Male masturbation questionnaire

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Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by goodniteswearer89 »

I seen someone made one for the females so I figured I would do one for the males.


1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

2. How often do you masturbate?

3. How long are your typical sessions?

4. When did you last masturbate?

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

6. Do you have a hand preference?

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by effinjeff1965 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? I was around 10 when I discovered I could give myself an orgasm by lying facedown on my hands and pressing as hard as I could. I didn't know what that feeling was nor that I was masturbating--I just knew it felt good. I was 12 when a buddy tried to explain the concept of jacking off to me. I didn't get the concept or the goal I was aiming at, so the lesson didn't go anywhere, but I later tried playing with it on my own and BAM, and I realized what my friend was talking about and I then knew I'd been doing it for a couple of years, but just achieving the end in a different way. That means I've been doing it for over 40 years.

2. How often do you masturbate? Usually daily, but sometimes it's only every two or three days. Just depends, I guess.

3. How long are your typical sessions? Usually they last a long time. I can go for hours on and off. Sometimes, however, I just want to cum and not drag it out, but usually I take my time and let things build.

4. When did you last masturbate? last night

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? usually in my attic, sitting at my PC. When? can be any time of the day if I have the chance or the inclination.

6. Do you have a hand preference? I'm a lefty.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? fingers

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn? I usually use porn. I usually use a combination of written stories and videos. I throw in hot pics too. Chatting with someone and sharing stories and experiences is also a good one for me. Often I'm doing several of those things at once. I saw my first porn mag (Playboy) when I was 11. I had seen Playboy cartoons before that--maybe when I was 9 or 10. I saw my first porn video at 19. For videos I like amateur stuff. I like straight guys crossing the same-sex line. I also like MFM three-way stuff or wife-swapping. Family fun fantasy stuff can be hot too. For pics, I love vintage photos. There is something about that aesthetic that turns me on even if the photos aren't very graphic or sexual at all.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? precum? I produce a fair amount. It starts pretty quickly when I'm aroused.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum? Not particularly, but I'm not turned off by it either. I never liked the taste all that much, and I don't taste it all that often, but the older I get, the more I like the taste.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? I didn't time it, but I've gone all day before on a lazy weekend day/night. Sometimes I stop for meals and other things here and there, but it's an all-day thing for the most part.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? Probably a week.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? I generally just have one, though I remember one time many years ago when I had an orgasm and then wow, I had another one. That was a one-time thing, however. Now, when i cum, I sometimes want to go again fairly quickly, but I see that as separate things and not as multiple orgasms.

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum? 14. I was a late bloomer. My dad was too, so it runs in the family.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? I have been caught. I have also fantasized about being caught.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Yes.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? Yes, but it was before I understood the concept completely, so we didn't "finish," but that was okay.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? Not often, but I have.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? Not solely from anal stimulation. Anal stimulation while I jacked off has helped me cum faster or more intensely, but not anal stimulation alone.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? I think it was 8 and that was many years ago. More recently I did it 4 times, but that was a horny day. I hadn't hit my limit in that I think I could have gone more times if I had wanted. I was just satisfied with the 4.
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by goodniteswearer89 »

Here is my answers to the questionnaire.

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
I started masturbating when I was around 14. I had heard about it from friends at school and tried it one day after I got home from school. I have been masturbating for 18 years now.

2. How often do you masturbate?
I usually do it once a day since I don’t have much time cause I am so busy. If I have a day alone I will usually do it about 3 or 4 times.

3. How long are your typical sessions?
My typical sessions can go anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on how much alone time I have.

4. When did you last masturbate?
I last masturbated this afternoon after I got home from work before the gf and kids got home.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
I usually do it in the bathroom since that is the only place i can do it in private.
6. Do you have a hand preference?
Right hand.

7. Do you prefer to use your hand or toys?
It depends. Sometimes I like using my hand other times I like to use toys like anal toys or my gfs vibrator.

