First time

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First time

Post by denise »

When I had my first orgasm, it was after having masturbated several times without success over a couple of weeks. I was young and liked masturbating because it felt nice. I also knew somehow that it was nasty and not something I should be doing. One night when I finally did cum, it was such a wonderful surprise, several things went through my mind all at once.

1) I hope nobody heard me. [They did much to my embarrassment and shame]
2) I want to do it again. And again.
3) Do any other momentous surprises await me as I grow up?
4) Am I the only one?
5) I want to do it again!

What sort of things went through your mind when you experienced your first orgasm? Did you achieve it by
masturbating or some other way?
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Re: First time

Post by morningwd »

My first orgasm was with my (male) cousin We had both experienced erections but had never thought what might happen if we kept on We found some pages from a discarded pinup pocket book one day and that was enough to take us all the way. I seem to remember that we both did it more than once that day and I have been addicted ever since.
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Re: First time

Post by johnnf »

I remember being over to a friend's house, and him showing me his dried cum on his bed sheets. We had some other friends over to his place, and we did sit in a circle and play with ourselves, but I don't think I had a climax till I was up north one summer.

My parents booked two rooms, one for themselves, and one for my 15-year old sister, two years my senior, and my self. While getting ready for bed one night, my sister asked if I was naked. I always slept naked, so I answered, yes. She asked me to come over to her bed and to lie on top of, I went over to her and lay on top of her.

Well, it felt as if I was gonna pee, so I quickly got off of her.

But I guess it gave me ideas about this new feeling. I'm not circumcised, but have a "dorsal slit". I think that's where they make a small cut in the foreskin so that the skin isn't too tight over the glans. I had decided to not wear underwear under my jeans and I discovered that as I was thinking about what had happened with my sister, I began to get hard. Because I wasn't wearing underwear, my penis was rubbing on my jeans and as I got harder, the foreskin retracted on it's own. This felt like I, later discovered, was entering a vagina and I climaxed. Since then, I'm a firm ;) believer in masturbation for prostate health, or at least I tell myself that. ;)
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Re: First time

Post by fkiss36 »

I had a cousin (also male) that lived in a different state and we would sneak into his Dad's playboy collection and look at the naked ladies. We were really young. Our hard-ons amused us though we didn't really know anything about sex. I remember it felt good to stroke my hard dick but never had an orgasm. When I got nearer to puberty, we still looked at my uncles playboys, my cousin mentioned that he had stroked his cock until it squirted. I really wanted to see if I could make my dick cum, but didn't want to do it in front of him. As soon as I got home, I stroked and stroked and after a couple minutes it happened. It seemed like my whole body spasmed. I remember my eyes involuntarily closing and the rush was incredible. Obviously I was hooked on the feeling and have been doing it ever since. Usually everyday. Sometimes all day long!
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Re: First time

Post by DoctorsBro »

I was so young that I don't even remember my first time :(
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Re: First time

Post by oldman »

I was eleven years old. It is still very clear in my memory. I loved it and still do.
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Re: First time

Post by gr8fun4rob »

I started masturbating at the age of 9 but could not cum. The feeling was so intense that I was afraid to push myself over the edge. I don't know if this was true for all boys entering puberty, but it seemed true for all my friends. One day at the age of 12, I was determined not to stop but to push myself over the edge regardless of how intense the feeling was. When I did, the feeling was so great and so wonderful, I was hooked for the rest of my life. You can't beat the feeling of the big O regardless of whether it is through masturbation or intercourse. The amount of spunk for my first time was not a big load as some stories I've read on ST. So I don't know if was because I was young or if the stories some tell on ST are exaggerations.
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Re: First time

Post by UKGent »

I don't remember my first time, but I do remember my first time with someone else.

It was a friend down the street who I had never seen as a girl, sexually, if that makes sense. She was just a friend and we hung out a lot.

One day we were playing in the back garden and she asked me if I played with myself (those exact words). I asked her why she wanted to know and was told 'because I do, and I didn't know if you do'.

I told her I did and she asked if she could see me do it. I think this started my love of masturbating for and with others because I jumped at the chance! We found a secluded spot and she undid my trousers, then I pulled my pants down and started pulling on my hardening shaft. I knew it wasn't going to take long and wasn't used to edging at that point so I just went for it. As I was about to come, she reached out and touched the head which sent me over the edge. I came with quite a force and she jumped out of the way, squealing with wonder.

