Masturbation Is Healthy

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Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by mrhandy »

I am a 66 year old healthy and fit male(6' 2" - 195 lbs) that has been an avid masturbator since I was 12. Even while I was married, my wife and I masturbated frequently together as part of our sexual life.
I/we were also social and at home nudists and I continue to be nude the majority of the time as I am now retired and living alone. If you come to visit me, you will see ALL of me, if you know what I mean.
I am also a proponent of both nudity and masturbation and talk openly about both.

Now, on to the matter at hand:(This information is from various sources and is a long read.)

“Masturbation is part of a healthy sex life,” says Gloria Brame, Ph.D., a clinical sexologist. “It’s totally safe and harmless. It’s healthier than brushing your teeth every day.”
And just as brushing your teeth should be a regular occurrence, so too should be cleaning your pipes. Here are 5 reasons to take matters into your own hands right now. (You’re welcome.)
It prevents cancer. A 2003 Australian study found that men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer. Disease-causing toxins build up in your urogenital tract and when you rub one out, you flush the bad guys out of your system, says Brame.
It makes you harder. As you age, you naturally lose muscle tone … even down there. Regular sex or masturbation works out your pelvic floor muscles to prevent erectile dysfunction and incontinence. “It keeps the angle of your dangle perky,” says Brame. Aim to (ahem) arrive 3 to 5 times a week for rock-solid results.
It helps you last longer. Taking yourself to palm prom may help you stretch your sack sessions. “[Masturbating] an hour before a date will give you more control,” says Brame. Train yourself by timing how long it takes you to orgasm, suggests Ava Cadell, Ph.D., founder of If it usually takes two minutes solo, try for three next time. Or count how many strokes you need to get to your happy place. If you’re spurting after 50, shoot for 60. “Most men can double the number of strokes and the time within one month,” Cadell says. Practice makes perfect, right?
It ups your immunity. Ejaculation increases levels of the hormone cortisol, says Jennifer Landa, M.D., a specialist in hormone therapy. Cortisol, which usually gets a bad rap as a havoc-wrecking stress hormone, actually helps regulate and maintain your immunity in the small doses. “Masturbation can product the right environment for a strengthened immune system,” she says.
It boosts your mood. Masturbating releases a slew of feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine and oxytocin that lift your spirits, boost your satisfaction, and activate the reward circuits in your brain. “An orgasm is the biggest non-drug blast of dopamine available,” says Brame. “A brain scan of someone having an orgasm looks like a heroin addict’s.”
1. Masturbation helps you sleep. That’s because getting handsy with yourself lowers blood pressure and produces endorphins, the chemicals responsible for helping ease stress and increase relaxation.
2. Masturbation relieves cramps. Flying solo during that time of the month increases blood flow to the pelvic area, easing pain. The intensity of orgasm can also help—and it sure beats a hot water bottle.
3. Masturbation prevents prostate cancer. Toxins build up in the urogenital tract, leading to disease—but masturbation flushes those toxins out of the body, making men who ejaculate more than five times a week a third less likely to develop prostate cancer.
4. Masturbation alleviates urinary tract infections. Once you’re tired of drinking all that cranberry juice, turn to the other cure for UTIs: masturbation. It helps flush out old bacteria from the cervix, giving UTI sufferers some much-needed relief.
5. Masturbation might relieve Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms. Researchers estimate that 10 percent of people suffer from RLS, a neurological disorder categorized by a constant urge to move the limbs, often causing leg pain, cramps, tingling, and itching. But there might be help in sight—a letter published in the medical journal Sleep Medicine reported on a patient who used sex and masturbation to relieve symptoms of RLS.
6. Masturbation boosts your immunity. Ejaculation releases the hormone cortisol. It’s a stress hormone, but in small doses, it can help strengthen and maintain your immune system.
7. Masturbation makes sex better. Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes. “Sex therapists strongly recommend that women who have not had an orgasm begin by pleasuring themselves,” according to registered sex therapist Judith Golden. “This puts them in touch with the genital pleasure that they like.”
1.Masturbation benefits your immune system (Human Reproduction, Vol 12, 2200-2207, Copyright 1997 by Oxford University Press)
2.Keeps you in good health. Recent research study suggests masturbation may decrease incidence of prostate cancer. (Leitzmann MF, Platz EA, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Giovannucci E. Ejaculation frequency and subsequent risk of prostate cancer. JAMA. 2004 Apr 7:291 (13): 1578-86.)
3.Release tension and stress. Masturbation can lower blood pressure in stressful situations. One out of five Americans has an anger management problem. There haven’t been any studies on this particular argument, but nobody disputes the relaxing affect of masturbation.
4.Masturbation releases sexual tension without any performance anxiety. There is also no need for a condom and embarrassing drug store checkouts.
5.It fights depression. Masturbation releases the mood –enhancing substances serotonin and dopamine. No more need for Prozac! (F.C. Denison, V.E. Grant, A.A. Calder, and R. W. Kelly Seminal plasma components stimulate interleukin-8 and interleukin-10 release. Mol Hum. Reprod., March 1, 1999; 5(3): 220-226)
6.Earn some extra income with it! Make money as a sperm donor at a local sperm bank. Donate sperm and see how much you could make.
7.Give the gift of life. Sperm donation can help couples struggling with infertility start a family with your help. See how happy you can make other families.
8.The ultimate practice of safe sex! No chance of sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy. There won’t be any next morning calls or child support requests.