8. Do you use porn to masturbate and if so what kind and how old when you first saw porn?
Yes I use porn. Either stories on here or videos. I like to read stories on here about 1st time masturbation or incest stories or diaper masturbation or gyno stories. I was around 13 when I looked up my first porno.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? I produce a little pre cum.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum when you masturbate?
Yeah I like the smell of my cum. It reminds me of when I first masturbated and came. The taste is ok.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
My longest masturbation session was a couple hours and it happened a few years ago when I was living with my parents and I was home alone for the night.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
The longest I have probably gone without masturbating is probably a few days maybe a week.
13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?
I use to be able to cum multiple times when I was younger but not anymore.
14. How old were you when you first produced cum?
I was around 14 I was a late bloomer cause I never heard of masturbation till around 14 when I heard friends at school talk about it.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? Yes I have been caught masturbating by my younger brothers. Yes I have fantasized about getting caught by my younger sister and some of my female cousins.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?
Yes I have masturbated with a male. I did it with both of my younger brothers when we were younger.
17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? Yes I have with most of my gfs I have had.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? Yes I do include anal play in masturbation occasionally. I have even bought a butt plug.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? Not from anal stimulation alone but it helps with my orgasms.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? The most I have done it in a day I would have to say maybe 5 or 6 when I was younger. I remember after I had my first orgasm I would do it a lot especially if I was home alone. Now if I’m home alone I do it maybe 3 or 4 times depending on how much alone time I have .
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by torola »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
Started at 11. In my early 30's now.

2. How often do you masturbate?
Usually gotta shoot every day. If I'm really horny I can do it a couple of times.

3. How long are your typical sessions?
Typically like to edge and watch/download porn. Can edge for hours when I have the time. Some days I just need to get off quick and will stroke for 10-15 mins, or if I'm really horny in the morning before work I'll stroke one out quick, then at night before bed have a longer session.

4. When did you last masturbate?

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
Usually always before bed in the evening in my bed. Sometimes change it up, but nothing like stripping down and getting comfortable in bed. I sleep naked, so it's nice to be able to cum then roll over and fall asleep.

6. Do you have a hand preference?
I'm a lefty, but usually stroke with my right hand. I know it's weird, but I'll use one hand for several months then totally switch and use the other one for awhile. Or even sometimes start with one and end with the other.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?
Always preferred skin on skin. Have a dick toy, but very rarely use it. I really prefer my hand and not having to clean out a toy full of my cum and lube.

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?
Almost always. I go through different phases. Usually the kinkier and raunchier the better. Sometimes I like 80's vintage porn, other times it's gotta be really hardcore. Depends on my mood-sometimes I start with one kind of porn and switch to something else. I tend to like a variety. Also love stories on here and like reading real experiences.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?
I am a heavy leaker. I don't have to be hard even to start leaking like crazy.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?
I taste my precum quite often and will sometimes sample my load just out of curiosity. I don't really like the taste of my cum. Others have told me they love it, but not to me. It's always been pretty bleachy. It definitely has that unmistakable smell like nothing else. It's like total man. I don't mind the smell, but I rarely eat more than my precum.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
I can definitely edge it for an entire day- I'll stroke a little and get hard, then stop and do other things sometimes. I tend to like long edging sessions. Going for an hour or two is pretty common. I know I have had 8+ hour sessions, but it wasn't obviously constant stroking the entire time.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
About a week was the longest I went without shooting a load. Got really depressed and had no desire.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?
There are many times I can shoot a load and have a mini orgasm a minute or so before blowing a major load. Usually only happens with a long intense edging session or with a partner. Definitely have to be extremely turned on.

