For shame!

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Poll: Do you feel guilty / ashamed / unpleasantly-empty after masturbating?

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For shame!

Post by DoctorsBro »

I'll tell my own story on the subject in case it intrigues or even helps anyone.

I was raised in a strict fundamentalist family. To an almost paranoid, crazy extent. And for no particular reason that I remember, I always felt ashamed after masturbating, even before I knew what it was; I don’t know if someone told me not to “touch there” at a really early age, or if our whole house was just smothered by a cloud of anti-pleasure gas, lol. The guilt continued into my teen years, as I was only permitted Christian friends, and grew up into a nice little brainwashed church-goer (I don't mean to criticize church or Christianity if it gives you peace, but I was not allowed to think and feel for myself and that’s wrong). It was so bad that I used to count the days since my last orgasm, and feel progressively better the further away I got, only to “fall” again and start the cycle all over. As I got older I used to download and collect porn while I was horny, only to delete it again after I was finished...then try to download the same stuff later...or undelete it when I realized that you can do that with certain software. It was an incredible waste of time and energy. I loved masturbation and sex and porn but I hated how it made me feel afterwards, and I could never make up my mind either way.

As an adult, I finally discovered positive sexuality through websites like solotouch, and after I left religion behind, I slowly managed to get rid of the guilt. I never personally felt there was anything wrong with sex or masturbation or orgasms. It just took me almost 25 years to realize I was "allowed" to decide that for myself, rather than it being determined for me by "God" or creepy old pastor-men. It was "our way or the damned-to-hell-way", with no room for what I would like to choose in life. I'm sure there are many many people who have felt the same way. Unfortunately I was particularly slow about realizing I could decide for myself, because I had a bit of a hero complex about being a Christian and one of the "good guys" and my entire sense of self-identity was there, because I was so sheltered and purposefully prevented from finding out there was anything more in life than the never-ending war of Jesus versus dirty sinners.

The guilt and shame is gone now, but for a long time afterwards, my subconscious still tried to poke me with thoughts like, "you had an orgasm last night, does that mean this is a miserable day?" And I had to tell it to shut the fuck up! Happiness is a choice, more so than most people realize, and if you’re constantly focusing on negative thoughts, then your subconscious will respond by making you feel bad, because it blindly thinks that’s what you want. So ultimately, it’s really up to you whether masturbation or anything else makes you feel guilty. Your subconscious takes some time to respond, and repetition enforces the neural paths that shape your subconscious habits, so the longer you’ve been feeling guilty, the longer it may take to overcome that, but if you stick with it, you’ll eventually be able to feel how you want to feel, rather than how you were trained to feel. Another problem is a bit more sticky, in that the energy behind our thoughts can literally get "stuck" at a certain setting that it was when we felt really strongly about something as children, making most attempts to consciously reprogram our brains rather futile, because the blockage is entirely subconscious. That is something you need a good therapist or spiritual mentor to help with, and something that baffled me for years before I recently found the right person to help me.

I also discovered that my generally depressed and drained feeling after masturbating was actually something separate from the guilt/shame. It’s natural to feel drained after ejaculatory sex, particularly for males, who have the disadvantage of spending nutrient-rich semen every time they orgasm, as well as (for both sexes) burning up a boat-load of neurotransmitters (feel-good brain chemicals). But this can be lessened and eventually avoided entirely with a healthy diet and exercise; in general, your sexual power and stamina is correlated directly with your level of physical health. You can also whip your brain into shape (in a nice way) with certain (perfectly legal but possibly obscure) herbs, and certain other positive habits that I will write more about in the coming months. I hadn't been particularly healthy for most of my life, and the majority of my motivation for caring about my health in recent years came from a desire to improve my sex life, particularly in eliminating the orgasm “hangover” that plagued me all my life. I love sex, and I want to enjoy it as much as possible, as often as I please. The "often as I please" is a goal I'm still working towards, but I've come so far in so relatively few years (compared to the amount of years I was drowning in shame and self-imposed addiction) that I have absolutely no doubt I will be a veritable sex god in a few years. 8-) :lol:
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Re: For shame!

Post by spooger »

I started beating off at about 6 years old. I discovered it in the bathtub and it quickly became my favorite habit - still is! I was never ashamed of it, but I somehow knew that it was not something I would tell anyone about, especially adults.

By the time I made junior high and heard other boys talking about it, I was pretty experienced. I had already experimented with interesting ways of self pleasure other than just the hand around my dick method. Even though I felt I was more experienced than the other boys, I didn't feel comfortable sharing my knowledge with them. It wasn't shame, per se. It was more the compulsive need to keep it private.

By about 10th grade I was more relaxed because it was a regular school ground topic whenever a few boys got together ... sex always was a topic of conversation. I knew the guys who bragged about their exploits with girls were either lying or at least exaggerating, and their real pleasure was beating off.

Masturbation - or beating off as everyone called it - became a frequent topic, and I sensed that all were doing it and I was pretty good at spotting the boys who had cum spots on their khaki pants (Catholic school uniforms) from leaking precum from their ever present boners.