Masturbation is touching and rubbing your penis, clitoris, vulva or breasts for sexual pleasure. It is a normal and healthy way for people to explore their own bodies and to find out what feels good, where and how they like to be touched and how to have an orgasm.

Masturbation can also happen between two people (mutual masturbation). This can be a very intimate experience, especially for people who do not feel ready for sexual intercourse.

Even though it is normal, some people feel ashamed or embarrassed about masturbation. This is partly because it has been wrongly labelled as deviant, harmful or sinful over the years, and many of these out-dated myths still exist.

In relation to young people, it can also be because many feel nervous or unsure about their developing bodies and sexual feelings. Mixed messages and misinformation about masturbation from parents, friends and the media can make them more anxious.

Some people think that only people without partners masturbate, but most people with regular partners still masturbate throughout their adult life. The assumption that adults who masturbate must be sexually deprived or inadequate is simply not true.

Other terms for masturbation include self-pleasuring, playing with yourself and wanking.

Myths about masturbation
Masturbation has been wrongly blamed for a range of health problems, including:
•mental health issues
•sexual perversion
•reduced sexual function.

Frequency of masturbation
A common concern, especially among young people, is the frequency of masturbation. ‘Normal’ ranges from several times a day, week or month to not masturbating at all. How often a person masturbates is not a problem, unless it is linked to an obsessive compulsive disorder where the same activity must be repeated over and over.

Sexual health benefits
Some of the known sexual health benefits of masturbation include:
•It is a safer form of sex that carries no risk of sexually transmissible infection or unplanned pregnancy.
•It releases sexual tension and lets people explore their sexuality by themselves.
•It may suit those who do not have a partner, are not having sex with their partner or are abstaining from sex.
•Being familiar with your own sexual responses helps you to communicate your wants and needs to your partner.
•Masturbation is a common treatment for sexual dysfunction. For example, women who do not reach orgasm can learn how to by masturbating, and men who experience premature ejaculation can use masturbation to learn control.
General health benefits of masturbation

Some of the general health benefits of masturbation may include that it: •relaxes your muscles
•helps you to fall asleep
•promotes the release of the brain’s opioid-like neurotransmitters (called endorphins), which cause feelings of physical and mental wellbeing
•reduces stress
•enhances self-esteem.
Masturbation in young children

Young children pick up on their parents’ attitudes towards masturbation from an early age. If parents react negatively to body exploration, self-soothing behaviour or nudity, the child can feel ashamed of their body, sexual feelings and behaviours. Studies show that their reaction can also impact on their child’s sexual attitudes and behaviours in adulthood.