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?
I was about 12, or just shy of 12. I had been masturbating and shooting blanks for about a year. Oddly don't remember the first time I shot a real load of cum.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?
Not an exhibitionist so never fantasized about getting caught, but I will say as a teen when I knew my parents had pulled in the garage or heard them walk in the front door it would give me a rush and make me cum really quickly. I have been caught twice, once by each parent.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?
About every 3 months I get into some ass play. I have a couple anal toys. Sometimes I'll really kinda crave that full feeling in my ass and hitting the prostate. Sometimes it just isn't comfortable and doesn't work out. Other times it's amazing. But in general I don't really like my ass played with.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?
Yes. It can definitely enhance the orgasm and make for an incredible load if it hits the prostate just right.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
If I'm really horny I'll go about 3 times. One session might be longer while the others might be quicker. Sometimes I just need to cum quickly. As a teen, I usually had quick sessions because I didn't have access to porn in the same way or the time alone at home. I think I once went 5 times in one day. By the last shot my dick was sore and I didn't shoot very much.
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by wingonwing »

Thanks for this interesting survey. Brings back wonderful memories and actually provides a bit of perspective for me on my sexuality. I'm taking it because I promised my good friend, K, that I'd do so. She said she, in return, would answer some of the questions in the companion survey for women.

. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? 12, so it's been a long time. Always a happy and enjoyable experience, and I have many sexually charged moments to replay as I beat off.

2. How often do you masturbate? Several times a week if I'm in good working order. Varies.

3. How long are your typical sessions? Varies from around 15 minutes to a couple of hours.

4. When did you last masturbate? Yesterday.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? Depends. Mornings, afternoons, evenings. I enjoy masturbating outside in my gardens or the pool, while sailing, in my home office, front porch (I'm blessed with lots of privacy), lots of places. Once, when a hurricane was approaching, I defied the storm by pointing my stiff dick at it and masturbating then cumming mightily and yelling to the storm, "Take that!"

6. Do you have a hand preference? I'm ambidextrous, mainly left-handed in most things, but I prefer my right hand for masturbation.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? Fingers, I suppose. I like to grip my dick. Haven't found any toys yet that do anything for me.

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn? But of course. I especially like to watch women masturbating in a car or outside in their back yard. To me, they're sexually bold and adventurous like my late wife, Dani, who loved to masturbate outside and in "dangerous" situations. The first "porn" I saw was a gallery of pictures in a clothing catalog of women modeling bras. Not porn at all, of course, but I felt electrified by what I learned later was arousal. Actually, now that I think about it, the first time I ever felt that was while watching the Ed Sullivan Show on a Sunday night. An act featured can-can dancers. The women held up their skirts while dancing around. I felt this lovely surge of something in the pit of my stomach and groin. My little self got turned on. I always blushed easily (girls used to love to make me blush), and I suppose I was purple-faced, and my mom asked me if I was OK.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? Well, I suppose that's relative. I don't know. Enough, I'd say, for masturbation purposes.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum? Not especially although I've tasted my cum out of curiosity. Sort of salty.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? Oh, I'd say a couple of hours, but I could be wrong. How long are the movies "Emanuelle," "9 1/2 weeks" and "Eyes Wide Shut"? But Dani and I could enjoy foreplay all night long or most of a day.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? Perhaps two or three weeks after Dani's death. But I'm a sex-loving Scorpio and it wasn't long before I was masturbating again as often as possible as I recalled the wonderful erotic romps we had shared.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? One, usually, then I'm done for a while, so I edge quite a bit, but I've had at least 4 here while on Chat with Lynn, an amazing ST friend who took me to places I'd never been.

