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Post by georgian1stcum94 »

Last edited by georgian1stcum94 on Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Circumcision

Post by mrhandy »

I, too, am glad that my parents had me circumcised and am glad the doc who did it did a good job as my frenulum is very sensitive.
I have been witha few uncut guys and although the overall experiences were great, I prefer playing with, and sucking, a cut dick.
One of my lady friends won't even date an uncut guy, let alone go to bed with him. She's actually open enough about her sexuality to ask a guy before she goes out with them. Since she's only 4' 11" and under 100 lbs, she also doesn't like dicks over 5" or 5 1/2" . She says big dicks take away her pleasure by causing her pain.
Probably why she likes my 4 incher so
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Re: Circumcision

Post by oldguy41 »

I like to see cut cocks. I have a unique cut, done by a Jewish doctor, I am told by my mother--who asked me ONCE if my thing got hard. My scars on the underside are most sensitive. I have shared this information with a few others, but of all my searches and picture-looking, I have NEVER seen a cut like mine.

To describe, on the top, when I used to get erect (4-5 inches--and 5 1/2 with trimix injections), I have a scar that looks like ) ( and is quite sensitive. But mostly, I can come just by rubbing over the smooth skin under the head on the underside. Yeah, frenelum/frenum. Isn't that how our tongues are connected, and that neat skin behind our upper/inner lips. Yes, we have lips, too. A tongue on my penis/cock head, and the underside, gets me leaking every time. My penis head exposed is NOT insensitive, as some believe cut cocks are.

Someday I will get a picture of the scars.
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Re: Circumcision

Post by regularjoe1 »

I'm very very glad that I am cut. I really like the appearance of a smooth shaft and I love the way it feels. I don't approve of most kinds of body modification as I think the end result of body modifications are almost never as good as the natural state. I do understand breast enhancement for women after cancer surgery however and think it's only right and proper to give back to those women what they lost, but when I say I don't approve of most kinds of body modification I mean those which are purely cosmetic, because the desired effect, which is cosmetic improvement, is not usually the result at all. In fact women with lip injections just look weird in my opinion. But breast restoration after cancer and routine circumcision are some of the few forms of body modification where I think the end result is cosmetically much better than the natural state in almost all cases. I know a lot of people today dislike the idea of it, not wanting to put their kids through the procedure as a matter of routine, and instead leave it up to their kids to decide later in life, but I think that is a mistake. I've learned from talking to guys who were not routinely cut that when a boy enters puberty his general anatomy down there can outgrow his tight foreskin. If it does when he has an erection either the skin gets stuck forward making ejaculation awkward or even retrograde or the foreskin gets stuck behind the head cutting off the circulation to the head making causing pain and making it difficult for the erection to subside after ejaculation. I saw on a television show (a pretty stupid but entertaining one that comes on late at night called Sex sent me to the ER) that when that happens just squeezing the tip of the penis and holding it eventually pushes the blood back down, but it's a hassle. You'd figure a guy would know that about himself by adulthood, but whatever. Anyway, what is worse is that in many cases apparently (from what the uncut guys have told me) the foreskin can be so tight on some young guys that have outgrown their foreskin that it splits and bleeds when they get hard or start to jackoff so after a trip to the ER they have to have a circumcision but now at that age instead of when they wouldn't have remembered the procedure at all. After hearing about that I did some research and found that it was true. I also found out that geriatric patients who have frequent UTIs have to have it done too. The white male population in the US that is circumcised in 90 PERCENT! Wow. I had no idea it was so high and it surprised me because it didn't match up with other figures of the circumcision rate, but apparently the smaller figures count Mexicans and only count those circumcised IMMEDIATELY at birth and since hospitals don't do it routinely any more at birth the smaller figures aren't the actually circumcision rate of the population, just routine circumcisions so it leaves a false impression. Funny business with statistics isn't uncommon, but that's just ridiculous. So guys if you are cut you are in the vast majority in the US. Anyway I figure since most guys need it done at some point anyway for medical reasons one way or another it's better to have it done at birth or as soon as possible to lessen the trauma of the experience and give the scars some years to fade. Better than sending a teenager to the ER or subjecting an already sick elderly man to more trauma. It just makes sense to me. But I understand why some parents would prefer giving their kids a choice, it just seems like eventually the choice is the same for most men either way. I'm glad I didn't have to decide honestly. I like mine the way it is.
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Re: none

Post by ilovewatching »

I love the feeling of my wife circling my cut head with her tongue and then sticking the tip of her tongue into my cock hole....
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Re: none

Post by mash2014 »

I am cut and I think that a cut penis is much more prettier than uncut. The shape of the glans makes it more desirable.
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