Tips for parents include:
•Remember that children masturbate for many different reasons, including curiosity, exploration and sensory pleasure.
•Reassure yourself that masturbation in children is normal.
•Try to focus on the setting, rather than the activity itself. For example, if your child is masturbating in public, you can tell them that what they are doing is fine, but it is a private behaviour that they can do in a private place (like toileting).
•Understand that children may turn to masturbation in times of stress. If your child’s masturbation is affecting playtime and other activities, you should find out what is making them anxious or upset.

Reduces Nasal Congestion
Another small study demonstrated reduction of swelling of vessels in the nose during sex and masturbation. This theoretically may improve on symptoms of the common cold, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and other such health-related ailments.

Jacking or jilling off. Clicking the five-fingered mouse. Ringing Southern bells. Choking the chicken. Playing with Rosie Palm and her five sisters. A little “me” time.
Whatever you call it, we’re talking about good old masturbation. And however you do it (or don’t do it), there is nothing wrong with taking some time to pleasure yourself, getting to know your body, and exploring what turns you on.
Like most sexual acts, it’s hard to find numbers about self-loving. An old joke says 98 percent of folks masturbate, and the other two percent are lying. Current research shows that around 89 percent of women and 95 percent of men have tried masturbation at some point in their lives, regularly or not. There are not yet any reliable statistics on trans folks and masturbation.
So lots of people are doing it, and some aren’t. Whether or not you’re one of those 89 or 95 percent, masturbation is an absolutely healthy activity for anyone. As the saying goes, who can really love you more than yourself?
Some people use masturbation as way of releasing tension or passion, while others use it to get ready for sexy time with a partner. Even others might masturbate together as part of a relationship or hook up; masturbation is really the safest form of sex out there.
“Masturbation is one of the healthiest ways a person can explore and enhance their sexuality,” said Megan Andelloux, BS, ACS, a board certified sexologist and executive director of the Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
“Not only does it allow someone to own the sexual feelings and sensations that might be coursing through their mind and body, but it also provides people with the privilege of autonomy,” Andelloux said.
Andelloux said that there are not only emotional benefits but health benefits too; “Masturbation circulates blood flow to the genital region, keeping the tissues and the veins in a healthy, active state. Masturbation has been found to boost the immune system – keeping colds and sniffles away, and elevating moods if someone is feeling slightly depressed,” she said.“Plus, the most common time to masturbate is right before bedtime. Giving yourself some self-love can be one of the most exhilarating and yet calming/relaxing – and free – ways to catch a cat-nap.”
The way people do it can vary: Research shows males tend to choose one of a few specific ways – hand up and down, using a sleeve, rubbing between a pillow and the bed, or anal stimulation, etc – while females use a bevy of options with almost no two subjects getting off in the same exact way. What it all adds up to is that whatever feels good for you is what feels good for you, and there is no “right” way to masturbate.
What about toys? Whether we’re talking butt plugs or vibrators, dildos or nipple clamps, lots of people add in some extra action when getting down with themselves. The good news is that contrary to popular belief, sex toys, particularly vibrators, are not addictive. If you like the sensation you get from them, then feel free to use them. If you ever feel that they are hindering partner sex, take a break and explore different types of sensations. Otherwise, keep them clean – one way is to use a condom for ease of clean up – research body-friendly materials, and store them in an accessible place.
Masturbation is a good way to find out what feels good. If you aren’t aware of where and how your body likes to be touched, it makes it more difficult to communicate these things with current or future partners.
As a last note, masturbation will not put hair on your palms, make you go blind, kill a kitten, cause infertility, or make you turn gay – if it did there would be a much bigger LGBTQ population! What is DOES do is allow you to understand your body better, help you to release tension and pursue sexual pleasure on your own, provide an option for a safer sex activity with partners, and let you explore your own fantasies.
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by pleasuredoc »

