Saying Hello

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Saying Hello

Post by pilgrim998 »


I joined this forum recently and have made a few posts. Some of the posts and stories really hit the spot for me in terms of my turnons.

I’m 62 and married. My wife and I haven’t had sex for many years and it suits both of us really. I don’t have a high sex drive, even less with the medication I’ve been on for the last few years. My wife is similar. We still have lots of affection and I very much love her, but the physical side has long gone. I consider myself straight, but I’ve had a few sexual encounters with men over the years and I’m still open to that. I’m just not really interested in actual physical experiences these days.

As a guy though, I still occasionally get the urge for some release. It usually builds up over a week or two until it’s difficult to think of anything else. At that point a good wank will release the tension and let me get back to thinking about other things. I view as like a very long term edging, lasting weeks. Since finding this forum I’ve been coming here daily and reading posts and stories. Some of them are extremely hot for me. I’ll feel turned on even if I’m not getting hard. The medications I’m on make getting an erection something of a feat. A feat which requires a good head of steam, so I keep coming back to read more and, eventually, when I have the opportunity and I have the house to myself I’ll get naked and stroke myself until I cum.

I used to use more conventional pornography for these purposes, but I have to say that imagination, promoted by various things I’ve read here give a far more intense orgasm.
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Re: Saying Hello

Post by wanklover »

Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy it. I am even older than you and I have ED problems which require me to take viagra to have any chance of an erection. It seems that out of every 4 occasions that I take them i only manage to cum on 1 of them. It seems to be taking me longer and longer to recover. My wife hasn't had sex with me for over 20 years due to health issues so masturbation has been my only release.
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