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum? 12, I'd say, since that was when I had my first orgasm, which I didn't understand at all. Had no idea what was happening. I was very concerned that I'd broken something.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? Nope. But one of my ongoing fantasies involves a strange woman jacking me off. I'd love that.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Nope. Can't say that I have. However, my brothers and their friends would do that with each other in our barn when they were in middle school and probably in high school as well. Some girls may have joined them on occasion. They'd get together with porn magazines and have a joint masturbation session. One of them, I was told, had a dick as big and curved as a banana. I was so naive and couldn't imagine that and wasn't curious enough to find out. They would invite me to join them, but I was and am a bit of a loner and had no interest in participating. Group sex with girls and women did interest me, and as I grew older, I fantasized about going to a "sex club" and jumping into the middle of an orgy. Have never done that but would if the opportunity came along. Closest I've come was joining a naturist resort (I'm a naturist, not just a nudist). Absolutely loved being naked with naked people. Still do. No one's judgmental, there's a lot of trust and simple joy in being naked. Erases stress. And there are trails to walk with places where one can stop and masturbate.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? With a female? Oh yes. With my wives. I also had a dear friend before I met my wives who was a fascinating, beautiful stripper. We were just buddies. Met in a grocery store of all places. I helped her reach something that was on a high shelf. Started talking, got a hamburger for lunch. Etc. We found solace and fun in each other's company. We were like brother and sister. Laughed a lot, cried sometimes about wrecked relationships. Took nothing seriously though. We eventually enjoyed masturbating with each other. Lost track of her, sadly. Hope she's OK.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? With Dani. She loved for me to run my tongue around her down there. "Oh my god!" she'd scream. I've never had any interest in such pursuits, but I'm happy for those who do.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? No although Dani did. She actually heard about it from a lusty friend of hers in New York who told her what a rush it was to get fucked in the ass, so Dani wanted me to try it with her. I did, of course, with body-shaking results on Dani's part, but we didn't do it often. Was a bit painful for her unless she'd had plenty of chablis.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? Mmmm ... I'd say 4 on a day off, maybe 5.
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by wonderdick »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? Although I loved wrapping my legs around the smooth fig tree trunk at 7 or 8 and feel the tingling sensations in my crotch, I had my first orgasm when I was 14 or 15. I’ve been masturbating for 42 years.

2. How often do you masturbate? Every day or two. Much more now than I used to. I had a lot of shame and confusion in my early years, and then I thought you were supposed to save yourself for your partner, and now I do it whenever I have the opportunity even though I have wonderful sex with my wife as well.

3. How long are your typical sessions? There’s no typical. As long as I have free time on a day off I’lol edge on and off throughout the day. Sometimes I’ll have a quickie. Most are probably 15 minutes to an hour. I’ll often fondle myself after I get up just to get the motor running, check the equipment. Once I’ve been pumped up once I feel happier and more charged up in general.

4. When did you last masturbate? Two days ago.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? Anytime I have the chance. Easily in bed in the morning (my wife gets up before me) or in the morning before I emerge from my room. Sometimes at night if my wife went to sleep before me and we didn’t have sex.

6. Do you have a hand preference? Left hand stroking my cock, right hand touching my balls or tits ...

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? Fingers. I like the sensations of feeling my dick and body and the sensations resulting from my stroking.

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn? Yes, only where both people are clearly enjoying it. Like a lot of people here I remember browsing the Sears catalog lingerie section and enjoying the bra section. My brother subscribed to Playboy “for the articles and really good interviews” Now I can look at anything I want online, my interest varies from day to day.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? A bead or two of precum after I’m really aroused for awhile

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum? I love it. Usually I slurp it all up, I enjoy the texture in my mouth.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? All day.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? Nowadays a few days, maybe a week if I’ve been really busy dawn to dusk or my wife and I have been having more sex than usual.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? Occasionally I will still feel horny and go again. 3 or 4 orgasms is the most I ever had in a day.

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum? 14 or 15.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? No.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? No.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? With my girlfriend and wife only.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? Yes, often, love it. I love the feeling of being filled up deeply.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? Not solely from anal, but my orgasms with a dildo up my ass are mindblowing.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? 3 or 4 times in one day.
Last edited by wonderdick on Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by hornytom »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? 12 and for 31yrs.

2. How often do you masturbate? Until recently at least once a day.

3. How long are your typical sessions? 15 minutes.

4. When did you last masturbate? This morning.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? Bedroom or bathroom, morning or night.