After that she asked me lots of questions and I asked about her, but she refused to show me. I was quite embarrassed for a while and avoided her for several days. But then I realised that I actually enjoyed it and went to see her about a week later and asked if I could do it again for her.

Anyway, it lead on to quite a fun summer!
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Re: First time

Post by silkenbones »

You wrote:
When I had my first orgasm, it was after having masturbated several times without success over a couple of weeks. I was young and liked masturbating because it felt nice. I also knew somehow that it was nasty and not something I should be doing. (I always had strong feeling of guilt after words and could not do twice in a row because of it) :evil:

One night when I finally did cum, it was such a wonderful surprise, several things went through my mind all at once.

1) I hope nobody heard me. [They did much to my embarrassment and shame (eventually I assumed it was the sin they were preaching of in church and we were sinning against "God" boy was I screwed for the moment but each night I had to do and feel guilty, I stopped going to church and realized that I was masturbating for my pleasure and fun and has no reason for this fine gift to be a sin or feel ashamed or guilty over. :D
2) I want to do it again. And again. (I did)
3) Do any other momentous surprises await me as I grow up? (yes and some really fun ones at that)
4) Am I the only one? (no sweetie, but a warped person can and will make you feel guilty to control your life and make you feel ashamed and unworthy)
5) I want to do it again! ( Great!! it a gift of life that keeps on giving and giving for it brings pleasure and self love of which we are worth it!) :D

What sort of things went through your mind when you experienced your first orgasm? Did you achieve it by (my first was when I was five but dry and found it was a comfort from the dark room and lonely bed and I would fall asleep right after words, but I did feel guilty every time, when I was bout fifteen I passed a hard seed like substance and then ejaculated every time after that and the guilt lessened over the years until I am content to do as I please today) :lol:
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Re: First time

Post by hcain98 »

My first time was with my older brother. he showed me how one night and we both did it together after he showed me. One night after everyone was asleep i asked him about masterbating and he showed me how.
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Re: First time

Post by jemstone »

Many people on ST seem to remember precisely how old they were when they discovered masturbation and had their first orgasm. I don't have a clear memory of how old I was, but the events are clear. I was an only child so had no siblings to instruct or inform me. I took baths until I began taking showers (probably by age 12), and my first time was in a bathtub, so probably 10 or 11. I remember sliding around on my belly in about four inches of water, just for the fun of sloshing the water, when one day I began to really enjoy the friction on my penis and got an erection. I sat up in the tub and took the Ivory (pure!!) soap bar, soaped up my hand, and rubbed my penis. Wow. Felt so good. I may have had some dry orgasms in the days and weeks after I discovered this active masturbation, but I do remember the one day when white stuff came out of the end of my penis. I did not expect that and did not know what happened. I was in a panic, thinking I had broken my penis. I told nobody, but (of course) that fear did not keep me from doing it the next time. And the next. And the next. That began my love of masturbation through 50+ years.
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Re: First time

Post by abaycum »

I was eleven and I was wanked for the very first time by another. It is a permanent memory and I sometimes regret my diffidence at the time as I could have had some interesting sessions with the same person.
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Re: First time

Post by jimmybond »

I was 14. It started out by skinny dipping with my best friend. Next thing I new, both of our cocks were in the other's hand. We both had our first orgasm that night. We jerked each other off many times after that, but, I always felt that it was wrong and many times denied my friends request masturbate. Thinking back I wish I didn't. It was awesome to make him squirt. I loved the feeling I had when he masturbated me.
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Re: First time

Post by johnaked »

I was 11... It was after a games session at my all boys Grammar school in midlands uk... We all had to have a bath in the large communal bath in the changing rooms.... I sat on a step at the back of the group with my friend Adrian... Suddenly I felt his hand on my cock under the water - I brushed his hand away but he did it again... The feeling was amazing - I'd played "doctors" with friends when I was younger - that was nice but nothing like the feeling I had between my legs now!!!!
I came - no idea if it was dry or not because it was under the water - when I opened my eyes I realised that the rest of the class had been watching...
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Re: First time

Post by okkam1 »

I well remember the very first time I came.
I was studying at home with a schoolmate. I discovered porn some month before and I had one of that porn magazine (no internet at the time ;), I was used to touch myself but never went far enough to orgasm before. So we started watching the magazine together and he asked me if I had cum already.. and I said no. He explained me that if you go on pumping after a while you squirt the sperm and wanted me to try so we both did. We were alone at home so we did right at the desk where we were studying. I remember that after a while I felt like to be punched in my stomach and a single clear drop of sperm flyed in the air and landed on the edge of the desk. It was an ancient laqued wooden desk… and the sign of that drop is still there even today ;)
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Re: First time

