European bookish woman

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European bookish woman

Post by eldorado »

Hi All,

I'm a thoughtful and open-minded bisexual Belgian woman with a passion for books. Exploring my sexuality led me to understand my needs, likes and lusts better. I work in my dream job at a bookshop and volunteer in an Antwerp charity, supporting girls and women navigating their sexual identities, as well as supporting sex workers. I value meaningful conversations over brief emails when making new friends - and talking about real life appeals to me more than cyber sex!

I enjoy older men and women far more than, especially, guys my own age or near to it. It's a taboo and one of several for me. But masturbating was my first sexual act and it's something I do at least once a day and often far, far, more than that!

Katie x
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Re: European bookish woman

Post by iluvgirls »

Welcome, and have lots of fun here!
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Re: European bookish woman

Post by bob73 »

Welcome to the fun. Hope you enjoy it here
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Re: European bookish woman

Post by UKGent »

Welcome, and enjoy this wonderful site!
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Re: European bookish woman

Post by iamnaked »

Oh! I hope you didn’t mind.
And a heartfelt hello 👋
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Re: European bookish woman

Post by jimmyluvsbutter »

Ah, the bookshop life. Bookshops are so dreamy. So many worlds within worlds. Let's message. Let's chat. :-)
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Re: European bookish woman

Post by naturist96 »

Hey Katie. Welcome to ST. Ever read any Anais Nin?
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Re: European bookish woman

Post by pilgrim998 »

Hi Katie and welcome. I’m sort of new here myself. I too like books and I’ve filled my house with them over the years. My job is much more mundane though. I hope you enjoy the people and stories you’ll find here.
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