6. Do you have a hand preference? Right.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? Fingers.

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn? No and I was 14 when I first saw porn.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? Little.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum? No.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? Probably 4 hrs.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? 1 month.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? No.

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum? 12.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? Came close to being caught. No it is not a fantasy of mine.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? No.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? Yes.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? Tried it, it does nothing for me.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? No.

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? 6.
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by rick43 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

About 11. Over 45 years.

2. How often do you masturbate? Few times a week.

3. How long are your typical sessions?

Couple hours.

4. When did you last masturbate?

Two days ago

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

During the late morning or early afternoon. In my bedroom.

6. Do you have a hand preference? Right

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? Fingers

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?

I guess it would be considered soft porn. I like looking at pics/videos of women wrestling with one woman dominating the other. First saw porn one I was about 13 I guess.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

Decent amount.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum? No

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

6 hours

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

Couple months.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

Usually just one

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?

About 11

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

Yes. And it was by the person I was masturbating about.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? No

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

You mean with a female? If so yes.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? No

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? No

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? Four
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by ncollin »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

At the age of 13 and so I have been enthusiastically and pleasurably masturbating for about 40 years now.

2. How often do you masturbate?

Pretty much every day.

3. How long are your typical sessions?

Normally about half an hour or so. Sometimes much longer if I have the opportunity.

4. When did you last masturbate?

This morning in bed before getting up.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

Either in bed or sometimes in my home office while watching porn on my computer.

6. Do you have a hand preference?

Always my right hand.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

My hand.

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?

Yes, mainly female or mutual masturbation.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

Not much!

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?

Yes, I enjoy the smell a bit but I don't really get the point of tasting it.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

A few hours.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

A few days at most.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

Normally only one. Occasionally when I am really turned on I can have two.

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?

Pretty much when I first started masturbating at the age of 13.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

Occasionally by my wife but that doesn't matter because she loves masturbating as well so is totally OK with it.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?


17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

Really often. In the past before getting married I had a female "wank buddy" who loved to masturbate at least as much as I did and we masturbated together really often.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

Very occasionally - it doesn't do much for me.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?


20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?

Probably only about 3 or 4 when I was much younger. Nowadays it is occasionally twice but never more.
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by charlie931 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

2. How often do you masturbate?
Probably 5-6 times a week

3. How long are your typical sessions?
20-30 minutes

4. When did you last masturbate?
This morning

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
No particular time, just whenever I get the house to myself

6. Do you have a hand preference?

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?
Sometimes. Current fave is jerk off instruction porn.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?
Only a little

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?
Honestly, no.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
Not sure, probably several hours

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
About 3 months I think

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?
Not usually

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?
Again, probably 12/13

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?
Many times, more often when I was younger and still living at home or uni.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
Not sure, probably 5-6 times
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by virgil8 »

I am 55, from the UK, a keen nudist with a bi side. Here are my answers:-

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? 13, so 42 years

2. How often do you masturbate? Every day

3. How long are your typical sessions? Up to six hours sometimes

4. When did you last masturbate? I am currently masturbating.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? At home, sometimes in the garden, sometimes at the beach

6. Do you have a hand preference? Right, always

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? I sometimes where a cock ring

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn? Sometimes, but mostly I like masturbate with other nudists, in chat rooms, etc

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? I always use a moisturiser for lubrication

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum? Yes, very much so

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? Maybe 6+ hours

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? A few days

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? No, I prefer to prolong my masturbation sessions

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum? 13

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? I have been caught many times over the years - but now I am no longer embarrassed about being seen / caught

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Yes, and I want to do more of this

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? I have masturbated with females

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? No

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? No

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? 3 or 4 times, if I'm on a nudist camp.

I hope this is helpful.

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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by justpeekin »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? I started when I was 10, so quite a while now!