Post by penedeconejo »

This all took place before I reached puberty. My first time took some courage and some building up to. I grew up in a very sexually repressive and prudish family. Sex was never discussed and masturbation was very taboo. Still, being a bold and curious lad I knew that it felt good to stroke my cock so I kept my experimentation on the down low. I would stroke my erect penis until it got to the point of "tingling" and the stop. I did this because I didn't know what would happen if I continued or if I was injuring myself. Being a rebellious lad and enjoying the feeling more and more I kept at it. One night I was in lying on my bed completely naked stroking away. Suddenly as I reached my previous stopping point I noticed a small drop of clear liquid on the tip of my penis. I immediately stopped thinking I did something to myself. I stuck my finger into this liquid and felt the consistency. It wasn't thin and runny like pee, but more slimy and it strung off the head of my penis like snot. Being bold and brazen I resumed my stroking. The tingling turned to an almost burning feeling, but it was still very enjoyable. I continued on. As my breathing was starting to become more rapid I noticed that the skin on my sac was getting tighter around my tiny balls. Thoughts of irreparable harm to my body danced through my head, but I continued. The tingling in my penis was getting more intense, like an itch that you can't scratch enough. I stroked faster to see if that would cure the tingling. Suddenly my breathing turned to gasps, my toes started to curl and the muscles in my lower body began to tense. I started to become light headed and noticed that I was raising and lowering my pelvis involuntarily to the rhythm of my strokes. Within seconds ever muscle in my body tensed up. I lost my breath and my penis started jerking involuntarily in my hand as I almost lost consciousness. After regaining my faculties and my erection subsided I noticed that there was more of this clear "snot" all over the head of my penis. I was in such ecstasy that I wasn't worried if I hurt myself or not. I then turned over and went to sleep thinking that tomorrow I would try it again. This was the beginning of my long and continuing exploits in orgasmic masturbation.
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Re: First time

Post by oktostroke »

I was 13 years old when I masturbated for the first time. I had been curious about this thing other boys at school called "beating off", etc, but hadn't quite figured it out. Then I discovered my older brother's stash of porn magazines. I snuck a few into my room one day when I was alone in the house. As I looked at the pictures, I got very turned on and when I touched my cock, it started to throb even more and actually ached in a wonderful way. I put my hand around the shaft and started pumping, and as I gazed at the magazine pictures, before long nothing else mattered except the sensations I was experiencing. And then suddenly it happened - that first orgasm, and the cum flying everywhere, which I was unprepared for. I remember thinking afterward that I had made an important discovery, and for sure I wanted to do it again (I did, a half hour later). I figured that I was not the only one, and that for sure my brother must have been doing it (that's what the porn magazines were for). After that first time, I'd pretty much masturbate every chance I got and soon started collecting my own stash of magazines to stroke to.
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Re: First time

Post by exemacs »

the first time I came was whilst being wanked off by my mate at around the age of 14 whilst camping in his garden during the school holidays... Things progressed after that over time !!... Oh to be that age again !!
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Re: First time

Post by easypeasy »

God, I started masturbating really young, and I can't totally remember when I had my first orgasm, but it was also pretty early. I hit puberty young, so I was an early developer. I do remember one really intense early orgasm--so memorable it might actually have been the first time I came? I was in the bathtub, and I had learned to turn on the tub faucet and scoot down in the tub with my legs up on the wall behind the faucet so I could position my pussy under the stream of water. I remember getting the stream just right on my clit that time, and it felt SO good, and the way the stream was flowing it was almost like a pulse of water, and rocked my hips just a tiny bit to move my clit back and forth under the hard, pulsing stream of water, and I finally came super hard. I remember my whole body spasming, and my little cunt clenching and throbbing, and I slid around in the tub trying to keep my clit under the water the whole time until I finally finished and it got too sensitive. It was powerful and memorable!
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Re: First time

Post by mushroomhead »

