Why do you want people to see your dick?

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Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by DoctorsBro »


As a more romantically-oriented male who is in touch with his feminine side, it amuses me and slightly baffles me to see so many of my fellow males signing up for the new version of this site with dick pics as their profile pic. So I am curious to get some opinions from you guys, and insights into the male psyche. Why do you choose to visually represent yourself as a penis? I mean, obviously most of us probably don't want to reveal our faces here, unless we have really nice social lives with no friends/family who might be "ashamed" to discover us here. And this is a website about masturbation, so it makes sense to represent yourself as the tool you use to accomplish the deed!

Yet, for my sake, I find it hard to be attracted to floating body parts, unattached to anything that speaks of a person's personality and "soul". I don't find myself attracted to women who represent themselves as boob or vagina pics. In real life I'm attracted to someone's face first, whether or not they seem friendly and passionate and, most importantly, comfortable with themselves. On a forum, cartoon avatars and mini-mes help me get a better sense of who someone wants to portray themselves as. Or in my case, my avatar is a picture of a fictional character, that I feel accurately expresses who I am inside. I could have also chosen something that depicts something I love, such as a beautiful woman's face in the midst of an orgasm, and that would also tell something about me.

But what does my dick tell about me, other than that I have good or poor genetics? Presumably you are signing up to a social website because you want to interact with people and, to a certain extent, have them know who you are, have a recognizable identity. Is your identity, and more specifically relevant on a website like this, your sexual identity, based on the size and shape of your penis? If so, I am not attempting to suggest there's anything wrong with that. It's only natural, biologically speaking, to want to have the biggest penis, and show it off. I just find it ironic, on a website that is primarily about sharing stories in an anonymous but intimate way, to look at all the new members and see more penises than pictures that suggest a story.

So whether you're male or female, feel free to chime in with your own perspective on the male psyche as it relates to this subject. And the female psyche as well. Are you more drawn to read things written by members whose pictures suggest a story, or do you just like seeing lots of big dicks? I'm very curious. :)
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by lovetowank »

As one of the guys on this site using his dick as the avatar I'll reply to your question DoctorsBro. I guess in my case its low self esteem ,even though others say I'm good looking I feel the best bit of my entire body is my dick. Its 7 inches long and well shaped and at 63, proud that it still works as it should.
I wish I could simply show my biceps or some other part that represented me more but thinking about it, my dick does represent me, as sex is what I think mostly about. Not sure if its the medications I'm on, but I feel horny regularly. Had sex with my wife yesterday and a hand job from my wife the day before. She's not here today, so there is every chance that I'll find some porn site and masturbate today.
I guess it does look weird with all the guys showing their dicks, as four want to be my friend on this site and they all look funny lined up in my friend request area. They're all bi-curious too , something I am not. I have no intention of befriending them however, as in doing so, I would feel that I was in some way gay just simply because of the photo they chose to exhibit. If this was a group talking about motorbikes or something you would of course add these new friends but a site about masturbation doesn't lend itself ,well to me anyway, talking with guys about wanking. Maybe when I was 12, yes. Now if a women wants to discuss the finer points of masturbation with me, the friend request will be confirmed and my phone number is 555 0410E :D
Interestingly there doesn't appear to be any women on this site representing themselves with their Vagina or anything else for that matter, and probably more interesting there appears to be a lack of women on here in general. When this site was in the old format there were heaps of female stories and it gave you the impression there were scores of people on here at any one time.That doesn't appear to be the case. I'm now thinking most were written by daydreaming men. I hope I'm very wrong on this point. I've done lots of wanking over the years reading all the female/male stories so please dont tell me now they were all written by phantom writers. I've been wishing my wife was like these women all that time. May be she's normal after all and women don't talk about such things. Ladies prove me wrong and howl be down on this point. I'll stand by. ;)
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by DoctorsBro »

Thanks for the interesting thoughts about the dick pics. I wouldn't be too worried about it being "gay" to accept their friend requests, but that's entirely up to you 8-)

I definitely wouldn't conclude from the lower percentage of female members on the forums so far, that most of the female stories in the history of this site were fake and written by males. I could be wrong, but I think I have a good sense for such things, and I strongly feel when I'm reading SoloTouch stories that they're true in 90% of the cases. Fiction tends to have a different ring to it than autobiography. I can't explain that logically or scientifically. Maybe there's some really talented and clever liars around! But if I had to decide for myself, I'd say most of the stories on this site are true. They're filled with such delightful randomness and the unexpected, seemingly meaningless turns of event that mark most people's real lives, as opposed to the more predictable narrative structure of a fictional story.

Instead, I'd interpret the lower numbers of female members to a couple of other things:

-It's still not quite as "acceptable" for girls to talk about these things in public. Even the internet version of public. Submitting somewhat-anonymous stories is one thing. Being on a forum with a fixed online identity is a lot riskier.