2. How often do you masturbate? Most days, but I don't always ejaculate.

3. How long are your typical sessions? Anything from a 10 minute quickie to all day, to several days.

4. When did you last masturbate? Last night.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? At my desk or in bed.

6. Do you have a hand preference? No. If I'm using a mouse, I masturbate with my left hand!

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? Fingers (thought this was for guys lol)

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn? Yes. About 10. The girl across the road found her dad's stash of Mayfair and we would sit and read them together.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? If I have been edging, it comes in gallons!

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum? Yes. Precum is better than the finished article.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? In one go, 9 hours. Seriously committed to edging, about 5 days, on and off obviously!

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? Couple of days?

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? Erm, I wish!

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum? 14. Late bloomer!

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? Yes, three times. Mother, sister and buddy from cvollege.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Yes

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? Yes

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? Sometimes

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? Yes, but I was also getting a reach-around, so it might not count!

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? 14. Me and two buddies had a competition to see who could do it the most in one day. I was sore for a week, and I lost!
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by ruthborn »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
Started when I was 9.

2. How often do you masturbate?

3. How long are your typical sessions?
Average an hour or more, usually.

4. When did you last masturbate?
Masturbating now.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
Nowadays, at the computer. But it used to be whever I thought I could get away with it.

6. Do you have a hand preference?
Left when I'm idly playing, right when I want to get serious.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?
Hand, mostly, but I do use toys for experimentation.

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?
I use various stuff, porn, stories, hentai, movies, imagination. Can't remember when I first saw porn but I first saw well illustrated sex ed books at around 8 or 9.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?
My pink meat is usually well glazed in my lubricant by the time I get serious.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?
Yes. Why wouldn't I? Its my essence.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
Majority of the day.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
Two weeks.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?
About 13-14

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? I believe my sisters have seen me playing with myself but didn't make anything of it. Not sure if they realise what they saw.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?
Frotted with my cousin. Does that count? and played with a dormitory room mate. Both during high school.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?
Yes. With my significant other.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?
When I want to play with my prostate, yes. Need toys for that, also.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
6 or 8. It was quite a while ago.
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by phileld »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
— 12 years old, 27 years

2. How often do you masturbate?
— on average 6 times a week

3. How long are your typical sessions?

—45 minutes

4. When did you last masturbate?

—18 hours ago

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
—bed, usually 2 hours before sleep

6. Do you have a hand preference?

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?
— fingers no, have a fleshlight

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?

—most of the time. Like fake incest. Real porn 15. Softcore on movies and such 12

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

—pretty good amount I think

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?

—taste precum and not bad. Don’t notice a smell

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
—3-4 hours I guess

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
— 2 weeks. Due to shoulder surgery. Finally worked arm out of sling enough to give it a tug

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?
—if real into it and been a few days I can usually cum 3 times without getting soft

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?
—probably. Close calls where at the time I figured I was safe, but parent knew what I was doing

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?
—a few times with dad, a few with friends

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?
—sister and a few girlfriends and coworker

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?
—once as a teen, not really my thing

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by siferius91 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? Started and 14 and still doing it 20 years later

2. How often do you masturbate? On average daily

3. How long are your typical sessions? 30 minutus up to 3 hours

4. When did you last masturbate? yesterday

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? at home, in the evenings

6. Do you have a hand preference? right

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? fingers

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn? sometimes. I like videos of sensual blowjobs

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? I use a lube

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? 8 hours

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? 6 months. The saddest period of my life.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? No, not really

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by wheelboy2 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?

Eleven. 62 years.

2. How often do you masturbate?

At least every 2nd days. Many times it's daily.

3. How long are your typical sessions?

5 - 20 minutes

4. When did you last masturbate?

Last night, in bed.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?

At my computer. Maybe 30% of the time - in bed.

6. Do you have a hand preference?

Always the right one

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

100% fingers

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?

Yes porn. Online vids and some stills. How old? Maybe 14.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?

Not much pre-cum. Every drop goes in my mouth.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?

I don't dislike it but I rarely consume it.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

Maybe a week.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

No, just the one.

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?

