Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to expl

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Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to expl

Post by PAnudist »

Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to explore your sexuality.

From what I've been seeing on other posts and comments, some of you have had pretty open parents also. Meaning either you were comfortable being nude around each other, masturbation wasn't something they tried to make you feel guilty about, or even actually taught you to masturbate and that it is natural and healthy.
So the question is, How was masturbation viewed in your home growing up, and did either of your parents teach you about sexuality or masturbation?

I ask this question because I also see lots of people say they were punished for masturbating. I cant imagin punishing a kid for enjoying their own body. Its natural and its healthy. Im looking to hear from people on the opposite end of the spectrum, who had parents open and understanding to what you were feeling and going through as you discovered yourself and your sexuality.
Last edited by PAnudist on Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by PAnudist »

In my home it was just my mother and I through my teen years. She viewed masturbation as a natural and healthy part of, not only development but life as well. Now, she didnt just let me masturbate openly in front of her (unfortunately) lol, but gave me the privacy I needed. She did walk in on me mid stroke once. She even found out what I was doing with two of my friends from school. she did talk to me about being safe but understood that is what teenage boys do.
As far as teaching me, she never had to "teach me" physically but she did talk to me about it and I had told her I masturbated with "a friend" and that was ok. She more or less stressed to me that it is ok and not to be ashamed to enjoy and explore my body. Masturbation is natural and healthy.
I couldnt have wished for a better childhood or a better mother!
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by Mickyy »

My parents never showed me about it, they never even really talked with me about the 'birds & the bees'. There were several times where I was interrupted, or other things happened, but it was generally unspoken, or one of those things you were supposed to figure out on your own.

I think once they figured out I already knew about things they felt it was a weight lifted off their shoulders. While sex and erotica in my family seemingly ran rampant at times, not much was ever said about it. They did allow me to explore, and at times my mom allowed me to look and even touch a few times, but my dad was much more private about things and nothing was ever said.

I vowed to make things a little different with my family but it is much harder than that in todays society...
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by PAnudist »

Thats awesome, even if they didnt have a roll they were understanding of the changes you were going through and gave you your space to explore. Thats funny you say sex and erotica ran rapent, it was just me and my mom for quite a few years till she remarried, and I could sometimes hear her watching porn and taking care of business too. She has hinted to me that she knew I watched porn but didnt make a big deal out if it. Its nice your mom allowed you to look and touch sometimes, im sure it was very exciting. Mine allowed me to look but I didnt get to touch.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by Mickyy »

There is so much I can't write about in stories here! But at least my parents weren't dead-set against erotica like so many other families I knew back then. I had 2 sisters and 3 brothers, (all younger) but yet never had much interaction with them about things of this nature. Anything I learned I learned on my own somehow, and I think that may have been the key to understanding things a bit better.

With so many brothers and sisters, it seemed like my mom was always pregnant and that is what I really started to equate sex with. She loved being pregnant, and I think she got super horny when she was. It's funny, because I never saw much displays of affection between my parents. Maybe it was because they were always working...

And I think that is another factor with our changing society, the need to work more hours for many tends to put sex and erotica on a back burner. I know for me, it certainly has taken a lower priority as I get older.

I wonder how others feel about this?
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by krieger »

I grew up in a slightly odd environment, I think. Both my parents are fairly enlightened in that way, in that neither of them are particularly prudish, and both were openly naturists (many of my childhood holidays were spent around a local naturist - or nudist - beach here in the UK). However, on the few occasions sex ever came up as a topic, it was always treated as a laughing matter - I think because they were covering up their nervousness with humour. As such, I never - and still don't - feel comfortable discussing sex with them, despite the fact I'm pretty sure they'd be open about it.