My first time I was 12. Now, at this age, I had heard of the term jacking off, and in my group of friends, if anyone wanted to put another down for any reason, they would probably say yeah, you were probably jacking off or something, so that term and the idea of it was something you didnt want to be associated with. I really didnt know what jacking off meant, and never did it. Then, one night, after going to bed at my regular time, 9PM while my parents sat in the living room usually until 11, I suddenly got a boner while just laying there trying to go to sleep. It was my first boner. And so I did what felt natural. My bed consisted of 2 sheets and a blanket. I always got in between the sheets, and the blanket over me. When first getting into bed, the sheets were always cool. So when I got my boner, at first I started to move (hump) the mattress. Within a minute after that, I pulled down my pj's to my ankles, and all of a sudden, the feel of my boner touching the cool sheets really turned me on. I mean, I had nothing in mind, as I hadnt even thought about girls yet, but the feel of those cool sheets made me thrust back and forth, and oh my, it felt so good. After a few minutes, I thought I was going to pee, and the first thing that crossed my mind was DAMNIT, not now. And so I stopped, but I was already over the edge, and the feeling just kept getting stronger and stronger until I came. So now I thought maybe I pissed the bed, but it didnt feel that way. I mean, it was a different feeling, and yet, while laying there, I still felt something wet. So, I got up and turned on my light. I went back to my bed and looked at the wet spot and saw a small puddle that was off white liquid, and I had no idea what it was. So then I bent over and smelled it, and it had a weird smell. Then I touched it, and it was slimy. So I figured I had to do something, and the bathroom was right across the hall from my room. So I went to the bathroom and got some tp and went back and wiped up the puddle. Turned off the light and went back to bed. As I laid there, I thought, what the hell just happened. Yeah, I had no idea and never was told about the birds and the bees or whatever. But then it came to me, no pun intended. I realized that I had just, in a way, jacked off like the kids used to put people down about. But I didnt understand that. I mean, first of all, I didnt use the hand motion that they always used when putting someone down, and why would kids my same age put this down and make you feel so dirty about it when it felt so good?
I wanted to do it again immediately, and started rubbing against the cool sheets again, but I couldnt get a boner and the excitement I had experienced was gone, so I went to sleep. Next day, I couldnt stop thinking about what happened the night before, and I just wanted 9PM to come again, so I could do the same thing, and because this time I knew it would be better because I knew the feeling, and it wasnt a pee feeling, or at least it was different, and I knew now that it wasnt going to be pee, and that I could fully enjoy it.
Bedtime arrived, and I went straight to it, humping my mattress with my stiff erect boner against those cool sheets. What a wonderful feeling, and then I felt it rising through my groin, and I knew that wonderful feeling was within seconds, so I went faster and harder, and I exploded with at least twice as much cum as the night before. A really good size puddle. Got up and went across the hall to the bathroom to get tp and clean things up. Went to sleep afterwards.
The next day, again this was all I could think about. Thankfully, this was during summer and there was no school. That next day, I was even more anxious than the last, but I also started thinking that I cant keep this up, as my sheets are going to get stained and I will be caught. But there was no way I was going to stop this. So it came to me the next evening, I need to shoot my liquid into something instead of on the sheets. And an idea came to me. Use a samich bag. So, that night before bed, I went to the kitchen and grabbed me a baggie and shoved it into my pocket and went to bed. As soon as I got into bed, I pulled down my pj's, and had an instant boner. So I put my boner in the baggie and went at it again. Little different feeling this time, as it wasnt the soft cool sheets, but it was humping with my boner in a baggie. Didnt matter, I loved every moment and shot a huge load in the baggie, which in turn got all over my cock. DAMN, what a mess. Went across the hall to the bathroom, and took several minutes to clean up, and tp just didnt get it done. Had to use the sink and water to wash everything, and it was so hard to get clean.
The next day, another idea finally came to me. Okay, I knew what was happening, but I wasnt doing it right, as I remember the kids always using a hand motion. And I also thought, why is this limited to night time. I wanted to do it during the day, right now. I didnt want to wait. So I went into the bathroom, stripped, and sat on the toilet. Just the thought of knowing what I wanted to do got me hard. So I leaned back and started to actually jack off. During that first time, I thought, this is what the kids talked about, but why was it considered so dirty and wrong, and why were you a faggot if you did this? Didnt matter. It felt so good. After a few minutes, I was feeling that feeling, so I went faster and harder, not even thinking of the final result. I ended up shooting on the wall across from me, and on the floor in front of me, and it just seemed like everywhere. Must have taken me 15 minutes to clean it all up, as this stuff was the stickiest, wierdest stuff I ever encountered. After cleaning up, I wanted to do it again, and started stroking my small limp dick, but it wouldnt get any bigger, and the excitement was