Female masturbation questionnaire

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Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by iluvgirls »

Women, we want to read details about your masturbation. Please be as detailed in your answers as you wish!
Ladies only, please-- if someone would like to start a similar, separate questionnaire for the guys, please do.

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

2. How often do you masturbate?

3. How long are your typical sessions?

4. When did you last masturbate?

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

6. Do you have a hand preference?

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by pammie »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

I think I started to 'really' (for an orgasm) masturbate when I was 12. Before that I would sometimes give myself 'a nice feeling' by, for example, humping a pillow, but without reaching orgasm and without really knowing what I was doing.
I've been masturbating for 12 years now.

2. How often do you masturbate?

That all depends on my mood... Most of the time, I masturbate several times a day. But sometimes only 2 or 3 times a week.

3. How long are your typical sessions?

That greatly depends on how much time I have... When I have all the time in the world, a typical session lasts roughly an hour (with several orgasms). When I have very little time and I have to have a 'quicky', the session can be over in 5 minutes.

4. When did you last masturbate?

About an hour ago.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

Usually I masturbate in bed when I wake up and before I go to sleep. Sometimes I play with myself when I'm taking a shower.
When I'm not at home and I 'feel the urge', I usually masturbate on the toilet / in a restroom.
When I'm feeling horny I can also masturbate in public by crossing my legs and rhythmically squeezing my thighs together.

6. Do you have a hand preference?

Yes; my right hand.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

I like both! When I have the time I usually start off by using my fingers, and then use a vibrator or clit-stimulator. But I have (and use) other toys too...
When I'm not at home I usually do it by hand.

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?

Hmmm... Both, but I guess my clit gets the most attention. ;-)

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

I'm not exactly 'leaking', but I'm not dry either... If I'd have to pick one of the two answers, I guess it's a little...

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?

Not really... Don't hate it either. I don't usually taste or smell my own pussy...

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

I guess about 3.5 hours...

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

That was when I was 13; roughly 2 months. My mother had caught me playing with myself and told me it was a no-no... in less than friendly words. She scared my enough to make me stop masturbating, and I tried to fight the urge. That lasted about 2 months, and then I couldn't take it anymore.

In more recent years, I guess it's about one week.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

Yes; the ammount of orgasms differ. I usually have 3 or 4 per session (unless it's a 'quicky'), sometimes more.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?


15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

Yes; in my teens I was caught by my mother, and in more recent years by a dormmate.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

Yes, in my teens.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

Yes, both in my teens and twenties... :)

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

Sometimes I use anal beads.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

Not from purely anal stimulation, no...

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?

I don't know exactly... I guess somewhere between 10 and 15 times.
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by emmieeew »

from emmieeew

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? my boyfriend (now fiance) was the first to masturbate me when I was 15. I hadn't done it to myself yet. I've now been masturbating for 9 years

2. How often do you masturbate? seldom

3. How long are your typical sessions? maybe 5 minutes

4. When did you last masturbate? maybe a month ago. i was masturbated last night

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? in my bed

6. Do you have a hand preference? right

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? toys

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate? clit

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? ha ha yes

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate? it's ok

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? ever, maybe an hour

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? 2 months

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? depends

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm? not thru masturbation

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? no

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? many times

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? once

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? no

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? no

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? 5
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by shyteacher »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

I was 14, and it's been a regular feature of my life for 12 years now.

2. How often do you masturbate?

I would say, when single, about 4 or 5 times a week.

3. How long are your typical sessions?

Do I have a typical session? Maybe 15-20 minutes.

4. When did you last masturbate?

Last night. My girlfriend isn't local (at least, not right now) so we chat and webcam a lot, and sometimes... ;)

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

I usually masturbate at home, unwinding after a long day in school (I'm a teacher). I'll either be on my sofa or in bed, sometimes in the shower.

6. Do you have a hand preference?

I use both hands. I like to mix it up and do different things with different hands from one time to the next. I'm right handed, though, so in a push I'll just use that hand.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

I mainly use my fingers, but I do have a couple of toys for when the mood strikes.

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?

Mainly on my clit, but my 'spare' hand will work on my vagina when it's wet enough.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

I imagine like most women, it depends on duration and extent of horniness.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?

Yes, I do. I often taste myself during and after.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

I sometimes have long sessions reading/watching where I... dip in and out,and those can last for hours. In terms of continuous, perhaps an hour or so, just to see how long I could drag it out.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

Perhaps a week. I've never had reason to go much longer, but occasionally I had to share a room with my sister on holiday, and as she's several years younger than me, I didn't want to expose her to something before she was ready.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

When masturbating, the most I've managed was two. After the first one I tend to be done.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?