Probably 13.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

Never been caught (that I know of) and yes, I would like to be.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

Yes, just once when I was 14.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?


18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

Yes but it doesn't do much for me. Someone did it for me once and it was awesome.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?


20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?

Probably twice.
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by topcat »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
I'd guess at about 15, so 30 years

2. How often do you masturbate?
Probably every other day

3. How long are your typical sessions?
1 or 2 minutes, longer if you include reading stories on this site to get me going

4. When did you last masturbate?
Monday morning

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
Mornings, in bed

6. Do you have a hand preference?

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?
Rarely. If I do it's MF - usually topless hand/blow jobs

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?
Very little

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?
Not especially although had tasted it many times

11. How long was your longest masturbation session
Couple of hours, but that was with a partner where we took turns
On my own, probs no more than 20 mins

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?
Couple of weeks - family holidays or periods of stress/sickness

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?
Around 14 or 15

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?
Yes, several times

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male?

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?
Yes, many times

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?
5 or 6 times
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by mash2014 »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating?
I guess I was around 12

2. How often do you masturbate?
If possible everyday

3. How long are your typical sessions?
Some are quickies but some are long due to what I fantasize.

4. When did you last masturbate? Last night

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate?
Bedroom or couch. When? At night.

6. Do you have a hand preference?
Right hand.

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys?
Hands. Used a an electrical tooth brush once. Wow!!

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn?
I’ve watched porn but usually masturbate based on fantasies.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication?
I don’t recall ever using lube other than soap in the shower.

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum?
Yes. I love the taste and the smell of semen.

11. How long was your longest masturbation session?
About 1 hour.

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating?

About 3 weeks.

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have?

After I cum sometimes I’m still turned on but can’t get to cum soon.

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum?


15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught?

Yes, a couple of times by maids I didn’t know they where there.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Yea and I wished it had progressed more.

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female?

No, but there is one I’d like to do with.

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation?

Once but didn’t really work for me.

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation?

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day?

Last edited by mash2014 on Wed Jan 12, 2022 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by goander »

1. What age did you start masturbating and for how many years have you been masturbating? 14. 43 years.

2. How often do you masturbate? Daily +

3. How long are your typical sessions? 20 minutes

4. When did you last masturbate? This morning before work.

5. When and Where do you usually masturbate? Home office.

6. Do you have a hand preference? Right

7. Do you prefer to use your fingers or toys? Sometimes

8. Do you use porn to masturbate with if so what kind and how old were you when you first saw porn? Yes. 17 or 18.

9. Do you produce a little or a lot of lubrication? Allot

10. Do you enjoy the taste or smell of your cum? Yes

11. How long was your longest masturbation session? A whole day

12. What was the longest period of time you went without masturbating? 1 week

13. Do you have multiple orgasms while masturbating? If so, how many do you tend to have? I do when using a prostate massager. Sometimes I loose count.

14. How old were you when you started to produce cum? 14

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? If not, have you ever fantasized about being caught? Yes & Yes

16. Have you ever masturbated with a male? Yes

17. Have you ever masturbated with another female? Yes

18. Do you ever include anal play in your masturbation? Sometimes

19. Have you ever had an orgasm from anal stimulation? Yes!

20. What is the most times you masturbated during a single day? 14
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Re: Male masturbation questionnaire

Post by mash2014 »

1. Started when I was about 12

2. I'm 63 and I've masturbated for 51 years

3. No more than 15 minutes.

4. About an hour ago.

5. Usually I masturbate at night on the couch.

6. Right hand

7. I'm not into porn. Erotica is my game.

9. No lubrication.

10. Yes, I love the smell of my cum. Taste is also good.

11. About 1 hour.

12. I had to put myself on hold for about 1 month.

13. Just one orgasm per session.

14. 12

15. Been caught by house help.

16. Yes, with more than one.

17. No

18. Once used an electric toothbrush.

19. No, but got really turned on after getting a prostate examination.

20. I think 3 times.
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