The few really close friends with whom I discussed it would often express their shame after cumming and I never really understood why they would be ashamed by doing something so incredibly pleasurable, even though it was declared a "sin" in religion class.

Before I was out of high school I was perfectly comfortable with my masturbation habit and considered the condemnation of it to be just so much religious propaganda. How could something that was so incredibly pleasant, which absolutely every boy did, be so terrible? And if it WERE so awful, why did God give this thing to man?
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Re: For shame!

Post by fkiss36 »

There was no "sometimes" choice so I answered yes. There are days when rubbing a quick orgasm out is just like any other daily routine, like shaving and showering. Some days if I have the house to myself, I can spend 2-3 hours jacking off. Although I love those days and look forward to them, when I'm done sometimes I feel like I've wasted my time and then I get the empty feeling of being alone. But I know I'll do it again as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Today, I ate lunch, jacked off for a quicky and took a power nap. No guilt today.
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Re: For shame!

Post by pillowboy »

I come from a religious family and when I was younger I often felt guilty about my pillow sex - mainly guilty, not ashamed. That was mainly based on the fact that my mother was worried about my sexuality, which she obviously considered "unnatural". Once she even gave me a lecture about "natural sex" - but now I wonder if she would have been happier if I had got a girl pregnant, as I was still a teenager. Sometime later she disposed of my favorite pillow while I was at school and replaced it with a hideous monster made of an old duvet cover and a carpet. I don't know if she had burned my pillow in the fireplace or taken it to the garbage dump because I could not find it no matter how hard I searched the house. But that was a serious mistake because it did not take long before I was able to steal another decent pillow for my sex play and the whole episode only served to strengthen my fetish.

Now I have learned to accept my pillow fetish as a perfectly normal and central part of my sexuality. I never feel ashamed of it, and, unlike after masturbation, I never feel empty or disappointed after having sex with it but really fulfilled and completely satisfied.
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Re: For shame!

Post by mountain »

Most of the men or women who grow up in a religious family are in the same boat and feel shame or guilt that flows their whole life even over sixty or seventy.
I have masturbated for more than sixty years and for more than 40 years I had felt guilty that I missed all my masturbation pleasures.
If we can't treat the young generation about sex matters it is a disaster, and painful for our kids.
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Re: For shame!

Post by mash2014 »

I grew up catholic. I was told that masturbation was a sin and I could get sick for doing it. I even went to the school psychologist and as he spoke I got an erection; to this day I have no idea what he said. I was more concentrated on my hard-on and arousal than what he said. Every night, after having my orgasm I would promise myself I wouldn't do it anymore. However, although I thought it was wrong, I enjoyed masturbation and never felt shame. I was more afraid that I would suffer an unknown illness, and up to a certain degree that I would end up in hell because I masturbated, than shame.
Nowadays I am open about masturbation.
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Re: For shame!

Post by svengalideck »

mash2014 wrote:
> I grew up catholic. I was told that masturbation was a sin and I could get
> sick for doing it. ...
> Nowadays I am open about masturbation.

Shows everything that is wrong with all religion (well maybe not Bhuddism as they accept relationships) ; and all the bs that went with it. I rejected the concept very early on- way before any sexuality became an issue.

Listening to people as I grew up made me think I'd dodged the indoctrination courses and just made me stronger, to avoid it all. Maybe life hasn't been wonderful, yet I wasn't psychologically trapped like many appear to have been..and still are.. the world is sick; greed, power, money and domination destroying others- and half of that is based on religion... no thanks. :x :cry:

Back to some soulful sex.____ sv-
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Re: For shame!

Post by svengalideck »

mountain wrote:
> Most of the men or women who grow up in a religious family are in the same
> boat and feel shame or guilt that flows their whole life even over sixty or
> seventy.
> I have masturbated...

> If we can't treat the young generation about sex matters it is a disaster,
> and painful for our kids.

I have seen the problems of mental anguish and despair; also seen the results of drug abuse, the 'therapy' which back in 70's included a sideways switch to religion, only to have that become the new demon that destroyed lives... a never ending saga...

Yes, parents (that will and can) must do more to talk about sex and sexuality with children, not shield them from nature or truths, behind false 'gods' and perceived wisdom that has for centuries merely been created to control the masses and make them subservient.

I agree the worlds problems cannot be solved of all its dangers, but generous information AND contraception would help ameliorate a despicable cycle that exists in both 'civilised' and tribal cultures...
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Re: For shame!

Post by iamnaked »

I feel no shame after masturbation but I like to go naked with no way to cover up. For example, walking a mile or more away from my clothes and then masturbating. During the walk back to my clothes I get extremely embarrassed and ashamed when people see me or even if the possibility of being seen is likely.
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Re: For shame!

Post by svengalideck »

iamnaked wrote:
> I feel no shame after masturbation but I like to go naked with no way to
> cover up. For example, walking a mile or more away from my clothes and then
> masturbating. During the walk back to my clothes I get extremely
> embarrassed and ashamed when people see me or even if the possibility of
> being seen is likely.

Leaves me confused as hell,...
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