A couple of times, but it's not something I generally aim for. I had one lover who could do it virtually on command... it made a lot of mess!

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

Yes, and it was never as sexy as some people seem to manage! Family members, a few times, when I was growing up. Once I moved into university accommodation we were in and out of each others' rooms a lot. If someone forgot to knock, well... Fortunately I only ever lived with girls, but I know that some of my friends walked in on guys doing it too.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

No. Sorry, guys, but it holds no appeal whatsoever.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

Of course!

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

Very occasionally. It's not something I'm really into, but occasionally if I get very wet and very horny I try it.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

Not just from it, no. I've had orgasms where I've been stimulating myself there, but it's not enough on its own.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?

Hmmm... Well, thanks to a recent conversation on here, I can say for definite that it's nine. I may have had some help, but I'm counting it!
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by londonred »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

I was a late bloomer, I guess - 16 when I started, which is just over 12 years ago now.

2. How often do you masturbate?

I'd say maybe twice a week? It varies - it depends if I have the time. Sometimes I get in from work and just collapse into bed.

3. How long are your typical sessions?

About half an hour, I guess. I tend to watch something or read something to get me in the mood, which may take more or less time depending. Sometimes I'll draw it out, sometimes it takes time to get where I'm going.

4. When did you last masturbate?

At the weekend, so three days ago now.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

In my bed, generally, curled up with my laptop and maybe a glass of wine (or a beer!)

6. Do you have a hand preference?

I mostly use my right, with my left for... details!

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

Only my fingers.

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?

Almost all on my clit. We're very good friends!

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

I wouldn't know how to measure!

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?

I quite like the smell. I'm not sure I've ever tasted it... Something to think about for next time, maybe.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

About 90 minutes. I wanted to see how long I could go and how many I could have before I got too sore to go on.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

About two months, the summer before my final year at school. Living at home with all my family around meant I never felt comfortable doing it - even if I thought they were all out!

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

Not multiple, but I've found I can string a few together in a fairly short space of time.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?

No, never.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

I have, yeah. When I was at university my flatmate walked in on me... I spent the next month blushing whenever I saw her.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

No, nor do I have any desire to. Guys have never done anything for me... which I realise looking at it is a double entendre. True in both senses!

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

Yes, actually it all started not long after my first time... but that's a story for another day!

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

No. I've known girls who really got into it, but for me it's always been a foreign concept.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?


20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?

5 - see 11 above. After that I was walking funny for a day or so. I had to tell people I'd pulled a muscle when I was running. Embarassing...
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by hotforteacher »

My girlfriend encouraged me to fill this in, so here goes nothing!

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

I was 14 when I started, so nearly 15 years now. My first time was on a ski trip with school. My two roommates were... not discreet on the first couple of nights. I was a little naive, but when it dawned on me what they were doing, I decided to try it out myself.

Unfortunately, in the narrative sense at least, nothing ever happened between us. To this day, I have no idea if they knew I was doing it, or even if they realised I could hear them - neither of them said anything, so I don't even know if they realised that the other one must have been able to hear, although I can't imagine how they could have not known.

2. How often do you masturbate?

At least daily, often more. If I wake up in the mood, I really have to take care of it before I can start the day - I've learned from experience that I'm less likely to make errors at my job if my mind isn't distracted all day.

3. How long are your typical sessions?

Sometimes very quick - a few minutes, maybe. I like to take my time as well, though.

4. When did you last masturbate?

This morning before I left for work. It was one of those mornings...

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

Almost always in the evenings when I get home from work and, as noted above, sometimes in the mornings as well. I find that by the time I get home that I need to do it to clear my head. As for where... Well, 'at home' covers most of the locations!

6. Do you have a hand preference?

I almost exclusively use my right hand. It feels odd to use my left hand.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

Either or both. I'm a lot less likely to use a toy if I'm in the mood for something quick as I keep them all in my bedside cabinet.

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?

It depends on my mood, and how I'm doing it.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

Only a little, which can be a blessing if I just want a quicky somewhere that I don't have time to change afterwards as I don't walk around in soaking wet underwear for the rest of the day.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?

