother would hear us talking about our boners. I didn't know what it was or think it was anything sexual. At that age my mom would still read to me from the Bible or other Christian books at bedtime and she always wanted my hands above the covers ... I didn't even know why she was so concerned with where my hands were!

Then in high school I think the first time I came was unexpectedly in school in my pants. I don't remember exactly how I got home to change while hiding the obvious wet spot in my light blue corduroy pants, but as you can imagine I was pretty concerned. I think i carried my books in front of my crotch. It wasn't until I was maybe 14 or 15 when I was sharing a room with my brother and he went to the bathroom and I was having some really good feelings in my dick and masturbated under the covers. It felt really good and at the same time it felt wrong, and I vowed I would never do it again. But then the urges would overtake me. I wrestled with this for a long time until I came to the conclusion that if these body feelings everyone has feel so good how could it be wrong. Once I shed myself of all that right/wrong thinking based on either religion or my mother, or on my mashup interpretation of all that I found myself free to enjoy all the ways I can experience physicsl pleasure without guilt.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by johnjo1940 »

My earliest memory of the pleasant tingling effect when playing with my penis was when i was 10. I would lie on my tummy in bed and rub up and down on the sheets. I also discovered that my penis got hard when I did this, so i got to playing with it in other ways, like putting it under the pillow or between the cushions on the sofa. By the time I was 12 I was having dry orgasms which were scary but so nice I had to repeat them. I too noticed that my dick would become aroused at any time, without me even touching it. I started ejaculating semen when i was 13 and haven't stopped since.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by SquirtFountain »

I started when I was nine.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by hornywhiteboy36 »

I think I was around 8 or 9 years old when I started. I do remember that it started with grinding against the mattress. It felt good so I continued doing it without even understanding what I was doing. I started to wonder what else could make me feel like that, so I started experimenting with different stuffed animals and other toys that I had. The best feelings I got when doing this was with something super soft, like a teddy bear or other stuffed animal. I started taking my sister's barbie dolls to use as a source of pleasure. I would sneak one out of her room, take the clothes off of it, and rub it on my cock until I had the good feeling again. As far as I know, she never realized that I was taking them. I didn't have my first ejaculation until I was 12 or 13, but that is a story for another time.
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by smooth7 »

I must have been 7 or 8 and discovered that rubbing my penis on the rug felt wonderful. I would go behind the couch in my pjs and get all hot and bothered. My younger brother and older sister 5 and 10 would just ask why I was red in the face. This was in the late fifties so sex knowledge was scarce. I remember going to my grand mother’s house and rubbing my little hard dick on her fake white bearskin rug. I would get a dry cum. Finally when I was 12 we went to Calgary and saw the Stampede and I remember going to the pool and getting all excited seeing the girls in bikinis. I came back to our travel trailer and first used my hand to stroke my cock. I was shocked when that good feeling came with squirts of cum shooting out. From then on I have jerked off loving the feeling and the shooting of the white stuff!
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Re: When did you start masturbating?

Post by liketomasturbate »

Think I was 11. Being fascinated with myself for some time and also playing with a school friend for sometime. I remember I had a penthouse and an erection, for some reason I made a hole in the page where the models vagina was and poked myself through. (Obviously knowing what the act of sex was) but I remember sliding my hand over it and pulling the skin over my head. It hit me....! Then it just became my daily occurrence.
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