Welcome, and observations of a long time member

Introduce yourself here. A nice meet and greet for ST alum and newbies alike.
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Welcome, and observations of a long time member

Post by blackboxer500 »

Hello everyone, and welcome. I've been a ST member since 2014 according to my bio, but I go back further than that. If I recall correctly, around 2014 the site had a major crash and had to be reset, for lack of a better word. In fact if you read stories you'll see that some are from the "archive" -- those represent stories that were uploaded before the crash. Apparently the author's names were not recovered. I've found some of my stories in the archive, and have made my claim to authorship in the comment to the story, just so there's a record.

ST is a very welcoming community. I've run across very few people I didn't like here and can't recall anyone being an outright a**hole. The site is clunky, chat and other features leaves a lot to be desired, but this is the only site I've found in 30 years on the internet that does what ST does, provide a platform for ordinary people who are interested in masturbation to meet and share experiences. There are other member masturbation sites that young studs looking for a hookup might prefer, but none of them do what ST does. I'm confident that the site administrators are not getting rich off ST and that they run it for the love of masturbation, not money. So I encourage everyone to be patient and tolerant of the throwback feel on ST.

Please note that lately I've had a lot more friend request than usual. When I check the profile it turns out to be from someone who just joined that same day. I'm suspicious that the motive in such cases is to get into my in-box and try to sell me something or get information. The image of masturbators being old or lonely and easy prey for a sweet young friend is probably alluring to those who have nefarious purposes.

The genuine people of ST do not typically send out random friend requests. All the friends I have are based on interactions I've had with them, or something in their profile that makes me think we might have something in common. Unless it's somebody I just chatted with and who expects a friend request, I explain why I'm sending the request. I say all this just to help make people comfortable with the idea of rejecting a friend request out of the blue, that you don't want to accept. Please feel no pressure to accept.

I encourage people to contribute to the content. Stories are a great way to contribute. My favorite feature is the forum. It's fairly active and ranges from the downright sexy and highly charged erotic to almost clinical, humorous, or silly in the types of threads that people create. It's a hoot.

Anyway, I've gone on too long. Everybody have fun masturbating!
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Re: Welcome, and observations of a long time member

Post by love2edge »

Well said, indeed! I've noticed the same thing.
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Re: Welcome, and observations of a long time member

Post by svengalideck »

Thanks and good advice. Should be up there in FAQ by now (no I havent read them all...).
I'll pop up a potted history soon- as you say place is a bit mis-shapen- ie i cant retrieve info easily when I 'commented' in a few places. rather not have to type everything all over! :P
:o sv
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Re: Welcome, and observations of a long time member

Post by love2edge »

I've seen that across more than a few sites. Friend requests. If anyone sends you a friend request out of the blue and you've never seen them in action either in chat or elsewhere here, then either report them or delete/reject the request.
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