It doesn't really do anything for me either way.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

I've spent an entire day in bed, but I wasn't doing it the whole time! Without stopping... Perhaps an hour? I can't say that I've ever timed myself to know exactly.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

No more than 2-3 days. When I lived with my family I could make it that long, but by that point I was barely able to think of anything else (I'm a little better now I'm older!). I was as discreet as I could be when I lived at home, but I'm sure that most of my family knew what I was doing, looking back. As soon as I got my own place any thought of abstinence went out of my mind. I'm so used to daily release that I've masturbated when I've been sharing a room with friends, although not when I've been sharing a bed with someone I was just friends with.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

No, never. I've heartily envious of anyone who can manage more than one on their own.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?

No, never.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

I have when I was at university. Mainly it was a case of someone walking in on me (our doors had no locks). Sometimes I was able to cover up, sometimes there was no chance. Fortunately I lived with girls so it lead to some teasing, but nothing more serious. I walked in on them doing it from time to time as well, and none of us were especially closed minded - although catching a roommate having sex was always a little more awkward.

As I'm being revealing, I suppose I should say that someone walking in on me did once lead to something more... but I'm not about to go into detail about that here. Maybe I'll write it up for the site sometime?

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

Not directly. I was at a party once where someone put on a porno film and a few people started to masturbate, including one couple who were quite openly playing with themselves. I was a bit more discreet - I wasn't on display like this couple! - but I found myself looking at him occasionally, especially when he started getting louder and louder. In the end he gave his girlfriend a mouthful, which I suppose was cleaner than spraying everywhere, if nothing else!

I can't say that seeing him did anything for me, exactly, but I admit that seeing them openly pleasuring themselves in front of everyone was pretty hot... even if they had no idea I was doing the same thing, just not as brazenly.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

Other than the above example, yes, the odd occasion here or there!

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

No, I've never seen the appeal.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?


20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?

Eight, at the end of which I was going more out of curiosity than anything else. After that, the spirit wasn't willing and the flesh was, if not weak, then certainly tender!
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by naturegirl1 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? Deliberately? Probably 12 or 13 but i used to rub against things from a much earlier age. I'm 57 now!

2. How often do you masturbate? Solo? 2 or 3 times a month, with hubby 2 or 3 times a week!!

3. How long are your typical sessions? Varies, 15 minutes to up to an hour.

4. When did you last masturbate? Last Sunday.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? In bed mostly, sometimes on the beach if it's deserted. in the local woods sometimes.

6. Do you have a hand preference? I use both, left to part my labia, right to touch myself.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? Start with fingers, finish with a toy (more reliable)

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate? Both

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? Loads!!

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate? For sure!

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? Probably an hour.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? Weeks!!

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? Invariably! I have up to 10 "mini orgasms" followed by "the big one"

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm? Several times, but never during "the big one"

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? Yep!

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Yep, do it with hubby regularly.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? Yep, with a close friend on a few occasions

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? Maybe a little stimulation of the skin around my anus but no insertion.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? No

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? 3, maybe 4 times.
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by harmonee »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

I was 9, so that was about 33 years ago.

2. How often do you masturbate?

A couple of time a week.

3. How long are your typical sessions?

I need to make time for it. Usually about 20-30 minutes.

4. When did you last masturbate?

This morning.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

Either in bed or in the tub or shower.

6. Do you have a hand preference?

I'm right-handed.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?


8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?


9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

It varies.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?


11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

About 90 minutes.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

Maybe three weeks.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

Yes, often. I can do three easily.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?


15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

Yes, I've been caught. By family, roommates, lovers.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

Of course.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?


18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?


19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?


20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?

6 times.
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by gerles »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
Startet at 14. So 18 years now.
But I almost startet a second time when I finally condessed to myself that I am a lesbian. Masturbating increased a lot the, both in quality and quantity.

2. How often do you masturbate?
Usually about 2 or 3 times a day. There are days woth only once. But also can be more.

3. How long are your typical sessions?
Range from 2 minutes to hours. Typically maybe 15 minutes.

4. When did you last masturbate?
Last night.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
Most in bed or on sofa. Almost all night before sleeping.

6. Do you have a hand preference?
I use both hands ... right for clit, left for fingering. Well, so when it is one handed, then mostly right.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?
Pretty much. Enough for never having been in need of lubrication.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
5 hours?

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
In the last 10 years (before doesn't count) 3 days.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?
Usually only 1 or 2. More can happen ...

