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Disclaimer About This Section

Post by DoctorsBro »


In the coming months I and possibly others will be posting about a number of things you can do to improve your energy level and capacity for pleasure, not only in relation to masturbation itself but also all of sex and life in general. I'll be posting about exercises, supplements, herbs, and even mental practices and other miscellaneous things. Most of the things I talk about will be things I've tried myself and have worked for me, and everything I post about will have also been proven by science and/or the experiences of many other people. No crazy iffy stuff here. Well, some of it might seem a bit crazy if Viagra and Cialis are the only libido-enhancing substances you've ever heard of. But that's the point of this post....

I don't personally like pharmaceuticals. I recognize that they do work for some people. Occasionally they even save people's lives. But they also fuck people up with side effects, usually encourage dependence, are usually ridiculously overpriced, discourage our freedom of choice by being locked up behind the prescription-wall, almost always contain toxic pill additives, and sometimes, when doctors are too dumb or distracted to look at the possible interactions of the drug they prescribe with a patient's current status, they even kill people. And the most ironic thing is, almost all pharmaceuticals are based on the active ingredients of herbs, most of which are still legal, are available for much less money than their pharmaceutical counterparts, and can give you the same benefits as the pharmaceuticals, in a safer and more balanced way.That's my perspective. If you have a different perspective, and think pharmaceuticals are awesome, and helped your sex life a lot, feel free to post counter-points to anything I say here or in other threads, in a calm and respectful way. We are all enriched by listening to alternate perspectives and finding the underlying common truths.

Now the thing is, the American FDA, and its counterparts in other countries, do like pharmaceuticals. And they don't like herbs very much. Especially when the herbs work well enough to threaten the sales of their products. This is not a conspiracy-type idea; it's just an easily-observed fact of life on this planet right now. Other than the good side of protecting weaker people from the real dangers of hard drug addiction, it's the major motivation behind the worldwide drug war. I can post links to very well-documented research on this subject if anyone doubts this point. But I don't want to go too far on a public forum.

So if you're still reading, listen to this next part very carefully...

I don't want anyone to take anything I say on this forum too seriously. Do not take any of my advice just because I said so, no matter how convincingly I say it. And if something does work for you, don't go excitedly but stupidly filling the internet with links to anything I say. If you want to share your own successes, share them as your successes. I am not a doctor, I'm only a bro. I'm not an expert, I'm just a really flipping smart layperson with a lot of personal experience and abundant study. Use the things I say as a catalyst to do your own research and experimentation. If you have a physician, consult them and obtain their advice on anything you're not 100% confident about trying on your own. I write everything I say on this forum for educational and theoretical purposes. Nothing I say here is approved by the FDA, none of the things I recommend are recommended by any major medical authority, and they never will be unless the world changes drastically. Nothing I say is intended to be advice on how to prevent, treat or cure any disease.

Do not listen to mad men with boxes. ;)

Now let's have some fun with health and fitness! :)
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Re: Disclaimer About This Section

Post by blackboxer500 »

Pharmaceuticals save lives and are great if used properly. As with any tool, they can be misused and abused, but without my daily anti-depressant i would have stopped wanting to live long ago. It’s a brain chemistry issue so please don’t suggest i could just will myself into being well or read a self help book or take an herb. Indeed, before i got medical help i tried an herbal remedy for depression, St. Johns wort, which did in fact have a small amount of efficacy. It caused nerve damage.

The first antidepressant i took was SSRI class and had very negative sexual side effects, but even then less sex but wanting to live was the better alternative. Switching the SSRI to Wellbutrin eliminated the side effects and actually enhances orgasms. I’ve tried repeatedly to taper off over the years, worried about long term effects, and then the intolerable Black Dog (as Winston Churchill called it) returns.

My blood pressure is way too high without medication, and my stomach would feel like it’s being shredded without pepcid. Yes, it would be great if i lost 50 pounds and exercised 10 hours a week and didn’t need pills, but if i stopped the meds then blood pressure would begin damaging my organs and blood vessels. Viagra gives me great erections and reinvigorated a sex life that had diminished with age.

In the U.S. herbal and other natural supplements are totally unregulated whereas pharmaceuticals must undergo rigorous clinical trials. Yes the USFDA fucks up a lot, but regulated is better than unregulated .

So i do not think anyone should be making general statements in a public forum about pharmaceuticals, statements that do not apply to hundreds of millions of individual situations. Respectfully, i will not trust your advice.

<EDIT: I mistakenly identified the anti depressant i take now. It is actually Wellbutrin, which i have corrected. Also edited for style and clarity. None of the original intent has been changed>.
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Re: Disclaimer About This Section

Post by kingleymarve »

Thanks for sharing your perspective on improving energy and pleasure in a holistic way. It's cool to explore alternatives to pharmaceuticals. We all have different paths to wellness, right? Looking forward to your insights and experiences!
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