I think they're openness about nudity has helped a bit though. I've always been overweight, and puberty brought a higher than average amount of body hair with it, so I've always been self conscious about my body. However, I've never felt that there was anything wrong or dirty about it, for which I am grateful.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by penedeconejo »

I guess you can include me as one of the unfortunate ones. My parents were very prudish and secretive about anything sexual. Masturbation was a definite no-no and the mother/son or father/son sex talk never happened. As a child I was severely chastised for "touching myself" and as a teen I was berated for looking at "dirty magazines". So instead of growing up in a healthy sexual environment I grew up in a very repressive, prudish atmosphere. Open nudity was a very punishable offense. So the only time I saw any of my other family members nude was strictly by accident. It's really too bad because I had two very beautiful older sisters and was only able to steal a few secret glances at their naked bodies on a couple lucky occasions.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by qababy »

My parents never talked about masturbation or anything sexual in front of me. My dad did come into my room one morning before breakfast to tell me breakfast was ready and caught me mid stroke in front of the mirror. He did not say anything and the subject was never talked about or brought up. I had to learn about sex through trial and error. Being nude in our house other than in the bathroom was a no no. Now I'm home nudist and don't care if neighbors see or not. I think that has something to do with those early happenings with my parents.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by jimmyl55 »

Being a Baby Boomer, my parents were from the "quiet generation" and did not talk to me or my siblings about sex. So, nothing learned from them. Luckily, I liked to read and was able to gain some access to sexual facts as a young teen (it took a bit of research!). A certain amount of knowledge about masturbation came from playing doctor with my younger sister. It started innocently enough, but we experimented with each other and eventually got comfortable masturbating each other.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by jemstone »

I was an only child, Baby Boomer, and my parents never gave me a "talk" about masturbation or sex, for that matter. I discovered masturbation at about age 9 in the bathtub, just me and a cake of Ivory soap, and I had dry orgasms for a while until one time "pow." Thought I broke something. Even though I resumed masturbating, I discovered guilt about masturbating on my own-- not at all induced by my parents because they never talked about it. I don't remember friends talking about it either, though I suppose I must have figured that they masturbated too. While casual nudity was not part of my family life, I did occasionally see my parents nude. My sex education mainly came from reading (and stroking to) a paperback "marriage manual" I found in the attic one day. One of my stories here on ST is about that manual and its role in my sex education.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by gavin1969 »

My parents helped show and explore my body. Adopted here, but nudity and self exploration was always a go in my household....taught me so much! It was so hot!
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by slostroker »

No one even showed me how to masturbate, but I was given plenty of privacy. My mom knew I was stealing vaseline from her bathroom, but she always kept plenty on hand and washed my cum towel leaving it folded on my nightstand. I never put it together at the time, but now that I'm a parent I see what she did. She never said a word to me, but she knew everyone masturbates and wanted me to enjoy it.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by gavin1969 »

I was a late bloomer...but jacked a neighbour until he shot his warm cum on my hand. It was so nice I could do that for another person. I went home and played with myself until I busted my nuts!
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by jamie33 »

My parents were prudish, never got the talk from either one of them. I got a clip around the ear as a kid for always having a hand down my pants. Only place to be naked was alone in the bath, door locked. I got several more clips around the ear for not closing the bathroom door properly when peeing. That was when I was maybe six or seven years Old FFS...

I have an older sister, she was a bit more helpful, having caught me jacking off when I was about 13, she was nearly sixteen at the time. She was the one who gave me a pack of condoms, and warned me about STDs, pregnancy etc. After catching me wanking, a few red faced days went past before she brought it up, and told me everyone does it, even girls. That idea just blew me away, it didn't seem possible but for some reason, just so HOT. School became a nightmare for weeks after that revelation. I was in a daze, all I could do in class was look at girls and imagine how they were getting off the way I did, well apart from the obvious difference, of course.
I was too shy to ask my sister the exact details, so listened carefully to details offered on the subject from the know it all friends. Most of which was absolute rubbish. All was revealed a year later, age 14, on holiday. A group of us hung out while our parents, lay about sunbathing at the pool, we went to the beach. The girl who played, show me yours and I will show you mine was the same age as me, really pretty and exotic looking. We went into a changing room at the beach together, when no eagle eyed attendant was around. She took off her bikini top so I could see her barely there tits, I think I stopped breathing.

She noticed my boner, and asked if I wanked, my first instinct was to run, but, I managed to answer, something exciting was happening. So I said yes, and she giggled and said she did too. I felt precum flowing, I was happy my swimming shorts were both colourful and baggy.
I got the courage to ask, and solve the mystery of how exactly a girl wanks? Not having a dick and all?