gone. So now I knew there was a limit to this, I mean that you couldnt do it continuosly, that you had to wait between times. So I went outside and played by myself, just waiting for the excitement and feelings to return. While I waited, I thought to myself. This is what the kids talked about, and if you did it, you were gay, a fag. So, I thought, am I gay, or a fag? Tell the truth, I didnt really understand what that meant, just meant you werent normal, you didnt fit in. I was like nah, that aint me, but I could never talk about it with anyone else. But from that point on, I was jackin off several times a day, and I learned that when I felt that feeling coming up, to get off the pot and kneel in front of it and shoot into the bowl. I got to be an expert at it in no time, lol. And this is how it went for several months. When I jacked off, I didnt think about girls, cause I still wasnt excited about them yet, I just concentrated about how good this felt, and that was enough.
Ok, I am going to take this a bit further, because there is another 'first time" and just typing this I am laying on my bed while doing so and slowly moving back and forth. It was a weekend, during the first week or so of school, August. My best friend had a sister who was a senior in high school, 6 years older than me or him. It was me, my best friend, and another, and we were doing something or going somewhere, dont remember, but we had to make a quick stop at my best friends house. He went inside while me and the other waited outside. While waiting, either me or the other peeked through the board fence into the backyard and noticed my friend's sister sunbathing totally nude. I dont know about the other guy, but this was my first girl I ever saw nude. Then my friend came out and said okay, lets go. Me and the other guy was like wait, look what we see. My best friend said yeah, so what, that is my sister. He wasnt even interested, but me and the other needed to see more. So we got a couple of cinder blocks that were near by, and stacked them and took turns standing on top of these blocks and getting the full view over the top of the fence. Being very quiet, we took turns looking, and when it was my turn again, my best friend and the other finally said, lets go, but I said wait, I want to look a bit more. By this time, I was very excited, and had a huge boner. I had looked at this perfect specimen, a ten if there was ever one. Long brunette hair, perfect body, perfect good size tits, and a trimmed but not shaved bush, and no tan lines at all, and perfect tan. While the other two were talking to each other and not paying attention to me, I reached down in my pants and pulled my boner out above the belt line along with my balls, so that my "junk" was fully in the open. Now, remember, this was out front of the house looking into the backyard, or side yard, so that anyone and their brother who either walked by or lived across the street or next door, could see me. That never entered my mind. Even my two friends left my mind. It was like there was just me and her, and nothing else mattered. I was looking at this goddess, and I started to jack off.
Maybe a minute later, my friends wanted to go, and they turned to me to tell me, and that is when everything changed. OH SHIT, HE IS JACKING OFF one said out loud, and when he said that, the girl heard it, and she opened her eyes and looked at me. She said absolutely nothing, but instead drew her feet inward so her knees were raised, and she spread her legs and started to rub herself. That did it. I jacked off so fast and hard that I came almost instantly, shooting a huge load against the fence. I immediately put my cock back in my pants and stepped of the blocks, and it was then that I noticed that there were people at two houses across the street looking at me and laughing. I was so embarrassed, and I ran home.
Saw my two friends the next day, and the one that wasnt my best friend called me a fag, and he went away. My best friend was still my best friend, but he never talked about that day again, as did I never talk about it either. A couple of months later, my best friend slept over at my house, as he had done many times in the past, and after midnight, it being the weekend, we were just shutting off the tv and going to sleep on the two couches in the living room. Once the light was turned off, I started to jack off. He couldnt see me doing it, as it was totally dark, but he heard me and asked me what I was doing. I really wanted to share this wonderful feeling with someone, and who better than my best friend?
So when he asked me what I was doing, I said I was playing with myself, and he said, what do you mean? And I told him I was beating off. I thought that might sound a bit better than jacking off. He sighed and told me to stop it. I then got off my couch and went over to his couch so I could talk a bit quieter to him, and I said, have you ever done it, and he strictly said no. Before I knew what I was doing, I tried to touch him in that spot, and he jumped sorta, falling off the couch onto his stomach on the floor. I climbed on top of him. We were both in our pj's, and I started to hump against his ass. He got away and told me not to do that again. I really wanted to, but didnt try again. Needless to say, that was the last time he ever slept over, and we were not friends anymore. It was at that moment that I realized that maybe I was a fag, that it didnt matter wether it was a boy or a girl, I just wanted to do it with someone. Again, I was 12 then, just about to turn 13. And from those two experiences, every time I jacked off, I was then thinking of either a girl or a boy, whatever came into my mind, and orgasms then were even more intense. END OF FIRST TIMES FOR NOW, LOL
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