Increased visibility for status updates

Are there features you wish we had at Solotouch? Post them here. We may or may not implement your ideas, but it is a great way for us to keep track and create a handy list for our developer.
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Increased visibility for status updates

Post by insatiable »

Hi :)

I found myself thinking of a particular feature set I think may help users find and interact with other like-minded users. I don't seem to use the status update portion of my profile page, and I don't often see others use it either. My thought is if there was a place that displayed status updates (similar to a facebook wall that compiles the status updates of other users), or the incorporation of status updates when searching form members online would encourage its use.

I also thought that increasing the visibility of the profile status might encourage people to use it more, which may lead to more interaction. I always find myself looking at profiles to see who likes to chat or who is into what categories, etc.

I thought I'd share... not sure if it was a good suggestion or not LOL. I'm very much enjoying the new site, and thank you for all the work that everyone does!
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Re: Increased visibility for status updates

Post by trelaina »

Good idea, I'll take note of it, thank you!
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Re: Increased visibility for status updates

Post by oldfan »

I submitted a status update on my profile earlier today and cannot find any place where it show up. How does one see the status updates posted by members?
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