-Fear of stalking. I'm sure the few female members we do have probably get too many friend requests and personal messages from all those guys with dick picks, or blank photos. It's the same thing with online dating sites. There are too many desperate horny men, and they scare away the good women. Guys, imagine being a girl and seeing 13 of those dick pics on your friend request page. Unless you really love dick, it's kind of scary, right? So guys, if you're hoping more girls will join this forum, try hard to be a gentleman to the ones that are already here. And girls, try to be patient with the dumber gender commonly known as "men" ;) we are trying to do better, we promise!
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by hornydave »

Simple. Its a masturbation site. Its all about dicks, pussy and getting off. Plus it turns me on having people see mine which is why I cam on other sites.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by jtan18 »

I knew immediately when I saw we had the option to post pictures that the albums would be dominated by dick pics.

I'd say men loves to show off their dicks because it's our male pride summed up in one single body part.

We probably don't see an equal interest women to post explicit pics because they don't feel the same way about their vaginas or breasts, not to mention that women who do choose to post revealing pics might get accused by other women of just wanting attention from the men.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by ithajax »

Let's face it. For many of us, it could be very embarrassing if our family, co-workers or bosses discovered that we were addicted masturbators, so it makes sense not to put pics that show our faces on sites like this one. Also by remaining anonymous, we can feel free to share intimate details of our sexual history that might get us in trouble with our significant others or be really hard to explain to our kids.

I love to cam and when I get comfortable with a cam buddy, I prefer to expose my face and entire naked body to him/her but we all have to remember that the internet is forever and once our real identity is associated with something, anyone may find it even years from now. That said, let's enjoy the cock pics (and tit and pussy pics) and share our most intimate masturbation experiences.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by DoctorsBro »

Addicted? Hmm, that's an interesting choice of word. Gives me an idea for another interesting topic someday :geek:
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by gruff80 »

I suppose it's safe to say I'm a bit of an exhibitionist. I haven't got a massive penis, but I'm not ashamed of what I've got.

My job pretty much precludes me from posting pictures of my face, but I feel posting a picture of my cock is the next best thing - it's the most unique part of my body after my face, and yet only my wife would be able to identify by it!

So, by posting pictures of my cock, I'm able to present my individuality, whilst retaining a degree of anonymity.

Hope satisfies some of your questions!

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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by fkiss36 »

I don't think it is so much that I want people to see my dick (or that I think of myself as a dick ; )) This is a masturbation site and I am showing myself masturbating.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by Mickyy »

My dick is one of the better looking parts of my body.
Wouldn't be so great to see my face, and the rest of me isn't so great.

Best to remain 'somewhat' anonymous here...
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by jemstone »

I also chose a picture of my cock as my avatar. It is soft because that is the state i usually play with it in, though I do get semis (in late 60s a raging, hard dick is a thing of the past without the blue pill). I got interested in social nudism a few years ago and have been to nudist resorts. The thrill of being nude in a large social setting has been very exciting, and my being drawn to sites like chaturbate for some mutual cam2cam masturbation is in line with my liking to show my cock as much as I like to see others. I am sure there is some deep psychological reason for this, but maybe not; human sexuality has many complexities.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by aretee »

As others have said this is a masturbation site. We are into sharing our experiences and enjoyment--so sharing dicks is part of it.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by loveyanking »

Like so many others here, This is a masturbation forum and I think displaying of cocks goes along with it. I find it very exciting to show my cock and get comments and I enjoy checking out other guys cocks and even watching male masturbation videos and commenting. I like to show my cock when it is super hard and feeling so good and seeing others hard cocks and imagining how great they feel.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by spurtz »

Why not?

Considering the subject matter of this site, dick (and pussy) pictures seem to be very appropriate.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by abaycum »

I think mine is an attractive shape and as a old guy who spent most of his sex life prior to the internet it is an opportunity to make up for the times when showing to strangers was not possible in other ways. It is also a means to reciprocation as I like to see other cocks and also see the played with. I have no hangups about it being on the short side - about 14cms erect.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by oldman »

Isn't that a part of what this site is for? We are here to talk about masturbation, read stories about masturbation, and to,sometimes, mastrubate while doing this. To be able to look at a juicy pussy or a throbing hard dick only adds to the experience.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by eatmycum »

honestly, I never knew that I would like this but the 1st time I c2c and masturbated with a guy, wow, was it such a turn-on. I guess, knowing that I could turn on someone that much and be turned on as well, just was so exciting. In the past, when I masturbated with my friends, we were horny and I chalked it up to boys being horny. Now as older adults, it is not just boys being horny, it is an actual turn on.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by wankaddict58 »

Because the thought that someone is maybe jacking to my pictures, turns me on, that's why I joined.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by formula242 »

I do it primarily because this is a masturbation site and you might as well see what I am masturbating.
If this was a race car site, I'm pretty sure I would post a picture of the car that I was racing.
Yup, that's pretty much the reason.
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Re: Why do you want people to see your dick?

Post by fkiss36 »

I guess I post pics of my dick because I like looking at pics of pussies. I guess I'm hoping that some lady looks at my dick and masturbates like I do looking at pussy.
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