What "tricks" can you do?

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Re: What "tricks" can you do?

Post by effinjeff1965 »

iammmd55 wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:31 pm In my early teens, like the first poster said, i could push my balls back up inside me. I’d push my penis back between my legs press them together and standing in front of my mirror I’d then look to me like I had a girl’s pubis. Which would make me think I was looking at a nude girl (which I’d seen by that age) and I’d get hard and horny and flip down supine on my carpet and quickly masturbate.

I showed this to three friends, the first time just being silly with one when changing in his room after getting out of his pool, when he was, I think, initially trying to explain away his erection, the second a little later when I was 14 spending the night at a friend’s after three of us had gone to the movies and back in his bedroom we were horny and and two of as admitting wanting to masturbate but not sure how to approach doing it there the three of us.

To make a long story short, showing then my trick led to each of them “fucking” me between the tops of my thighs as though I were a girl.
Love that they tried fucking you between your thighs. A few of my buddies and I did similar things. If one of us learned some fact about sex with a girl, we'd run to share it with the others and then we would try to recreate it with each other. We saw it as practice for when we got girlfriends, but it was fun to me just as it was. One of us would be the girl and the "guy" could do what he wanted and the girl had to let him. Then we switched places and the other guy had to be the girl.

We were the blind leading the blind to be sure, but we had fun figuring it all out--even if we got it wrong. But we tried fucking between the thighs as you describe, but we also thought that our butts were the closest things to a pussy that guys had, so we would run our dicks up and down each other's butt cracks and lie on each other and hump, figuring it was more or less what guys did with girls.
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Re: What "tricks" can you do?

Post by effinjeff1965 »

As for tricks, like several of you, I was able to get myself limber enough to lick my own dick. My dick isn't any bigger than average, but when I was 17, I started lying on my bed and throwing my legs over my head against the wall behind me, and I'd walk down the wall and pull my arms through, between my legs and stretch as far as I could, trying to see if I could get my dick close enough to my mouth to suck it or even just to lick it.

I don't remember exactly how long it took, but over time I got closer and closer and more determined than ever. I usually started out with a boner since I was horny, but as I maneuvered on the bed and tried to walk my feet farther down the wall behind the bed, I'd lose my erection. That was frustrating since my dick wasn't at full size when I finally got into position, so I'd jack it, trying to get it hard again so I had a better chance of reaching it with my mouth.

Then one day, I was straining and stretching to get into position on my bed, and I was breathing hard, when I stuck out my tongue and I licked the head of my dick. It felt amazing and sent a thrill through me--mostly because I was successful and finally made contact, but my semi-soft dick went immediately hard, making it even easier to make contact.

I couldn't get the whole head in my mouth, but I got so that I could put my lips on the head and kiss it. Then I would pull the skin up over the head (I'm circumcised), and I could run my tongue around the head of my dick and under the pulled up skin.

I really wanted to get so I could cum from my mouth into my mouth, but the licking around the head wasn't quite enough to finish me off, though I'd stroke and lick and cum. And I usually chickened out at the last moment before shooting directly into my mouth so I'd shut my mouth and blast my face. Ah well.

I got so limber that I found I didn't have to walk down the wall to brace myself to reach my dick. I could sit cross-legged on the bed and lean forward far enough to reach my dick too. That was easier.--and safer--because when I was in position on my bed with my feet against the wall, I couldn't get out of that position too fast. I had to slowly ease myself out of that position. If someone had walked into my bedroom when I was curled up like that, I would have been caught.

I don't remember why I stopped doing it. Maybe it was when I left for college I didn't have the same privacy anymore. But I tried to work at doing it again when I was in my 30s and I couldn't get close at all, and I hurt my back doing it. I wasn't that much heavier or out of shape, but it was clear that sucking my own dick was a young man's game.
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