The next half hour was the greatest of my 14 yr old life, as she told me to strip, and so did she, we both sat on the little wooden bench, facing each other, knees up and apart. I will never forget my first glimpse of pussy, to this day, I don't think I have ever seen one as beautiful and perfect as hers. She was half Filipino, half English, so she had lovely honey coloured skin, and a little bit of black silky hair down there. What made me breathless, was what I discovered was her clit. It was like a tiny thick hard cock, it must have been about 2 inches, I've never seen one like that since.
She showed me how she got off, and I showed her how I got off. We didn't touch each other, but watching her pussy getting slick and opening up, did it for me, I have worshiped pussy since that day. Even though a few more years passed before my cock had the actual pleasure of fucking one. My orgasm was so intense watching her rubbing her clit, I shot a massive load right over my shoulder, into my hair, and onto my own face. That seemed to really do it for her, because when I went to wipe my face she had gasped for me to leave it, and arched up,went rigid, and moaned, I watched her pussy contract and spasm, she was going home the next day, so we had no repeat performances, but I must had wanked at least 7 or 8 times a day on the back of just that one scene burned into my brain.
I was always scared they would smell my cum, so living in a tiny holiday apartment forced me to discover the joy of wanking outdoors. :oops:
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by wingonwing »

I grew up sort of in Mickyy's position. The matter never came up. Was never discussed. Thing is, though, that mother surely noticed on days that she washed clothes that I always had athletic socks that were stiff with dried cum. If she did, she never said a word about it and neither did my dad. I had a younger brother, and we never talked about masturbation either. He did mention once that he and a friend had been beating off together in the shed while perusing porn magazines.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by chuck607 »

As a baby-boomer as some above, I too wasn't taught a lot about sex from my parents. When they did it was mostly just "Sex is a beautiful gift to a HUSBAND AND WIFE" which was positive but didn't teach anything about the mechanics of sex and was too late anyway. They never mentioned masturbation in particular unfortunately as I discovered it on my own and the first orgasm I had scared the heck out of me, so some knowledge would have really alleviated a lot of stress as I thought I had broken something inside me!

As far as my kids were concerned I had planned on being more forthright and honest when it came to teaching them about sex but my first experience was kind of forced on me, which in the end helped. My first wife had a daughter who was around 10-11 in the early 80s and one Saturday my wife was about to leave to go shopping with a friend and had apparently walked into my step-daughter's room. I heard my wife in a loud voice from the living room and didn't pay much attention to it until I could hear my step-daughter crying so I went to the entrance to the hall and heard my wife telling her daughter that touching herself there was bad and would make her sick etc. I assumed my step-daughter had been doing some form of masturbation and I thought, holy crap, she can't be telling the kid stuff like that so I went down the hall and called my wife out and then down to the living room and told her she shouldn't be scaring the girl like that and it could affect her for the rest of her life. She just told me she could tell her daughter whatever she wanted to and stomped out the door. I leaned later that my wife had been molested as a child which explained a lot about her conflicted views on sex.

After she was gone I went into my step-daughter's room and calmed her down and then explained that what she had been doing was called masturbating and that almost all kids did it at one time or another and that it was normal and healthy. I made the connection between masturbation and sex in general and that kids her age learned about their bodies and their sexuality through masturbation and helped prepare them for when the grew up and fell in love. The more I talked the easier it was for me as I felt kind of embarrassed at first but didn't want her to go through life having a negative outlook on sex. The point being that I think having an open discussion with your kids about sex is an important responsibility for parents.

SIDE NOTE: Her mother and I were divorced right after she graduated high school but we are still in contact although we're over a thousand miles away now and she calls me Dad and I call her Daughter!!
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by varvara »

:) I'm from the opposite spectrum. The only thing that I can say, over time it simply turned a blind eye, but rather left me alone.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by goodniteswearer89 »

My parents didn’t really teach me a lot about masterbation I learned about it mostly at school thru some friends. My parents did allow me to explore though.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by ptl01702 »

My Dad was very ahead of his time. Had instruction from him at age 11.
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Re: Parents teaching about masturbation and allowing you to

Post by ptl01702 »

My Dad was very ahead of his time. Had instruction from him at age 11.
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