Why I Love Masturbating So Much

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Why I Love Masturbating So Much

Post by edger47 »

I'm sitting here, completely naked, stroking my amazing rock-hard cock. It's only been five minutes so far, but it already feels amazing and so good. I love spending quality time with my penis like this.

With that, here are the reasons I love masturbating so very much:

I can take as much or as little time as I want to to get myself off, without having to consider the needs of a partner. I know that sounds selfish, but I love being able to control the length of my pleasure, whether it's for only five minutes (when I just have to rub out a quickie) or several hours (which I LOVE to do when I have the time).

I can do it almost whenever the mood strikes me, again without considering the needs of a partner. When my penis tells me it's ready to get some attention, I'm right there with it.

Masturbating is much more satisfying than any sexual experience I've had with anyone. The blowjobs I've gotten over the years simply don't measure up to the pleasurable feelings I get when I masturbate. For each blowjob, I had to stroke myself to completion. My penis seems to respond most favorably to the touch of my hand, which is just fine with me.

My penis is always there for me when I need it. It never talks back or gets in a bad mood. It just exists quietly, and I just know when it's time to give it some attention. And, my penis has never disappointed me. Ever. Sure, there have been times when it's cum much sooner that I would have wanted it to, but I can let that slide. ;) My penis feels like my best friend many days (actually, most days it is). I just love it so much.

It's the safest sex one can possibly have. You definitely can't beat that.

It's a great stress reliever. Much better than a punching bag. ;)

I've been masturbating for many years now, and I can honestly say it feels as good as it ever has, sometimes even better. I hope to be masturbating for many, many more years.

I just felt that after all these years it was time to tell the world (or, at least, other masturbators) how very passionate I am about masturbating, and (I guess because of that) about how very much I love my penis, and the many, many hours of pleasure it has given me over the years,and will no doubt continue to give me.
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Re: Why I Love Masturbating So Much

Post by mrhandy »

I agree with almost everything you say
As I am retired and live in the country, I am nude 99.9% of the time so my dick is always out there and available for stroking.
The part I disagree with is what you say about bj's.
My wife gave me absolutely the best orgasms with hj's and bj's. She could play with my dick for hours, keepjng me on the edge and I had to practically beg her to finish me off.
I do think her knowing how to be so good at it was that she had watched me stroke and suck a dick even before we were married...sort of like I had given her lessons.
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Re: Why I Love Masturbating So Much

Post by eric60red »

Because I cant stop doing it, I love to make myself cum, it makes my body feel so good. The only other sex act that I enjoy is my dick in a warm wet hole, and to feel my self injecting her with my seed :)
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Re: Why I Love Masturbating So Much

Post by handeman »

I have to say that for me, there is no better feeling than to be inside a warm, wet vagina, but I am a very active masturbator for many of the same reasons as edger. I am a real introvert, so there is the whole added dimension of letting my dirty little mind go wherever it pleases without reservation.
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Re: Why I Love Masturbating So Much

Post by mushroomhead »

Its my favorite pasttime. It makes me happy and feels oh so good. Its about the only real exercise I get. Its great cardio. Gets the heart pumping, muscles contracting, all good for you. It keeps my mind busy and if I didnt do it I would just sit there and veg most of the times. Hey, everyone needs a hobby, and researching all the porn on the net while wanking and going out into nature and just letting yourself go, its all good, healthy and fun. What more could you ask for? ;)
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Re: Why I Love Masturbating So Much

Post by penedeconejo »

I do it because I like to play with my dick, it feels great, my dick likes the fact that I play with it, I love the taste of my precum, the longer I play with it the better it feels and orgasms are just such an amazing thing to feel!!!
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Re: Why I Love Masturbating So Much

Post by eatmycum »

love masturbating, the feel of my hard cock is exciting and I love getting to the edge and then backing off, keeping it hard for a very long time. I also like playing with cock slings, ball stretchers and cock rings. They enhance the feeling I get and my enjoyment.
I get on line and read forums in sites like ST, bateworld, and Fetlife where there are countless people with similar loves and great stories and comments. As a result, I found out that receiving comments from others is also a fun turn on that fuels my masturbating.
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Re: Why I Love Masturbating So Much

Post by siferius91 »

Here is why...

When I wrap my hand around my penis I can feel it starting to expand. This is amazing in itself. Then I start moving my loose hand up and down. Every move is like a small lightning or electric punch going through my body. It feels so good. My eyes roll, my breath gets faster, my heart beats crazy,

I usually like to stop just before the finish, cool down a bit and then start over. It can go on for hours. Eventually, when I don't want to hold myself any longer, I speed up my hands movements. I can feel my penis growing even bigger, like it is about to explode. The contractions start at the base and the sperm starts flowing inside - this feeling just before the ejaculation I find most pleasurable.

At this moment the whole disappears and I am skyrocketing. Nothing matters but the pure explosion of pleasure in my penis. And then I see sperm shooting out. Few deep breaths and I am down to earth - happy, but a little nostalgic that it is over. Till the next time... :)

What not to love about it?
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Re: Why I Love Masturbating So Much

Post by mash2014 »

I'm in love with my cock.
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