How many times...

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How many times...

Post by cassie »

This question is for the women (since I already know that most guys are masturbating machines :-) )

What's the most you've masturbated in a single day? Is that a pretty common thing for you to do it that much or is it a rarity? I have days where I'm so horny that I spent the day naked and playing with my pussy. I just can't seem to get enough. So I make myself cum over and over again all day long. I use a variety of methods too. Are any of you like me? Do you have days where you masturbate frequently (as often as you can)? I would love to hear about your masturbating activities!!
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Re: How many times...

Post by marcus1691 »

Just found this! What a disappointment there are no replies.
I've been online with someone who has had 12.
I've been in company with someone who had 10 in 6 hours.
But there's a young lady on a chatting website who claims 35 in one day with a partner! OMG

Come on ladies, answer Cassie's question!
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Re: How many times...

Post by zumbamami »

I never counted but I know there was one day I was so horny I had about 5 masturbation sessions.
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Re: How many times...

Post by monkee »

Five times in one night is my personal best, but I was a lot younger! ;)
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Re: How many times...

Post by sarahj »

Probably about six or seven
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Re: How many times...

Post by wickednatalie »

Very occasionally I will feel the urge to do it more than once or twice in a 24hrs period. Normally however, I tend to have (short) periods when I don't really feel like it at all and then (longer) periods when I need to do it (say) 3 or 4 times a week.

My most memorable occasion for multiple goes in one day was after accidentally seeing a young couple having sex. I know I should have turned away, but I found my feet rooted to the spot and the sight just got me so sexed up that I watched them. Afterwards, alone, I think I must have done it 5 or 6 times within 12 hrs, each time bringing the vision back into my mind. Very horny too! lol.
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Re: How many times...

Post by emmieeew »

it was about 5. I was a freshman in college and missed my ex a lot
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Re: How many times...

Post by wideone »

when we were still dating, and living 1200 miles apart, my personal best was 4 times in a day. we chatted early chat morning via an IM and we both got off,
i got to thinking about her around noon, and got myselff off again,
after getting home from work, we again chatted via IM, i went off again.
talked to her on the phone late that night, she talked me off on the phone, as she rubbed her clit for me.

she commented she didnt get much work done that day after our morning session, she was just too wet and horny.
next time we got together she showed me a couple pics she took while at work.
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Re: How many times...

Post by will987456 »

most i have done and I wasn't shooting much cum was 14 times in a day...
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Re: How many times...

Post by sailingon »

My personal best was 8 times while I was home all day from high school. I may have gotten more in had not my Dad arrived home early, finding his cum covered son naked in a reclining living room chair with dick in hand. He took it well and it actually was a beneficial event but very embarrassing at the time. I posted a story about it if anyone is interested.
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Re: How many times...

Post by oktostroke »

my girlfriend says the most times she has masturbated in a day is 7 times. Though more normally she is a once a day gal, plus whatever we do together.
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Re: How many times...

Post by prsnalty »

My best was five times in one day that was a fantastic time..I could not believe that a woman could do that to me...up until that time I had only cum one and that was it..oh how I miss her...:(
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Re: How many times...

Post by busygirl »

Cassie, just reading your question/post made me want to touch myself!! Like you, I've spent complete days playing with my pussy in many different ways, cumming repeatedly, all day long. Alas, those days are too few and far between... At the very least I get myself off once a day, but it's usually five times or more. I cum really easily, so if I don't have time to really play just a few quick strokes or taps to my clit through my clothes will bring me to orgasm. I much prefer to spend more time than that but hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?
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Re: How many times...

Post by easypeasy »

I would say it's fairly common for me to get myself off a couple times in one day. On the weekends, maybe once in the morning and once at night when I go to bed. When I lived alone, or now when my roommate is gone, I will sometimes do a full day session and get myself off a bunch of times. Honestly, even on those days, I'm more likely to tease myself for a long time, keep my pussy wet and swollen and throbbing by playing with myself but not letting myself come, and only actually come 3 or 4 times during the day. But god, those days are good. To be just so turned on, all day, my nipples staying hard, my cunt sticky and wet and just constantly tingling and throbbing, never feeling like I've gotten enough, but not letting myself come too easily. So good. It makes me wish my roommate was going out of town soon!
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Re: How many times...

Post by oliviaanne »

I guess I've never really kept track, but in the week before my period I'm sure there have been days that I have cum at least six times.
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Re: How many times...

Post by erc724 »

Today alone i am at 4 :) I too go in phases...
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Re: How many times...

Post by brandon78 »

usually about a once a week. I usually lay on my stomach and hump my hand and can have multiple orgasms. In fact my husband timed me once and I had 11 orgasms in ten minutes of masturbation
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Re: How many times...

Post by naddy »

Does a woman have to "rest up" in between climaxed before she can cum?
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Re: How many times...

Post by wankwank »

repost sorry
Last edited by wankwank on Sat Mar 27, 2021 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How many times...

Post by wankwank »

6-8 times in one day i think is my record. some days i dont bother some days it can be just one. usually its two one doesnt always satisfy me so 10 minutes later im at it again. then there are days when i am rampant and just wank myself stupid thats when i hit 6 orgasms or more.
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