Yes, I agree that it should be a guilt free experience
As a chiropractor I often discuss masturbation with my patients as a healthy way to relieve stress.
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by penedeconejo »

I too agree. What is unhealthy is when prudish, repressive parents teach their kids that masturbation is unnatural, immoral, perverted, taboo, dirty and against god.
If all these things are true then you may as well classify me as an unnatural, immoral, perverted, blasphemous, dirty old man. :D :twisted: :lol:
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by scottyhoney »

Yes, I've always thought that the only thing to fear from masturbation was getting caught! It feels so good and familiar to have my hand wrapped around my cock and stroking it has to be healthy! I've certainly done enough of it to know! Everything bad about masturbating is just designed to keep us from masturbating which I've never understood, but I've always had a strong sex drive.
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by Sexywriter »

This is a great topic with great references. As a female the idea of masturbation often seems very overlooked by society. I probably masturbate as often or more than many males. I have times i wont do it for a while but then other times I do it almost too much. Its kind of like when you have sex with your partner...sometimes your getting it a lot and other times not as much due to schedules etc. I have always enjoyed my self pleasuring time. Well for the most part. Since my teens I have always loved it. Went through a dry spell the last couple years until a couple months ago. I only wish I could find a great boyfriend to do these things with. But until then....Ill keep myself occupied. LOL
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by charlesjones123 »

Masturbation is a general activity. It’s a natural and protected way to explore your body, be aware of happiness, and release built-up sexual tension. It occurs among people of all backgrounds, genders, and races. Despite the myths, there are in fact no physically harmful side effects of masturbation.

However, excessive masturbation can damage your relationships and on a daily basis life. Other than that, masturbation is a enjoyable, normal, and healthy act.
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by legalist »

This is the most interesting way to learn something about your body, the study process if you can call it like that. It is totally healthy if you won't become addicted. IF you will become addicted you can some issues with erection in the future as this will be a psychological barrier. But even in this case you can have a great sexual life, you will have to use some pills. But you will have to use some good ones if you want to have a healthy sexual life, and I would like to recommend you to use those ones as being the best on the market and the most verified ones.
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by dieprad »

Men masturbating is good for health, I read an article that said that some universities did research and found that masturbation extends a man’s life.
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by maturebator »

As regards masturbation and health, I have always found masturbation to be an effective and natural way to reduce stress. So, I not only do it for physical pleasure, but for my mental health. And you have to admit, these past few years have been pretty fucking crazy in terms of political insanity and global unrest. Good gawd.
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by katemaribell »

You are right!
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by iamnaked »

I get nocturnal erections,
I wake up every single morning with good old morning wood,
I get strong hard erections at least once a day without touching myself,
Often two or three a day,
I squirt a tea spoon of skeet two to four times a week and on occasion I squirt once a day for four days straight,
I’m 64, 5’11” @ 162 pounds naked
I don’t have six pac abs but I damn sure got a 4 pac,
I walk, hike, run, ride a Tadpole,
I’m a gravel grinder.
I haven’t taken a nap in fifty years and never sleep past 7 AM
I sleep like a baby for no more than seven hours a night.
I take only Tamsulosin to keep my old prostate soft and small and I can still pee like a Russian Race Horse.
I eat from the parameter of the grocery store, I stay out of the isle’s as much as I can,
I know that If it comes in a box it will kill me,
I cook my food as little as possible,
I meditate and still like to fight.
I know a great secret…
You ready to receive an ancient knowledge ?
You will spend the last third of your life fat and dying slowly.
Fat in most cases equals a limp dick.
Unless you do what has to be done.
And that Is:
You must man up and get comfortable deep inside the Hurt Locker.
There is no greater truth than,
‘No Pain, No Gain’
This Is The Way,
I have spoken.

Fuck big Pharma…
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Re: Masturbation Is Healthy

Post by alexlama »

It's certainly useful, but everything is fine when in moderation.
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