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?
Not really.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?
Never. Fantasized about it sometimes. But I prefer to fantasize to do it openly being watched.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?
Yes. Many times. Wish all lesbians were into that.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?
Usually not.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
About 8 or 10?
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by azorean »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? 12 and all the years since

2. How often do you masturbate? Just about every day unless something serious has upset me, then I can go days or weeks without.

3. How long are your typical sessions? Mostly just a few minutes. Sometimes up to half hour.

4. When did you last masturbate? Last night.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? Before sleeping, in bed.

6. Do you have a hand preference? Right.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? Definitely fingers.

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate? Always clit; I don't like insertion.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? Sometimes it's fast enough for just a little and sometimes it runs down my leg.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate? Not something I think about.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? An hour, maybe?

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? A few weeks.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? Sometimes one is enough, but more often two to four.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm? No.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? No, never caught, but yesterday I definitely fantasized about it.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Yes, my boyfriend in real life. Online, with very few.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? No.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? Never.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? Never tried, never care to.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? Guessing three?
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by easypeasy »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
I started rubbing my pussy on things when I was really little, like under 5. But I didn't start consciously and intentionally masturbating myself to orgasm until I hit puberty when I was 9. That's when I started fingering my pussy, putting small things in my hole, holding my clit under the bathtub faucet, rubbing things on my clit, etc..

2. How often do you masturbate?
It varies. I'll go periods of weeks to a month or more without masturbating at all. And then sometimes I'll go through periods where I masturbate every day and multiple times on weekends when I don't have plans.

3. How long are your typical sessions?
Unless it's a special occasion I'm giving myself, I usually only take 5-15 minutes. That's start to finish, one orgasm. But when I'm giving myself a treat, I can take hours, or even all day. Or I can make myself come over and over all day.

4. When did you last masturbate?
Last night, after answering some mail on this site, looking at new pics posted by users, and reading through old comments on my pics and stories. I was super wet, and I fingered my clit quick and dirty. I had to be quiet because my roommate and her boyfriend are home, but I couldn't help letting out one kind of loud groan because I was so turned on by the time I finally touched myself.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
Most often in bed before going to sleep. On weekends, often in bed in the morning. Sometimes in the shower or bath, either fingers or shower head or toys. If I have the house to myself and am making a day of it, I'll do it in the living room, the kitchen, the front porch, the back deck, etc..

6. Do you have a hand preference?
Right, my dominant hand. Sometimes I'll use my left to give myself the alien feeling that's almost like someone else touching me. But I'm not good at it with my left.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?
I go through phases. I've been in a fingers phase for a while, but sometimes I'll almost exclusively use my vibrator for months. Sometimes I go through a phase where I just really like to get fucked, so I'm always using a dildo or a vibrator in my hole and either my fingers or a vibrator on my clit.

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?
See above: it depends on my mood! Lately I've mostly been fingering my clit, but sometimes I really love to get fucked. Something that always gets me off hard is to start with my clit to get myself really wet and turned on, and then I fuck my pussy with a dildo (the thicker the better) until I'm loose enough to really give it to myself hard. So I fuck my pussy hard and steady, really get into it with my hips fucking up onto it, and make myself come just from fucking my hole. But then I can finger or buzz a vibrator on my clit as soon as I start to come down from the first orgasm and make myself come again. When I come first from fucking my hole, the second orgasm from stimulating my clit usually lasts a really long time, and I can drag it out for minutes by just keeping up the attention on my clit through waves and waves of orgasm.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?
Mostly I'm very wet. If I'm dehydrated or in certain parts of my hormonal cycle, I'll be dryer, but mostly I'm a little wet all the time and I get soaking wet when I'm turned on.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?
Sometimes, but not in a hugely important way.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
Well, probably all day. I had a weekend a few years ago when I was just SO turned on. I don't know what was going on, but I spent the whole weekend at home, basically just watching porn and writing porn and taking pictures of myself and masturbating. I think on that Saturday, I made myself come with fingers, with a vibrator, fucking my pussy on a dildo, in the shower, and fucking my pussy and ass while I buzzed my clit. I got off a few more times the next day, so I might be blurring things together a little.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
Probably months...maybe 6 months?

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?
Sometimes, especially as I described above. But I can't usually manage more than two, even if the second one is really extended.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?
I've never actually squirted, but I did have one really long session that involved a lot of fucking my pussy with a huge dildo that really stretches me and rubs me really good inside, and I think I did ejaculate while the dildo was inside me. When I came, I was slamming my cunt down onto the dildo and buzzing my clit, and I got SO wet, like gushed more than I ever have before. It was running down my thighs and I had a huge wet spot on my mattress where I had been fucking my pussy down on the dildo. I've never been that wet, and I think that's what it must have been.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?
I've never been full on caught, but I think people have suspected. I fantasize about being caught ALL THE TIME!!!

