F*****g Furniture

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F*****g Furniture

Post by iammmd55 »

For the gusys: have you ever masturbated by having “sex”’with a bed, couch, chair or other piece of furniture? I don’t mean just laying down on your bed and rubbing against the mattress or comforter but actually screwing a piece of furniture: going between the mattress & boxspring, or between the seat cushion and frame of a couch or chair, or between the cushions of the couch, chair or recliner?

If so, did you just do it as a teen, or as an adult, too? (Or maybe you didn’t try it until you were grown?)

And… was it YOUR furniture or someone else’s?
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Re: F*****g Furniture

Post by wanklover »

I have answered something like this before when another person asked about it. When I was around 14 to 15 years old I discovered that if I knelt on the floor facing the side of my bed & pushed my cock when stiff & hard downwards until it was horizontal, It would be at just the right height to push it between the base of my bed and the mattress. I started humping my bed quite often, it gave me very powerful orgasm's and I shot my load there. I never did it anywhere else & it came back to haunt me when the bed needed replacing as when we took the mattress off there was clearly cum stains to be seen. No one said anything though !!
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Re: F*****g Furniture

Post by rosco1 »

I like to place my cock on the bathroom bench top and rub it along, watching it in the mirror. I loved watching my cock in the mirror and see it cum.
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Re: F*****g Furniture

Post by effinjeff1965 »

There was one time when I was home alone that I tried to "fuck" my parents' bed by getting down on my knees and sticking my dick between their mattress and box spring. At first it didn't work at all, but I got a plastic sandwich bag and squirted lotion in it and stuck it between the box spring and mattress and stuck my dick in it and thrust into it. I was able to cum from that, which was pretty cool--and a little surprising, but the prep and clean up didn't seem worth it, so I never did it again, that I remember.

I was thinking it was when I was college-aged since my memory was of doing it in their bedroom in the house we moved to right after I graduated from high school, but they got a waterbed when we moved there, so I wouldn't think I could stick my dick in it since it wasn't a regular mattress and box spring. That makes me think I did it shortly after we moved and before they got the waterbed, so I would have been 17. If they got a waterbed, it might explain why I didn't do it other than the one time, though I suppose I could have done it on my own bed or my sister's bed. Since I did it on my parents' bed, it makes me think that some of the thrill for me must have been that it was their bed.

After they got the waterbed, I do remember jacking off in it when no one was home just to see what that would be like. I don't remember liking it all that much.
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Re: F*****g Furniture

Post by steelydon »

Over the years, when horny enough, I've stuck my cock in almost anything that's about the right size. In the furniture line that includes between mattress and base and between cushion and couch but also hard-back dining style chairs. I remember one with a hole so perfectly sized and rounded off that it must have been made for the purpose. Another had slats spaced just right to grip my cock.
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Re: F*****g Furniture

Post by skinboy7 »

Our furniture didn't really have cushions or crevasse I could stick my penis into, it was all covering in a single upulstry with reclining end pieces. But I did often rub my penis on the armrests when I was a teen as it was at a good hight to hump. Often when I was home alone I'd get butt naked and hump the armrests until I came. Thankfully it was a sort of not quite faux leather but not super fuzzy either so it was easy clean-up.

I wonder how often mom unknowingly sat down inches from where her son had squirted a load?
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Re: F*****g Furniture

Post by blackboxer500 »

From a fairly young age the potential for sliding my cock between couch cushions or between mattress and box springs had occurred to me but it didn’t feel all that good, until it occurred to me to put some lotion in a plastic baggie, slip it into the crevice of the moment, and then slip my cock into the baggie and thrust away. That was more successful but it wasn’t worth the effort most times.

In high school I worked in a small pharmacy. This was in the day when condoms weren’t displayed in the open, rather they were kept in a drawer behind the counter and the guy would speak in coded language and we’d bring him behind the counter, open the drawer, and he’d make the selection.

One day it occurred to me that condoms might be the solution to fucking furniture, and it worked a lot better. The best was to put a little lube inside the condom before putting it on. It allowed just the right amount of slippage-friction ratio. It didn’t become my everyday masturbation practice but was an occasional treat. In high school my mattress and box springs provided the crevice, and it was pretty good. But in college I got new mattress and box springs — cheap ones with a rough fabric, and that provided an excellent fuck. I also acquired at one point a comfy chair made of cheap, fake leather, and with knees on floor and cock slid under the seat cushion was also great. It turned out that for masturbation purposes, cheaper fabric was better. The chair could be fucked with or without a condom so long as KY jelly was used as lube, but the semen ejaculated onto an absorbent cloth and it became apparent that repeated chair fucks likemthat couldn’t be sustained without stains and such, so I usually used a condom.
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Re: F*****g Furniture

Post by bimarried »

My go to for a humping masturbation was a big foam rubber pillow. One day I unzipped the pillow and tore open a hole which I lined with a plastic bag. I would lube my erection well and begin humping the pillow while I pulled it tight against me.

The thick foam around my cock felt amazingly like a tight vagina. I might have to try that again one day.
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