Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting adults

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Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting adults

Post by george »

Okay, in the past Solo Touch has embraced stories of sexual activity between Mother/Daughter, Father/Son, Mother/Son, Father/Daughter. What do you feel is acceptable in this modern world?
Is it harmful for both parties, totally taboo, or just a great way to satisfy ones sexual urges. Should these stories be allowed on this site?
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by morningwd »

My personal feeling is that it is wrong. However I don't judge others who may be ok with it.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by iluvgirls »

george wrote:What do you feel is acceptable in this modern world?

Should these stories be allowed on this site?
What is right for one person may not be right for another. Just because something isn't right for me, doesn't mean I should get to say it's not right for someone else.

I think there are some situations where this activity works okay, when both parties understand where things are at and no one is getting hurt or abused.

I think having a stories section is fine. People who want to read or contribute those sorts of stories can, and those people who do not want to experience such a topic can avoid the section.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by ithajax »

I think there are lots of guys and perhaps some gals as well that find incest stories or porn about incest very titillating and erotic and use them to stimulate their masturbation. Most of these folks would never dream of actually coming on to a family member. Is incest always wrong? I like the answer iluvgirls made above - not really up to us to decide. Meanwhile, let's remember that many of us fantasize about things while masturbating that we would probably never attempt in real life.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by njhockey1088 »

I think it is fine as long as all parties involved are not harmed and willing to go along with it. I do love reading/ talking to people about it, the more taboo the better.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by mrhandy »

I grew up in a household that never openly discussed anything sexual in nature.
My wife and I, being at-home and social nudists, had a much different approach by telling our daughters that it was natural and, we believed, healthy to masturbate but that it was to be done in private.
I do know of other families that openly masturbated with each other and they seemed to have turned out okay.
As far as if they are adult age, I see no problem with any consential contact.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by kentklements »

I feel that responses will vary depending on cultures and regions but I my opinion is that that any sex between an adult and a minor is totally wrong and unacceptable. Incestual relationships between siblings or other close family members of similar ages probably occurs more than is ever disclosed and is likely to be more of a mutual learning opportunity than an emotional bond. That being said, once an individual reaches adulthood, sex between mutually consenting adults who are willing to endure the trials and tribulations of such an event and take adequate safe sex precautions, could be deemed acceptable.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by pleasureprobe »

all long as the people involved consent to doing it then i think it's perfectly ok. there's nothing inherently wrong with it only whatever doing we ascribe to it. if the family members doing it are ok with it and are enjoying it, and it's not harming anyone then no one else should be able to tell them it's wrong. besides few people are going to treat you as well and as lovingly as your family, generally speaking of course.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by walrus »

I think the idea of consenting adults really trumps it. Under age children and adults is an issue for me, most especially in families. It's an abuse of power.

But when it comes to consenting adults, I don't really see a problem at all.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by mmmniple »

It is too dificult answer this because are lots of variations.
it depend what are called incest...

The most important is not abuse.

Also ,altough i dont understand ,adult people can be doing with their body they want ,always being consent.

Some stories from this kind are some of the best , in my view ,from older website
(the stories where a father teach son,because son ask ,want , need ... to masturbate his son) . Always being the son which request ...He would feel more secure and confortable,i think
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by jester »

For me, as long as both parties are consenting, I see no issue. Personally I was very open with my sons. They were free to try whatever and ask whatever, as long as they were both consenting in what they did. I would answer any questions to fullest I possibly could.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by prsnalty »

There is nothing wrong with incest as long as it is between consenting adults of any age...NO MINORS ALLOWED AT ALL. I have had a relationship with many of my female cousins and they were enjoyed by all, not at the same time, only one one one. I have a niece through marriage who lusted for me the first time she met me and visa versa, we have been in a relationship for may years now and both enjoy the sexual relationship. She is 20 years younger than me but that doesn't bother her at all....
I also had a very good sexual relationship with my ex-wife's cousin for many years both before either one of us were married and then after
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by sapentio »

Sexual and spiritual sensibilities: personal and unique as one's fingerprints. What ever brings one peace and contentment.
Do what is right for you. And keep your hands off my body and soul, you fucking (or non-fucking, ah, that's the problem) popes, gurus, rabbis, imams, politicians. Whatever works to bring peace between consenting adults is good enough for me abd should be for all of us. JMFC!!
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by gavin1969 »

My sister and I use to play me yours and vice versa! Its called exploring and knowing our bodies. Never had sex with her, but we both watched each other cum. We still do 2 this day!
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by hokum50k »

I don't see what's wrong with any sexual act when it's practiced by consenting adults and isn't dangerous.
The actual reason why incest is taboo is because it often leads to mentally handicapped/physically deformed children if a kid is born from the union, which ruins both the kid's and the parents' life.

So, if you really love someone from your family and it's mutual, do whatever you want... just don't have children or it'll be messy for all of the parties involved.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by reeda »

My experiences have always been with consenting adults, although I wasn't always an adult myself for some of these experiences. The only exception was a stepsister, but that really doesn't qualify as incest. Just taboo to some.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by goodniteswearer89 »

Most of mine have been with consenting adults also but when I was younger I did jack off with my younger brothers and I even changed into my swimming suit in front of my sister and younger female cousins and they changed into their swimsuits in front of me.I can remember my younger female cousins laughing at me when that happened cause I started to get a boner from seeing them naked and seeing my sister naked. I would use the memory of that day to jerk off to quite a bit after that happened.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by varvara »

and in my opinion, this is unacceptable. I mean specific sexual intercourse.
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Re: Incest - Totally wrong or just sex between consenting ad

Post by gavin1969 »

No incest here, but as a nudist family, we have 2 days a week when we bond And masturbate in front of one another
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