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?
My first couple boyfriends in high school and I masturbated together when we were learning how to be sexual together. It was okay.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?
Yes, but not to orgasm. My best friend and I stole porn magazines from her brother all the time when we were kids, and we stole vibrators from this family friend once. After that, we would put the vibrators in our pussies and look at porn together, but I think something stopped us from coming together. I really, really wanted to, but I was too self-conscious.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?
Periodically. I tend to go through phases with my ass. Sometimes I'm really into it, and I just want to feel my ass filled when I come, and then I'll go months without really thinking about it.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?
Not just from anal stimulation, no. I have come incredibly hard from fucking my ass with a big dildo while I buzz my clit with a vibrator or pulse the shower stream on my clit. But never just from ass play.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
Ooooh, hmmmm, four or five? That crazy lost weekend of masturbation I described above.
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by brandon78 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? 13 I THINK

2. How often do you masturbate? ONCE A WEEK

3. How long are your typical sessions? 10 MINUTES

4. When did you last masturbate? TWO DAYS AGO

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? MY BEDROOM MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON

6. Do you have a hand preference? I USE BOTH BUT PRIMARLY MY RIGHT

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? FINGERS BUT I DO HAVE TOYS

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate? CLIT

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? LOTS

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate? NOT SO MUCH

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? I REALLY DON'T KNOW

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? MAYBE A MONTH

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? YES USUSALLY FOUR OR FIVE BUT HAVE HAD MANY MANY MORE

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm? SOMETIMES A LITTLE

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? YES BY ROOMATE IN COLLEGE AND HUSBAND

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? YES BOTH AN EX BOYFRIEND AND MY HUSBAND

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? NO

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? SOMETIMES

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? NOT SOLELY ON ANAL

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? TWICE
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by emma1993 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? I think i was about 10, so that would mean i have been doing it for 18 years

2. How often do you masturbate? Once a day usually

3. How long are your typical sessions? About 30 mins to a hour

4. When did you last masturbate? 3 days ago, my parents were staying the weekend so i had a couple of days off haha

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? Usually on the sofa in the living room

6. Do you have a hand preference? Usually left hand down stairs

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?I use fingers mostly, but i do you some toys as well

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate? Clit mainly

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?Depends how long a masturbate for, if orgasm quickly not much, if i spend longer edging it can be quite a lot

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?Never really thought about it

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?About 2 hours, because i knew parents were coming so i wanted to make the most of it

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? 1 week on a camping holiday, the walls are too thin in tents to risk it

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? Usualy stop after one, but i have had more before

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm? Nope, thanks god, i wouldn't want to deal with the mess

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? I have been caught once by my mum, was very embarising. But i do have fantasies about being caught

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Nope

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? Yes, at sleepovers at my best freinds house when we were younger

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? I have tried, didnt really work for me

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? Nope

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? About 6 times i rememeber 1 day
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by allnaturallady13 »

All great questions but too much to answer. LOL Love reading the responses....well, let me answer a few

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? I was an adult

2. How often do you masturbate? Almost everyday

3. How long are your typical sessions? 20-30 minutes

4. When did you last masturbate? Today at my desk. :D

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? In the shower, in the spare bedroom, in my car, and in the ladies room at work.

6. Do you have a hand preference? Right (even though I am a lefty)

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? Both, just depends on my mood and needs

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate? Both, see #7 answer. LOL

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? Soaking

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate? OMG it’s intoxicating and delicious!! Totally not lying.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? 1 hr

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? 1 week

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? I can and if so it’s 2-3

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm? No but I can make myself squirt and thoroughly enjoy it too. It has a more musky smell and yummy.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? Yes in my car! That’s a story I need to write soon.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Of course!

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? Nope

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? Sometimes, mmmmm, please see #7 answer.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? Yes and it’s awesome! But not often.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? 4

Wasn’t too many questions after all. Thanks
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by wingonwing »


Would love to read more about how you discovered masturbation as an adult and the "getting caught" episode. Great story material! And thanks for taking the survey. Wonderful answers from a fellow lefty and a beautiful woman.
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by sextoysonline »

Try out some toys Sex toys online
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by oliviaanne »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

I was a gymnast and discovered from an early age that rubbing my vulva on things made me feel "tingly" inside. It wasn't until after I got my period at age 12 that I really started to rub my clit with my hands and play around with insertion.

2. How often do you masturbate?

At least once a day.

3. How long are your typical sessions?

Sometimes I can ride my Sybian for almost an hour.

4. When did you last masturbate?

This morning.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

Bedroom or bathroom mostly, but frankly I have done it about everywhere.

6. Do you have a hand preference?

Right for insertion, left for the clit.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

Toys for sure, but fingers are always there.

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?


9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

Usually a lot, but it can vary.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?

Oh yes.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

No idea? Does a whole weekend count?

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

Probably 3-4 days.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

In certain situations yes.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?

Yes, sometimes.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

Quite a few times. Once by my mom when I was Jilling on my bed and another time by my sister when I was in the bath tub letting water from the faucet pulsate on my clit. My mom was horrified....my sister laughed her ass off. The rest was either by my room mate, boyfriend or husband.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?


17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?


18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?


19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

Not anal only, but it can really help things along.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?

Oh God.........probably 10-12 times. I played with myself a lot as a teenager.
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by ladyluvurself »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
I was 13, around 30 years ago

2. How often do you masturbate?
a few times a week

3. How long are your typical sessions?
15-30 muntes

4. When did you last masturbate?
This morning

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
At home, any time of day that takes my fancy

6. Do you have a hand preference?

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?
Usually fingers

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?
Mostly clit

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?
average amount i guess

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?
Hell yes

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
probably an hour or more

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
Not sure, possibly gone a few weeks when I was in a relationship

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?
Occasionally, usually 2-3

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?
Not often

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?
Yes. Several times

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
Probably 3-4 times
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by drippingcee »

Filling in “just because” and I hope you enjoy reading my answers. Feel free to PM me if you’d like to hear any particular answers in a lot more detail.

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
I was about 15 I think when I first properly touched my pussy bare and started exploring. It has been more than 15 years of masturbating now and I always like to think I am learning more about my body and pleasure.

2. How often do you masturbate?
One or twice a week on average.

3. How long are your typical sessions?
Anywhere from 30 mins to a couple of hours (including edging).

4. When did you last masturbate?
About a week ago however I anticipate it will be soon… ;)

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
Usually on the bed or in the shower.

6. Do you have a hand preference?
Yes, my right hand.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?
Start with fingers, prefer to finish with toy/s.

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate?
Definitely more of a clitty gal, however I enjoy making myself creamy and gushing..

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?
I produce A LOT of slick juice, particularly in my early stages of masturbation/edging.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate?
Smelling a hint of my horny mess only adds to the anticipation to touch below. I occasionally like to taste myself when I’m slick.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
Perhaps I am a little embarrassed to admit but I was constantly wet for about six hours, once. A lot of that time was edging and intermittent play, though.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
Hard to say but I think a few months at a time.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?
My minimum is two or three, guaranteed. I can have more.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm?
On the occasions I have squirted, it has been before my first orgasm.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?
I was interrupted once by a parent however I’m not sure if they ever figured out/assumed what I was doing as I was under the duvet of my bed. That was in my teens. With some life experience now, I have fantasised about being caught and also then watched as I continue.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?
Only online.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?
Only very, very occasionally.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?
No, however it made my clit orgasm so much more intense.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
I think three or four (separate, short sessions).
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Re: Female masturbation questionnaire

Post by talia0409 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? 13. 19 and a half years.

2. How often do you masturbate? At least once a day, more if I don't have sex.

3. How long are your typical sessions? It depends. Sometimes I just need a quickie. Other times I'll spend hours.

4. When did you last masturbate? This morning.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? In the morning or at night in bed. In the afternoon on the couch.

6. Do you have a hand preference? My right hand.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? My fingers because for me personally it's way more erotic to taste myself off my own fingers than off of a toy.

8. Do you focus more on your clit or your vagina when you masturbate? Clit.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? Alot.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your pussy when you masturbate? LOVE the taste. The smell is neutral for me.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? In high school I'd go for almost 6 hours

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? Usually just the few days during my period once a month.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? Yes. Three usually.

14. Do you ever squirt before or during your orgasm? Yes and yes.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? Yeah by my mom and brother.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Yeah.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? Yep.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? No.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? I've orgasmed from anal sex but that's not the same thing.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? I think 9 is my record
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